The "Lord" in 1 Corinthians 8:6 refers to the same "Lord" (=YHWH) in 1 Corinthians 10:26 (cf. Psalm 24:1).
So you were laser-focused on the final phase of 1 Cor 8: 6 and made you stand and decision that the Lord (Jesus) is now YHWH. Really?! Narrow-focused indeed. It means nothing of the sort if you bothered to read in context and the entire verse once again.
What this verse 6 is actually saying is that all things came from God, Father THROUGH Jesus. It places Jesus in a lower or subordinate role to God. Further, this verse also speaks to the fact that Jesus is not Co-equal with the Father.
The context is the key to understanding what the phrase “all things came through him” means. There is no mention in either the immediate or the remote context about the creation of all things in the beginning. Therefore it would be unusual for this verse to mention God’s original creation of Genesis 1:1, which it is not. Rather, it is speaking of the Church. God provided all things for the Church via Jesus Christ. The whole of 1 Corinthians is taken up with Church issues, and Paul starts 8:6 with “for us,”
for Christians. The very next two verses speak about the fact that, for the Church, there are no laws against eating food sacrificed to idols. Verse 8 says, “But food does not bring us near to God; we are no worse if we do not eat, and no better if we do.”
This revelation was new for the Church. The Old Testament believers did not have this freedom. They had dozens of food laws. The verse is powerful indeed, and states clearly that
Christians have one God who is the ultimate source of all things, and
one Lord, Jesus Christ, who is the way by which God provided all things to the Church.
This verse, when properly understood, is actually strong evidence that Jesus Christ is not God. Polytheism was rampant in Corinth, and Scripture is clear that “there is no God but one” (1 Cor. 8:4). Then the text continues with the statements that although there may be many gods and lords, for Christians there is but
one God, the Father, and one Lord, Jesus Christ. If the doctrine of the Trinity is correct, then this text can only be construed as
confusing. Here was the perfect opportunity to say, “for us there is only one God made up of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost,” or something similar, but, instead, Scripture tells us that
only the Father is God. That should stand as conclusive evidence that
Jesus is not God.
And of course Psalm 24:1 is about the LORD, YHWH, the same Father in 1 Corinthians and not his Son.