Doug Brents
Well-known member
The baptism of the Holy Spirit does not happen except during water baptism (Rom 6:1-4, Col 2:11-14).Correct - the baptism with the Holy Spirit.
Saul's conversion was some three years after Pentecost. Not really the "same period of time".A Jew of that time period.
The thing is, you cannot stop there. All Scripture is authored by the same person: God. Therefore, no part of Scripture is any more valid, or perfect, or complete than any other. What that means is that it is vital to consider EVERY other passage of Scripture that deals with this subject before working up our doctrine.Stop there and go ahead and prove that "water" must refer to water baptism.
I've mentioned this to you before, but not surprisingly you dodged it.
1 Pet 3:21 says that it is in water baptism that we are saved.
Col 2:11-14 says that the Holy Spirit does the circumcising of our sins from us (salvation) during baptism. This has to be the same baptism that saves us in 1 Pet 3.
Rom 6:1-4 says that it is during baptism that we are united with Christ in His death and resurrection. Again, this has to be the same baptism that saves us in 1 Pet 3 and Col 2.
Mark 16:16 and Matt 28:19 instruct disciples to make more disciples by teaching them and baptizing them. These are actions the disciples are instructed to do. Man cannot constrain the Holy Spirit to take action, so this is not a command for us to have the Holy Spirit baptize the new disciple, but for the teacher to water baptize the new believer.
John 3:5 is also depicting the same construct. A person is born again into Christ through baptism (an act performed by one person on another) in water.
Acts 8:36 depicts Phillip teaching the Eunuch about salvation in Christ. And in his instruction there must have been the instruction to be baptized in water for salvation, because it is the Eunuch who brings it up as they are passing some water.
Acts 22:16 shows that Saul was required to get up and get baptized. If this were Spirit baptism, then the Spirit could reach him right there where he sat. But that is not what is recorded. The Spirit met Saul when he obeyed, and was baptized in water.
If Cornelius was saved when the Spirit fell on him and his family in power, then they would not have needed water immediately afterward. But that is exactly what Peter commanded. It is during water baptism that, as Acts 2:38 states, our sins are forgiven and the Holy Spirit enters into us to dwell in our hearts.