Managing Your Emotions

God Restores the Soul

The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.
He makes me to lie down in green pastures;
He leads me beside the still waters.
He restores my soul; He leads me in the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake.
Psalm 23:1–3 NKJV

Today’s scripture reminds us that the Lord is our shepherd. This means He watches over us and leads us to where we should go. Because He cares for us as a shepherd cares for his sheep, He provides everything we need. This doesn’t mean we get to have every single thing we want or that we don’t lack anything we desire. It means that all our needs are met. We lack nothing we truly need.

The Lord, as our shepherd, makes us “lie down in green pastures” and leads us “beside the still waters.” This is the place where we can finally stop running from the pain of the past and decide to face it—to receive the emotional healing and spiritual and emotional rest God offers us.

God is not only a shepherd and a healer; He’s also a restorer. He promises to restore our souls. The soul is comprised of the mind, the will, and the emotions. He will heal and restore all that is wounded, sick, or broken in our souls if we ask for His help and cooperate with His healing process in our lives. When we spend time with God in His Word and in His presence, we learn that He offers us a new life, one filled with wholeness.

When the soul is healthy and restored, we experience joy and peace, and everything in life goes better for us. Please be encouraged that you will be restored if you invite God into the wounded places in your soul.

Prayer: Thank You, God, for being my shepherd, my healer, and my restorer. In You, I have everything I need. Restore my soul today, I pray.

Joyce Meyer, Managing Your Emotions
Hello @Julie,

I believe that the soul comprises the whole (living) person, (i.e., body, soul and spirit).

Thank you
In Christ Jesus
You have it right!

The Bible tells us in 1 Thessalonians 5:23 that we were all created with three parts—a spirit, a soul, and a body:

“And the God of peace Himself sanctify you wholly, and may your spirit and soul and body be preserved complete, without blame, at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.”

1 Thessalonians 5:23 tells us, “The God of peace Himself sanctify you wholly.” He sanctifies us by spreading into and saturating our whole being, starting from our spirit, continuing into our soul, and eventually including our body. By being wholly filled with God in every part of our being, God can be expressed through us.
Take Care of Yourself

Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well.
3 John 2

Sometimes we experience hardships, such as the loss of a loved one or betrayal of a close friend, that impact our life in devastating ways. I’ve discovered from my own experiences that when you are going through a prolonged season of deep painful emotions, especially grief, it is important to realize that you may need to do some things differently to manage the stress and intensity of your feelings. Taking care of yourself and your own needs will help you get through the situation in a healthy way.

Taking care of yourself means different things to different people. For some it may mean taking a few days of paid time off to take a break from a toxic work environment or scheduling a massage or manicure on a regular basis for a while. For others it may mean preparing healthy meals, exercising frequently, and getting enough sleep at night. Introverts may want to spend time reading a book, while extroverts may want to eat lunch with friends or go to a social event. It doesn’t matter what the people around you do to take care of themselves. You do what you need to do to take care of yourself.

Sometimes people feel guilty about taking care of themselves and making sure their needs are met. There is no reason to feel this way. Think of it as doing yourself a favor. Taking care of yourself will not only bless and help you; it will be a blessing to the people who care about you. Because if you don’t take care of yourself, you won’t be able to take care of anyone else. Always remember during difficult times that good times are on their way.

Prayer: Lord, help me remember and find creative ways to take care of myself during times of stress and intense emotion.

Joyce Meyer, Managing Your Emotions
Everything You Need

One thing I ask from the Lord, this only do I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to gaze on the beauty of the Lord and to seek him in his temple.
Psalm 27:4

Often, our emotions are upset because we want something and do not have it. When we can’t seem to get what we want, we can become frustrated, angry, sad, confused, fearful, and envious of those who do have it.

Let me ask you today, if you could ask for only one thing, what would it be? In today’s scripture, David’s “one thing” is God’s presence. More than anything else, David wanted to know God as He really is and to be with Him. When we sense His presence, all other desires fall into their proper place. In His presence we find perfect peace and “fullness of joy” (Psalm 16:11 AMP). Our emotions are stable, happy, and at rest when we are in God’s presence.

Unfortunately, we can get so distracted with the rush and pressure of the details of our lives that we neglect the most important thing—spending time in God’s presence—and instead chase things that are ultimately not important. How foolish we are to spend our lives seeking things that can’t satisfy while we ignore God, the “One Thing” who can give us great joy, peace, satisfaction, and contentment. We never know the joy of seeking the One we really need. An old saying attributed to Blaise Pascal basically says that in every person’s heart is a God-shaped vacuum or hole that God alone can fill. No matter what else we try to fill it with, we will remain empty and frustrated.

If you find your emotions on edge today because you want something you don’t have, take time to be in God’s presence. When you do, you’ll find everything you truly need.

Prayer: Lord, I repent for seeking things that don’t really matter. Help me to find everything I need as I spend time in Your presence.

Joyce Meyer, Managing Your Emotions
Tell Your Emotions to Be Patient

He took him outside and said, “Look up at the sky and count the stars—if indeed you can count them.” Then he said to him, “So shall your offspring be.” Genesis 15:5

God promised Abram (later Abraham) a son. Not only that, but He promised him descendants so numerous that they would be like the stars in the sky. The problem was that Abram and his wife, Sarai (later Sarah), were way too old to have natural children. As advanced in years as they were, we might think God’s promise needed to come to pass quickly. But it didn’t. Abram and Sarai had to wait twenty-five years for His promise to manifest in their lives.

We often have to wait for certain things God has promised to come to pass, just as Abram and Sarai did. Sometimes He may need to teach us or prepare us for the blessings He wants to release in our lives. Or it could be that we need additional spiritual growth, greater emotional stability, or a new mindset before we can handle them properly. While we wait, we may be tempted to feel impatient. We may doubt or feel frustrated because nothing seems to be happening.

During these seasons of waiting for God’s promises to be fulfilled, we need to tell our emotions to calm down and wait patiently for Him to act on our behalf. Our emotions can help us wait peacefully, with joy and expectation, or they can keep us anxious and impatient.
God is always working for our good, even when we don’t see it. We need to trust His timing and wisdom, knowing He will fulfill His promises at the time that is best for us.

Prayer: Thank You, God, for the promises You’ve made to me. I trust You to fulfill them when the time is right. Help me to wait patiently and not let my emotions lead me into frustration.

Joyce Meyer, Managing Your Emotions
Control What’s under Your Control

Love bears all things [regardless of what comes], believes all things [looking for the best in each one], hopes all things [remaining steadfast during difficult times], endures all things [without weakening].
1 Corinthians 13:7 AMP

When I think about what stirs up our emotions, the hurtful things people do to us is at the top of the list, perhaps more frequently than anything else. Since we cannot control what others do, we need to look for ways to quiet our emotions when people upset us. The amplification of today’s scripture teaches us to look for the best in things, and I believe this applies to people as well as situations.

Our natural thoughts and emotions, without the influence of the Holy Spirit, can be negative. Romans 8:5 teaches us that we can either set our minds on what the flesh (human nature without God) desires or on what the Holy Spirit desires. If we set our minds on the flesh, we will be filled with negative feelings and attitudes. But if we set our minds on the Spirit, we will be filled with life and peace in our souls, which includes calm emotions. I encourage you to choose what creates peace, because a life of emotional turmoil makes us miserable.

I realized years ago that most of my emotional turmoil came from people problems. I knew from experience that I could not control people and what they decided to do, so I began to pray about what I could do to keep their words and actions from upsetting me. In answer to my prayers, and through studying God’s Word, I started obeying 1 Corinthians 13:7 by choosing to believe the best of everything and everyone.

Prayer: Help me, Lord, to control what I can control—my thoughts and emotions—while trusting You to handle what I can’t control.

Joyce Meyer, Managing Your Emotions
Don’t Let Fear Push You Around

For I am the Lord your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you.
Isaiah 41:13

Fear is everywhere, and everyone has to face it at some point. It’s afflicted humanity since the beginning of time, and it will be an emotion people deal with for as long as they live. Although fear will never totally disappear from our lives, we can manage it as we choose to face it and resist it with God’s help.

We would be surprised if we realized how often our reactions to people and situations are based on fear. We respond out of fear much more than we think. In fact, some people spend their entire lives allowing fear to dictate their decisions and reactions to circumstances. This keeps them from being who they truly want to be and causes them to feel dissatisfied and unfulfilled.

If you are one of these people, let me encourage you to acknowledge your fear, because it is a real emotion, but also to move forward in spite of it. Courageous people do what they believe in their hearts they should do, no matter how they feel or what kinds of doubts and fearful thoughts fill their minds.

Fear will try to stop you from doing what God has called you to do and what you’d like to do. Don’t allow fear to prevent you from living your life to the fullest or to push you around while you simply put up with it. Decide today—with God’s help—that you’ll face fear head-on, overcome it, and do everything you can to live the life He has planned for you, free from fear.

Prayer: Lord, when I feel fear, help me choose not to let it dictate my decisions or stop me from living the good life You want me to live.

Joyce Meyer, Managing Your Emotions
Blessings Instead of Judgment

Do not judge, or you too will be judged.
Matthew 7:1

Sometimes when we feel insecure, rejected by others, or inferior to them, we struggle to simply admit we feel left out, ignored, or somehow less than the people around us. Instead, we become critical or judgmental toward them. But this is not the way God wants us to handle our emotions or to treat people.

We should choose to focus on God’s love for us and to remember that He accepts us unconditionally (Ephesians 1:4–6). He calls us “the apple of His eye” (Deuteronomy 32:10) and says we are inscribed on the palm of His hand (Isaiah 49:16). The more secure we are in His love, the less we will feel critical or negative toward others. The greater our understanding of God’s love for us, which we could never deserve, the more we realize that God loves everyone the same. He doesn’t have favorites (Romans 2:11). If He loves people, we can choose to love them too and not judge them, with His help.

Notice in today’s scripture that Jesus not only tells us not to judge people but also explains why we should refrain from doing so. It’s for our own good. We aren’t to judge others so we won’t be judged. We do reap what we sow (Galatians 6:7), and if we sow criticism and judgment, we’ll find people criticizing and judging us. But if we sow love and blessing into other people, we’ll experience love and blessing too.

Next time you are tempted to criticize or judge someone for any reason, resist. Instead, choose to love and bless them.

Prayer: Lord, when I feel rejected or inferior to others, help me not to judge or criticize. Help me to love and bless everyone around me.

Joyce Meyer, Managing Your Emotions
How to Love Your Life

So I hated life, because the work that is done under the sun was grievous to me. All of it is meaningless, a chasing after the wind. I hated all the things I had toiled for under the sun, because I must leave them to the one who comes after me.
Ecclesiastes 2:17–18

Solomon, the writer of today’s scripture passage, was so stressed out that he hated his life and ended up unfulfilled and bitter. These are not emotions anyone would choose.

So what’s the secret to happiness and fulfillment in life? I believe it’s making sure we obey God’s will and give ourselves to what He has called us to do. This is not always easy. We sometimes struggle and grow weary along the way.

Let me encourage you today to think seriously about how you spend your time. As God leads you, cut activities and commitments out of your life until you no longer go through every day at a frantic pace and end up feeling stressed.

First, realize that you can’t do everything. Then decide with God’s help what you can do. This will make you more effective at what you’re supposed to do and greatly increase the peace in your life. Peace equals power; without it, you’ll stay frustrated and weak.

As you evaluate how you’re spending your time, use this simple rule: If you have peace about it, keep doing it. If you don’t have peace about it, stop. Feeling resentful or hearing yourself complain about it frequently indicates the need to make an adjustment.

God doesn’t want you to end up like Solomon, hating your life and being bitter. His great desire is for you to love your life, enjoy being in His will, and be satisfied and at peace as you fulfill His purpose for you.

Prayer: God, I believe You want me to enjoy my life. Help me make the decisions that will bring peace and fulfillment to me each day.

Joyce Meyer, Managing Your Emotions:
Meditating Helps Manage Emotions

Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it.
Then you will be prosperous and successful.
Joshua 1:8

One of the best ways to manage our emotions is to meditate on God’s Word and let it help us with the way we feel. I love that God frequently tells us to meditate on—to ponder seriously—His Word, as though we are chewing on it in our minds like we chew our food in our mouths.

Recently when I meditated on several passages in the Bible, I realized that the Word has hidden treasures in it—powerful, life-giving secrets that God wants to reveal to us. They are there for those who meditate on, ponder, and contemplate His Word.

If we want a deep relationship with our heavenly Father, we find it by spending time with Him and in His Word on a regular, daily basis. This brings us an awareness of His presence in our lives and enables us to sense how His Holy Spirit wants us to live.

As we focus on God’s Word, we will push away all desire to sin or to displease God in any way. We gain strength to deal with our emotions in healthy, godly ways. We learn to deal with anger and jealousy through forgiveness. We find courage to face our fears. We receive the comfort God offers us during seasons of sadness or loss. We can use God’s Word to praise Him when we win the battles we face in life, and to express our joy and thanksgiving for all God does for us and for who He is.

Prayer: Lord, help me discipline myself to meditate on Your Word and allow it to help me manage my emotions.

Joyce Meyer, Managing Your Emotions
Don’t Let Your Emotions Lead You Astray

The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?
Jeremiah 17:9

Today’s scripture teaches us that our hearts are “deceitful above all things.” Deception can occur when we believe something is not true even though it is, or when we believe something is true when it is not. We can easily fall into the enemy’s trap of self-deception. The self always helps itself get whatever it wants. When we have a strong desire for something and our emotions are excited about it, we can easily deceive ourselves by telling ourselves whatever we want to hear. If my will wants something, my mind will give me a variety of reasons I should have it, and my emotions will certainly line up with what my will wants.

We must learn to live deeper than the shallowness of our own minds, wills, and emotions. Deeper living means we go beyond what we want, what we think, and how we feel and live by the Word of God. We must seek and humbly obey God’s Word and His will, because that’s where we find true blessings.

I encourage you to spend time regularly waiting in God’s presence, asking Him to reveal any area of your life in which you may be deceived. Put your trust in God and in His Word, and follow the leading of His Spirit. Don’t trust your own thoughts, desires, and emotions too much. Ask God for what you want, but be willing to change if you discover that it’s not His will for you. He always does what is best for us. To avoid being deceived, we should be diligent to stay close to Him and His Word.

Prayer: Lord, help me to realize that my feelings can deceive me. Help me avoid deception and to trust Your Word and Your Spirit to lead me instead of my emotions.

Joyce Meyer, Managing Your Emotions
It’s Okay to Be Angry—Just Don’t Sin

“In your anger do not sin”: Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry.
Ephesians 4:26

No one will ever reach a point in life where they don’t experience a wide variety of feelings. One of those is anger. Being angry causes many people to feel guilt and condemnation because they have the false idea that Christians should not be angry but be peaceful all the time.

Yet the Bible doesn’t teach that we are never to feel anger. It teaches that when we do get angry, we are not to sin. Rather, we are to manage or control our anger properly.

God gave me a revelation about this verse one time when I had been angry at my husband, Dave, as I was about to leave home to go preach. Guilt and condemnation whispered to me, How can you go out and preach to others after getting so angry this morning?

Of course, I was still angry, so even that question bothered me. But God caused me to understand that anger is just an emotion. Like all emotions, God gave it to us for a reason. Without the capacity to become angry, we would never know when someone mistreats us. We feel appropriate indignation when others suffer injustice. Without anger, we wouldn’t be moved to act or take a stand against wrongdoing and evil.

Anger, like pain, is there to warn us that something is wrong. This motivates us to try to make it right or improve the situation.
As with all emotions, Satan tries to use and abuse our anger and lead us into sin. But we have the power to resist him.

Prayer: Help me, God, when I feel angry, to handle it in a positive way so I will not sin.

Joyce Meyer, Managing Your Emotions
Feel Good about Yourself

I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
Psalm 139:14

How do you feel about yourself? Would you say you have a healthy self-image, appreciate your strengths, and love yourself, respect yourself, and think highly of yourself in an appropriate way? Or do you have low self-esteem, think too much about your weaknesses, devalue yourself in your mind or with your words, and struggle with self-acceptance? Many people focus too much on their weaknesses and allow them to negatively influence their self-image.

We all have weaknesses, but God says His “power is made perfect in weakness” (2 Corinthians 12:9). In other words, our weaknesses give God an opportunity to reveal Himself and work through us. For Him to flow through us, we must come face-to-face with our weaknesses and determine not to let them bother us. We need to love and accept ourselves unconditionally—weaknesses, shortcomings, faults, and all—because God loves and accepts us unconditionally.

I encourage you, when you feel unloved or unaccepted, to remind yourself that feelings are fickle. Remember that God has created you in a unique way, as a specially crafted person who is “fearfully and wonderfully made.” He loves and accepts you fully and has a wonderful plan for your life. Your weaknesses and imperfections will not stop Him from fulfilling His purpose for you or from working through you to bless others. Tell yourself that God loves you and that you will not allow your weaknesses to hinder you from following Him wholeheartedly. Soon you will have a whole new level of confidence and strength.

Prayer: Father, thank You for the unique way You’ve made me, with all my strengths and weaknesses. Help me to love myself as You love me.

Joyce Meyer, Managing Your Emotions
DAY 24 Nobody’s Perfect

He did not need any testimony about mankind, for he knew what was in each person.
John 2:25

When Jesus’ disciples disappointed Him, He was not devastated, because He already knew and fully understood human nature, as today’s scripture teaches us. A major reason people get upset and disappointed in relationships is that they have unrealistic expectations of others. We should expect the best from people, but at the same time we should remember that they are human beings with imperfections, just as we are.
People tend to want perfection in others. They want the perfect spouse, perfect friend, perfect family, perfect neighbors, perfect coworkers, perfect pastor, and so on.

But perfect people don’t exist. Only Jesus is perfect. As long as we live in earthly bodies, we will manifest imperfection. God knows this, so His Word teaches us how to handle people who irritate or disappoint us. Among other things, we are to be loving (John 13:34), forgiving (Luke 17:1–4), and kind (Ephesians 4:32), and we should bear patiently with people (Colossians 3:13).

People are not perfect, and expecting them to be without fault only leads to frustration. Instead, we need to have realistic expectations of others and set our minds to be patient and merciful toward them with God’s help, as we would want them to be toward us.

It is important to expect good things to happen in your life while also knowing that no person and no situation is perfect. When we find ourselves growing frustrated with people, we should realize that our attitude in these trying situations greatly hinders our enjoyment of life. We can be realistic and still have a positive attitude as we deal with our own imperfections and those of the people around us.

Prayer: Holy Spirit, help me not to set unrealistic expectations only to be disappointed. Help me to be realistic while also staying positive about myself and those around me.

Joyce Meyer, Managing Your Emotions
DAY 25 Trusting God When Emotions Are Intense

How long, Lord? Will you forget me forever? How long will you hide your face from me? How long must I wrestle with my thoughts and day after day have sorrow in my heart? How long will my enemy triumph over me? Look on me and answer, Lord my God. Give light to my eyes, or I will sleep in death, and my enemy will say, “I have overcome him,” and my foes will rejoice when I fall. But I trust in your unfailing love; my heart rejoices in your salvation. I will sing the Lord’s praise, for he has been good to me.
Psalm 13:1–6

If we paraphrased today’s scripture passage in contemporary language, it might sound something like this: “God, I’m hurting so bad. I’m desperate for You. Have You forgotten me? How long will You wait before You do something for me? How much longer will my enemies seem to win? Look at what I’m going through. Help me, so my enemies won’t overcome me and rejoice in my suffering. God, I trust in Your love, which never fails. I will rejoice and have a good attitude because of Your salvation and Your promises of love and mercy. I praise You, Lord, because You’ve been good to me. You are good all the time—even when I’m discouraged. I trust You and praise You in the midst of my troubles.”

This psalm describes the principle we’re focusing on in this devotional. We’re learning that we don’t have to deny that our emotions exist. They can be intense, but we don’t have to let them control us. We can feel our feelings, but we don’t have to follow them. We can’t always change the way we feel, but we can choose what we do in every situation.

Prayer: Help me, Lord, to pay attention to the way I feel and to make good choices as I deal with my emotions.

Joyce Meyer, Managing Your Emotions
DAY 26 Get Excited about God

And all the women who had ability and whose hearts stirred them up in wisdom spun the goats’ hair.
Exodus 35:26

When people think about managing their emotions, they often think of dealing with anger, fear, or other negative feelings. But we can also manage our positive emotions, such as joy and enthusiasm. We can be excited about God and what He calls us to do.

In today’s scripture, we read that the women who spun goats’ hair were “stirred up,” which describes their excitement. What were they stirred up about? Building the tabernacle, a portable sanctuary where the Israelites could worship God during their journey through the wilderness (Exodus 35).

Nothing on earth is worth getting excited about like God is. And there’s nothing better in which to invest our enthusiasm and energy than the assignments He gives us.

Paul encourages us in Romans 12:11: “Never lag in zeal and in earnest endeavor; be aglow and burning with the Spirit, serving the Lord”.

A person doesn’t have to be in full-time ministry to serve the Lord. You can serve Him as you love your family, as you’re kind to people in the grocery store, or as you do your job with excellence and integrity. However and wherever you serve Him, be sure to do it joyfully.

If you find yourself lagging in zeal or enthusiasm, take time to stir yourself up by spending time in God’s presence and thinking about how wonderful He is. Enthusiasm is contagious, so talk to a fellow believer—someone who is excited about God and serving Him with gladness—and let their joy influence you. God is awesome, and He is worth getting excited about!

Prayer: Thank You, God, for being so awesome. Help me stay joyful and enthusiastic about You and about what You’ve called me to do.

Joyce Meyer, Managing Your Emotions
DAY 27 Shake It Off

And if any place will not welcome you or listen to you, leave that place and shake the dust off your feet as a testimony against them.
Mark 6:11

Feeling rejected or unwanted is difficult and painful, but it happens to all of us at times. As part of the human race, we have to realize that not everyone will always like us or accept us. When others reject us, we have a choice to make: We can let it hurt our feelings, make us feel bad about ourselves, and wallow in it, or we can shake it off and not allow it to bother us.

Today’s scripture is an instruction Jesus gave His disciples when He sent them to preach and minister in various towns. Knowing they wouldn’t be welcome everywhere, He prepared them in advance to deal with the rejection they’d face. In today’s language, He’d say to “shake it off!” He didn’t want them to let rejection upset them but to forget about it and keep moving forward.

Jesus’ advice to His disciples years ago is exactly what we need to follow today. When people reject us, ignore us, exclude us, aren’t pleased with us, don’t like us, or don’t accept us, we can shake it off and keep moving forward. We can do this because we are secure in God’s total and unconditional love and acceptance.

When an insect lands on your arm, you simply shake it off. You don’t keep thinking about it for hours, weeks, or years. But rejection can be so painful that we feel it for a very long time. Don’t let that happen to you. Next time someone rejects you, shake it off!

Prayer: When I feel rejected, Lord, help me shake it off, remembering that You love me and accept me unconditionally.

Joyce Meyer, Managing Your Emotions
DAY 12
God Restores the Soul

The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.
He makes me to lie down in green pastures;
He leads me beside the still waters.
He restores my soul; He leads me in the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake.
Psalm 23:1–3 NKJV

Today’s scripture reminds us that the Lord is our shepherd. This means He watches over us and leads us to where we should go. Because He cares for us as a shepherd cares for his sheep, He provides everything we need. This doesn’t mean we get to have every single thing we want or that we don’t lack anything we desire. It means that all our needs are met. We lack nothing we truly need.

The Lord, as our shepherd, makes us “lie down in green pastures” and leads us “beside the still waters.” This is the place where we can finally stop running from the pain of the past and decide to face it—to receive the emotional healing and spiritual and emotional rest God offers us.

God is not only a shepherd and a healer; He’s also a restorer. He promises to restore our souls. The soul is comprised of the mind, the will, and the emotions. He will heal and restore all that is wounded, sick, or broken in our souls if we ask for His help and cooperate with His healing process in our lives. When we spend time with God in His Word and in His presence, we learn that He offers us a new life, one filled with wholeness. When the soul is healthy and restored, we experience joy and peace, and everything in life goes better for us. Please be encouraged that you will be restored if you invite God into the wounded places in your soul.

Prayer: Thank You, God, for being my shepherd, my healer, and my restorer. In You, I have everything I need. Restore my soul today, I pray.

Joyce Meyer, Managing Your Emotions
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