God requires man to HUMBLE THEMSELVES

You failed to address the issue

Face it if God was free to create or not create the future of creation was open

Even in your view before God decreed all that was to happen the future was open

You can't escape it

which is why you don't
Neither did you. You proclaim God's omniscience yet the future is open. Your a mess
Category error. Now he is trying to change the topic. Obviously this topic makes you uncomfortable, your Open Theism.
It's not a change of topic at all as Calvinism holds God cannot know what a yet non existent free creature would do

many Calvinists on CARM have so argued who I have previously termed open theist bed-fellows.

James White argues it in his grounding objection and employs such reasonning as an argument for determinism, against a simple foreknowledge view

Truth be told, you are uncomfortable with the fatalism of your view
Neither did you. You proclaim God's omniscience yet the future is open. Your a mess
You still fail to address the issue

if God was free to create or not create the future of creation was open

Even in your view before God decreed all that was to happen the future was open

You can't escape it, which is why you don't address it and run

Omniscience is simply knowing all that can be known not what does not have a truth value to it
It's not a change of topic at all as Calvinism holds God cannot know what a yet non existent free creature would do

many Calvinists on CARM have so argued who I have previously termed open theist bed-fellows.

James White argues it in his grounding objection and employs such reasonning as an argument for determinism, against a simple foreknowledge view

Truth be told, you are uncomfortable with the fatalism of your view
Spot on as he knows since he is still an active poster on CARM lol

So you believe contrary to scripture, God determined all your sin

1 Corinthians 10:13 (KJV 1900) — 13 There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it.

and make God a liar so you can keep your fatalism
Spot on as he knows since he is still an active poster on CARM lol
Ah! Is he?

Then he does know that Calvinist there hold the only way God can know what men will do is because he determines it.

Which btw ill fits how he defines omniscience and actually denies it.
So at some point He does come to know it which means He learns and is not omniscient.
So that is the bee you have in your bonnet then right? You just can't conceive that God can't come to know something. Does that mean you conclude you were forever and ever in all eternity as a thing on the mind of God? Remember....according to you he can't come to know something. And what if the future is NOT a reality that is until it happens? What if it's JUST NOT? So are you going to make light of God because he's NOT in a place that doesn't exist? Say that he's weak? I'd dial that back if I were you.
So that is the bee you have in your bonnet then right? You just can't conceive that God can't come to know something. Does that mean you conclude you were forever and ever in all eternity as a thing on the mind of God? Remember....according to you he can't come to know something. And what if the future is NOT a reality that is until it happens? What if it's JUST NOT? So are you going to make light of God because he's NOT in a place that doesn't exist? Say that he's weak? I'd dial that back if I were you.
So that is the bee you have in your bonnet then right? You just can't conceive that God can't come to know something. Does that mean you conclude you were forever and ever in all eternity as a thing on the mind of God? Remember....according to you he can't come to know something. And what if the future is NOT a reality that is until it happens? What if it's JUST NOT? So are you going to make light of God because he's NOT in a place that doesn't exist? Say that he's weak? I'd dial that back if I were you.
He has to conclude God's decree was eternally necessary. That he himself is a necessary being along with all the other necessary beings who come into the world and as well as creation itself. All is necessary

What we have there is a modal collapse into necessarianism

And God was not free to do anything different
So that is the bee you have in your bonnet then right? You just can't conceive that God can't come to know something. Does that mean you conclude you were forever and ever in all eternity as a thing on the mind of God? Remember....according to you he can't come to know something. And what if the future is NOT a reality that is until it happens? What if it's JUST NOT? So are you going to make light of God because he's NOT in a place that doesn't exist? Say that he's weak? I'd dial that back if I were you.
Explain how a omniscient God comes to know something when when He already knows it? 😵‍💫
So you believe contrary to scripture, God determined all your sin

1 Corinthians 10:13 (KJV 1900) — 13 There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it.

and make God a liar so you can keep your fatalism
It says nothing about determinism is supplied text.

Your Question begging
You still fail to address the issue

if God was free to create or not create the future of creation was open

Even in your view before God decreed all that was to happen the future was open

You can't escape it, which is why you don't address it and run

Omniscience is simply knowing all that can be known not what does not have a truth value to it
And the future can be known. Hod knows all there is to logically know. The future cannot logically be open. You deny God's omniscience and our a Open Theist
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