God requires man to HUMBLE THEMSELVES

What does coumcel mean?
I have no idea what coumcel means and you are dodging

You are in denial

Luke 7:30 (KJV 1900) — 30 But the Pharisees and lawyers rejected the counsel of God against themselves, being not baptized of him.

How much credibility do you expect to have when you deny the obvious
I have no idea what coumcel means and you are dodging

You are in denial

Luke 7:30 (KJV 1900) — 30 But the Pharisees and lawyers rejected the counsel of God against themselves, being not baptized of him.

How much credibility do you expect to have when you deny the obvious
LOL, there ya go folks. That's what we're dealing with. 😂😂 He has no idea what councel means.
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LOL, there ya go folks. That's what we're dealing with. 😂😂 He has no idea what councel means.
Try reading the text. The word is not coumcel or councel

I have no idea what coumcel means and you are dodging

Luke 7:30 (KJV 1900) — 30 But the Pharisees and lawyers rejected the counsel of God against themselves, being not baptized of him.

How much credibility do you expect to have when you deny the obvious

this verse shows the counsel of God was rejected, not followed showing all things are not done according to the counsel of God

So quit your dodging

BTW are you also suggesting all the worlds sin is according to the counsel of God
Try reading the text. The word is not coumcel or councel

I have no idea what coumcel means and you are dodging

Luke 7:30 (KJV 1900) — 30 But the Pharisees and lawyers rejected the counsel of God against themselves, being not baptized of him.

How much credibility do you expect to have when you deny the obvious

this verse shows the counsel of God was rejected, not followed showing all things are not done according to the counsel of God

So quit your dodging

BTW are you also suggesting all the worlds sin is according to the counsel of God
Counsel? What does that mean? LOL

Your arguing about a text that you have no idea what it means. Brilliant

Given that there is no point in continuing.

"I have no idea what councel means" 😂 ALL TIME CLASSIC
Counsel? What does that mean? LOL

Your arguing about a text that you have no idea what it means. Brilliant

Given that there is no point in continuing.

"I have no idea what councel means" 😂 ALL TIME CLASSIC
You really can't read can you

these are the words you used

Try reading the text. The word is not coumcel or councel

I have no idea what coumcel (your non existent word) means and you are dodging

Luke 7:30 (KJV 1900) — 30 But the Pharisees and lawyers rejected the counsel of God against themselves, being not baptized of him.

How much credibility do you expect to have when you deny the obvious

this verse shows the counsel of God was rejected, not followed showing all things are not done according to the counsel of God

So quit your dodging

BTW are you also suggesting all the worlds sin is according to the counsel of God

Readers note he does not answer

Counsel The Greek is boule - plan, purpose
You really can't read can you

these are the words you used

Try reading the text. The word is not coumcel or councel

I have no idea what coumcel (your non existent word) means and you are dodging

Luke 7:30 (KJV 1900) — 30 But the Pharisees and lawyers rejected the counsel of God against themselves, being not baptized of him.

How much credibility do you expect to have when you deny the obvious

this verse shows the counsel of God was rejected, not followed showing all things are not done according to the counsel of God

So quit your dodging

BTW are you also suggesting all the worlds sin is according to the counsel of God

Readers note he does not answer

Counsel The Greek is boule - plan, purpose
There ya go but unfortunately your wrong again.

The Greek word for councel is "parakaleoo' meaning "comfort, console, encourage, urge, appeal and exort."

At least you took the time to educate yourself.
So do you believe you were humble and wise enough to make the right decision and made salvation and eternal life yours ?
I believe I had free will to accept the grace offered

Will you address the verse or will you go on ignoring it

Prov. 3:34 Toward the scorners he is scornful,

but to the humble he gives favor.
What does coumcel mean?
LOL, there ya go folks. That's what we're dealing with. 😂😂 He has no idea what councel means.
Counsel? What does that mean? LOL

Your arguing about a text that you have no idea what it means. Brilliant

Given that there is no point in continuing.

"I have no idea what councel means" 😂 ALL TIME CLASSIC
There ya go but unfortunately your wrong again.

The Greek word for councel is "parakaleoo' meaning "comfort, console, encourage, urge, appeal and exort."

At least you took the time to educate yourself.
Counsel I should say.
Hello brother,

You misspelled the word "counsel" and ridiculed another brother in Christ who was correct the whole time while you were wrong. And then after mocking him one last time you finally corrected yourself and stated "Counsel".

Just an observation.

God Bless
When will you stop ignoring scripture

Prov. 3:34 Toward the scorners he is scornful, but to the humble he gives favor.

What I did, any can do and many have done.
It appears you lifted yourself out of the consequences of sin and death, and enmity against God by nature, servitude to sin, and did something to cause God to save you, congratulations for your freewill.
Hello brother,

You misspelled the word "counsel" and ridiculed another brother in Christ who was correct the whole time while you were wrong. And then after mocking him one last time you finally corrected yourself and stated "Counsel".

Just an observation.

God Bless
Just a mistaken observation. That is how it is spelled on Ephesians 1:11. Not council. Two different words with different meanings.
It appears you lifted yourself out of the consequences of sin and death, and enmity against God by nature, servitude to sin, and did something to cause God to save you, congratulations for your freewill.
When will you stop ignoring scripture

Prov. 3:34 Toward the scorners he is scornful, but to the humble he gives favor.

What I did, any can do and many have done.
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