Don’t dishonor Christ in your conduct.

the point with that is that this body is Flesh...
and came about the way it is now because of the fall

flesh obeys the law of sin and death.

Go look in genesis as to God's warning about entering Death, and do a comparison....
that it will mean toil, sweat!, pain in childbirth, mortality, etc. These are all features of the current flesh
and not of the Creation that He declared Good.

this body, besides being sin and flesh
shares much of its genome with the apes.
it is an Animal body...

so man, instead of dominion over the animals
is now in an animal body
thanks to Adams crime....

and that is our sin situation...
that we are not in eden which He declared Good,
and we are not in our original body created by God..
and that we are born into that fallen situation, physically
not just mentally as in 'idea of sin.'

Not sure I agree with the ape DNA part but thank you for explaining this to me.
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