God requires man to HUMBLE THEMSELVES

Right, so your god learns as He goes. In fact, there could be unknown unsettled facts that would prevent Him from saving you.

It absolutely is just that. There are future facts that He does not know or is unaware of.

Open Theism
Sorry again you are assuming all the future is settled and therefore a fact which can be known with certainty

You are begging the question

if the future is unsettled there is no fact to be known except the possibilities
Neither does His essence. His mind is part of who He is.

Study the attributes of God
The readers can all see where your clan all bailed out with nothing but ad homs and dodging my questions about Gods innate attributes . Many members here were familiar with that thread/ debate. It exposed PSA as a lie with the nature / character of God as Triune.

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I demonstrated how He is not a liar. Besides maybe in your unsettled future He might have to lie.
No you did not at all

If it is true he cannot change his mind, and he knows it, then saying he will change his mind is a lie

To claim otherwise is disingenuous
Exactly. No omniscience. Your God learns
Un Calvinists routinely hold God cannot not know what a free creature would do. The only reason he knows the future is because he determines it.

So the real issue here is, has God fatalistically determined all things.

BTW Was God free to create or not create?
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Un Calvinists routinely hold God cannot not know what a free creature would do. The only reason he knows the future is because he determines it.

So the real issue here is, has God fatalistically determined all things.

BTW Was God free to create or not create?
Yes He doesn’t know the future since it’s all fatalistically determined. Man is nothing but a preprogrammed robot. Even MacArthur said it lol.

In determinism both god and man gave no freedom. It’s crazy. God as a relational Being is a facade , God is love is a facade
Un Calvinists routinely hold God cannot not know what a free creature would do. The only reason he knows the future is because he determines it.

So the real issue here is, has God fatalistically determined all things.

BTW Was God free to create or not create?
Determinism and fatalism are nit synonymous terms. Speaking of conflating.
No you did not at all

If it is true he cannot change his mind, and he knows it, then saying he will change his mind is a lie

To claim otherwise is disingenuous
Np it's not. God is omniscient. To suggest a change if mind is to deny His omniscience.
The readers can all see where your clan all bailed out with nothing but ad homs and dodging my questions about Gods innate attributes . Many members here were familiar with that thread/ debate. It exposed PSA as a lie with the nature / character of God as Triune.

The mind is part of the character and essence of the divine being. It cannot changr.
Sorry again you are assuming all the future is settled and therefore a fact which can be known with certainty

You are begging the question

if the future is unsettled there is no fact to be known except the possibilities
If God is omniscient it's settled.

Then the future is not known and you deny God's omniscience.

Open Theism
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