Do Trinitarians really know their foundational core doctrines and their impact on their beliefs and others?


Active member
There are very few Trinitarians and even Binitarians for that matter who know the details of this doctrines and beliefs.

The trinity doctrine became the doctrine of the RCC by the end of the 5th century and later of the mainstream Protestants from the 16th century AD and on.

This god model with its incorporated core pivotal set of self-developing doctrines began in primitive forms during severe times of political and religious turmoil and persecution, over several centuries. The early Christians of the first century would not recognize most of these doctrines as the word of God.

Essentially, this god model states there always existed one eternal divine nature or essence or substance presented in the form or as part of three different and unique personalities or persons who collectively are called the one god or the triune god – a triad god. And it says that all three personalities operate interdependently as the one creator, the sovereign, the omnipotent, omnipresent ‘one’ god. And these three persons are labelled as three different roles or titled gods, although it insists they are not considered three separate gods. They are three person god titles in one strict order, as the first, the father, the second the son and third, the holy spirit.

Additionally, this god model calls for Jesus, as only being a divine person, acquiring or 'taking on' human nature through a process they call incarnation incorporated from Greek philosophy when he also donned human flesh and became a human male. And that means this person called Jesus after this process of incarnation of one divine hypostasis, is not or cannot be a human person under any circumstance. He was a human anhypostasis. Jesus had to be void of a human personality and therefore had no sense of human self or awareness, strictly speaking. And further, Jesus was also enhypostasis, his human nature was personalized to/into his divine person, as the 2nd person of the Trinity. And how all this occurred is fit for science fiction.

I hope so far all this is at least as clear as mud to everyone.

Deductively then, there are four outstanding points to be made thus far:

1. For this model to function, all three divine natured personalities must always function collectively, in-synch, transparently ubiquitously as one divine being of three divine persons else the triune god would fragment into separate person pieces. If just one of these cited three persons were not present, in synch or did not contribute to any action on this earth or in heaven, then their god would fragment into dust as certain myth.

2. For this model to function, Jesus Christ can only be a divine person and not a human person because then there could not be a triune god. Their triad or triune god would then become a quadrune god, of three divine persons and one human person.

3. For this model to function, Jesus Christ at some point in time acquired human nature besides divine nature, and therefore two natures in one divine person existed. And then at some later point in time discarded his human nature or kept it as dual natures in only one divine person. This would be critical in preserving the integrity of the triune god model. Does scripture ever remotely speak to this type of divine personality of Yahshua, the son of the true God.

4. For this model to function, Jesus must have pre-existed before he was incarnated into human flesh with the inclusion of human nature, absent of being a human person.

Now what impact does the presence of this type of Christian triune god have on scripture and the teachings of men and on people that receive this god? A great deal indeed! And we see the effects of this type of complex and undefined teaching today.

This is the reason for this thread, to list as many impacts caused by this triune god model on our beliefs, scripture, the teachings from religious writers and scholars, from Bible translators and from the orators who ride the pulpits on Saturdays and Sundays to many impressionable and ignorant human souls.

Does this god model bring folks close to the one true God, and does it really support the word of God when it says that Christ the Son of God clearly was born a HUMAN PERSON – a Son of MAN? According to John the gospel writer, this point is critical for belief for one’s salvation. One of the main threads and themes of the gospel of John especially, was to define and describe who was and is this man called Yahshua or Jesus - the true Son of God of a common born man.
Where are you coming up with all these rules you are imposing on what God can and cannot do?

I'm a limited creature—I let God tell me what he can and cannot do.
Where are you coming up with all these rules you are imposing on what God can and cannot do?

I'm a limited creature—I let God tell me what he can and cannot do.
That's wisdom, add that to your understanding and BAM You got yourself some knowledge that you can share with the rest of us.
The trinity became Doctrine for me The first time I read Genesis 1:26-27

And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.

I've never did not believed it. I didn't need a pope to help me figure it out.
The trinity became Doctrine for me The first time I read Genesis 1:26-27

And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.

I've never did not believed it. I didn't need a pope to help me figure it out.
Yes I believe as you in this case except for the Trinity model belief of course. This latter part was reinterpreted with the 'devil' being in the details into these types of verses that were incorporated initially in the RCC and then into other denominations.

One has to decide to allow the Holy Spirit to guide your heart and thoughts and not by using and wearing their traditions of men using their lens in order to interpret scripture.

If you want me to I can compare and contrast these verses using the trinity model lens drawn from human sources and then with no lens of men.
Yes I believe as you in this case except for the Trinity model belief of course. This latter part was reinterpreted with the 'devil' being in the details into these types of verses that were incorporated initially in the RCC and then into other denominations.

One has to decide to allow the Holy Spirit to guide your heart and thoughts and not by using and wearing their traditions of men using their lens in order to interpret scripture.

If you want me to I can compare and contrast these verses using the trinity model lens drawn from human sources and then with no lens of men.
The reason I made the post that you commented on was because nothing's going to move me from my position on the trinity. Not trying to be offensive to anyone, But it makes absolutely no sense to me at all that anyone would not believe in the trinity. As for my special I have that sure foundation, no question about it.
But it makes absolutely no sense to me at all that anyone would not believe in the trinity.
Well for starters, the trinity is not in the Bible - not the word and not the concept. To avoid the inevitable Appeal to Strawman, there simply is no verse that reads something like The nature of God is a trinity - consisting of the Father, Son & Holy Spirit who are co-equal, co-substantial and co-eternal - and if you do not believe this, you cannot be saved but are damned to hell forever. If there were such a verse, it would be the most quoted verse in Scripture by those who claim one’s salvation depends on believing it. The concept of the trinity is so important that in 66 books, it is not mentioned once!
Wrangler, maybe I missed it, but I had asked you a question about why the Lamb (Jesus) in Revelation 4-5 DID NOT worship or fall down before the One who sits on the throne (the Father), when every created person and thing in heaven and on the earth DID. If Jesus was created and was NOT GOD, then He should have joined every other created thing to worship and fall down before the One who sits on the throne - right? In fact, the Lamb is NOT lumped in with all the created things, so we know that He (Jesus) was NOT created. And all that worship went equally to the Lamb (Jesus) and to the One sitting on the throne (the Father).

Did you not care to address that for some reason, or did I miss your response?
There are very few Trinitarians and even Binitarians for that matter who know the details of this doctrines and beliefs.

The trinity doctrine became the doctrine of the RCC by the end of the 5th century and later of the mainstream Protestants from the 16th century AD and on.
Christology had to be nailed down first before the Trinity could be viewed in its proper context. The Christian church did that by isolating and exterminating the Arian heresy first chance they could do so under the auspices of the first Christian-friendly Emporer, Constantine
This god model with its incorporated core pivotal set of self-developing doctrines began in primitive forms during severe times of political and religious turmoil and persecution, over several centuries. The early Christians of the first century would not recognize most of these doctrines as the word of God.
You need to understand Christology before you can leapfrog into Trinitology.
Essentially, this god model states there always existed one eternal divine nature or essence or substance presented in the form or as part of three different and unique personalities or persons who collectively are called the one god or the triune god – a triad god. And it says that all three personalities operate interdependently as the one creator, the sovereign, the omnipotent, omnipresent ‘one’ god. And these three persons are labelled as three different roles or titled gods, although it insists they are not considered three separate gods. They are three person god titles in one strict order, as the first, the father, the second the son and third, the holy spirit.
Stick with the one divine nature definition of the word "God" and you'll never again be tempted to call the divine persons Gods.
Additionally, this god model calls for Jesus, as only being a divine person, acquiring or 'taking on' human nature through a process they call incarnation incorporated from Greek philosophy when he also donned human flesh and became a human male. And that means this person called Jesus after this process of incarnation of one divine hypostasis, is not or cannot be a human person under any circumstance. He was a human anhypostasis. Jesus had to be void of a human personality and therefore had no sense of human self or awareness, strictly speaking. And further, Jesus was also enhypostasis, his human nature was personalized to/into his divine person, as the 2nd person of the Trinity. And how all this occurred is fit for science fiction.
For the Word of God Person to take on a human person would result in a dual person schizophrenic situation.
I hope so far all this is at least as clear as mud to everyone.

Deductively then, there are four outstanding points to be made thus far:

1. For this model to function, all three divine natured personalities must always function collectively, in-synch, transparently ubiquitously as one divine being of three divine persons else the triune god would fragment into separate person pieces. If just one of these cited three persons were not present, in synch or did not contribute to any action on this earth or in heaven, then their god would fragment into dust as certain myth.
I don't know about your dust theory but the doctrine is called Perichoresis.
2. For this model to function, Jesus Christ can only be a divine person and not a human person because then there could not be a triune god. Their triad or triune god would then become a quadrune god, of three divine persons and one human person.

3. For this model to function, Jesus Christ at some point in time acquired human nature besides divine nature, and therefore two natures in one divine person existed. And then at some later point in time discarded his human nature or kept it as dual natures in only one divine person. This would be critical in preserving the integrity of the triune god model. Does scripture ever remotely speak to this type of divine personality of Yahshua, the son of the true God.
Huh? When did Jesus ever disgard His human nature?

John 1 informs us of the Word of God made flesh as Jesus.
4. For this model to function, Jesus must have pre-existed before he was incarnated into human flesh with the inclusion of human nature, absent of being a human person.

Now what impact does the presence of this type of Christian triune god have on scripture and the teachings of men and on people that receive this god? A great deal indeed! And we see the effects of this type of complex and undefined teaching today.

This is the reason for this thread, to list as many impacts caused by this triune god model on our beliefs, scripture, the teachings from religious writers and scholars, from Bible translators and from the orators who ride the pulpits on Saturdays and Sundays to many impressionable and ignorant human souls.

Does this god model bring folks close to the one true God, and does it really support the word of God when it says that Christ the Son of God clearly was born a HUMAN PERSON – a Son of MAN?
Actually, Jesus' reference to himself as Son of Man denotes Divinity as per Daniel 7:13. See the presentation in this link:

According to John the gospel writer, this point is critical for belief for one’s salvation. One of the main threads and themes of the gospel of John especially, was to define and describe who was and is this man called Yahshua or Jesus - the true Son of God of a common born man.
Right off the bat, John 1 nails down the fact that the Uncreated Word of God Person was made flesh as Jesus. Is there anything there that you take exception to?

So, do you have anything against the Trinity?
Christology had to be nailed down first before the Trinity could be viewed in its proper context. The Christian church did that by isolating and exterminating the Arian heresy first chance they could do so under the auspices of the first Christian-friendly Emporer, Constantine

You need to understand Christology before you can leapfrog into Trinitology.

Stick with the one divine nature definition of the word "God" and you'll never again be tempted to call the divine persons Gods.

For the Word of God Person to take on a human person would result in a dual person schizophrenic situation.

I don't know about your dust theory but the doctrine is called Perichoresis.

Huh? When did Jesus ever disgard His human nature?

John 1 informs us of the Word of God made flesh as Jesus.

Actually, Jesus' reference to himself as Son of Man denotes Divinity as per Daniel 7:13. See the presentation in this link:

Right off the bat, John 1 nails down the fact that the Uncreated Word of God Person was made flesh as Jesus. Is there anything there that you take exception to?

So, do you have anything against the Trinity?
Well Synergy you can mask what I wrote in my OP to suit your (at least mental) beliefs all day long. Your comments, although mainly associated with my words and some are on topic do not do anything to change them, or my mind and heart, not being persuasive to pivot towards the Trinity model. Your comments they do not persuade me as new or eye-popping new information to examine further. Now if you bring material that is of such type, I would gladly acknowledge your input as a new revelation for me and then say why.

Do you have such material to add to this topic of discussion S.?

I also do wish someone would provide a commentary of sorts harmonizing key passages of scripture together as the basis of the trinity model. I have yet to see any such commentary or analysis from a trinitarian. I have also experienced that trinitarians do not like to discuss context surrounding passages of scripture and then are not eager to write a COMMENTARY on it. They (trinitarian types) quickly move on to another moving scripture verse to say there, how about that, and completely run away from the initial scripture still 'hot' under conversation.

And having anything against a person that has COMPLETELY sold themselves to a pagan trinity god model, no! I do not judge this although I see this person carrying a major liability or impediment into really knowing the real personal Christ and his Father, the one true God for salvation.

Now saying this, I also truly believe that many who say they believe that Jesus is God Almighty have NOT COMPLETELY bought into all the trinity model, Creeds and associated doctrines and not necessarily just gestures like the 'sign of the Cross' etc.

My comments boil down to what my heart believes concerning what Trinitarians believe of the Father and Son guided by the Spirit of Father God not based on just human mental beliefs and exercises of the limited human mind, as I see the the Trinity model, of not even a completed hypothesis, let alone a still unproven theory. And that to me is what I think of the Trinity model, a half-baked idea as a mixture of scripture and paganistic ideas, without logic and comments based on it.

You made a variety of different comments here and I do not wish to chase then all down. Maybe we can discuss one of them at least.

John 1-2,14 where you already inferred circular reasoning as many before you for your truth; not designed or intended for the word of God.

This area of scripture is the touchstone of Trinitarianism as you might know...bust this up and the model disintegrates. So you had better be 110% confident of what you think, believe and write on this is that critical to a Trinitarian and even a Binitarian.

Have a blessed day..APAK
Wrangler, maybe I missed it, but I had asked you a question about why the Lamb (Jesus) in Revelation 4-5 DID NOT worship or fall down before the One who sits on the throne (the Father), when every created person and thing in heaven and on the earth DID. If Jesus was created and was NOT GOD, then He should have joined every other created thing to worship and fall down before the One who sits on the throne - right? In fact, the Lamb is NOT lumped in with all the created things, so we know that He (Jesus) was NOT created. And all that worship went equally to the Lamb (Jesus) and to the One sitting on the throne (the Father).

Did you not care to address that for some reason, or did I miss your response?
Yea, I think you missed my response.

I call this a back door rationalization into doctrine that is not in Scripture. It's extreme eisegesis to build a doctrine on what is absent, what was NOT done. Let me ask this balancing question; why do you imply that the lamb ought to bow? You speculate with a should and end with a question. Again, a question is a bad foundation to build doctrine.

Scripture is ubiquitous in who Jesus is, which implies who he is NOT. Jesus is OF God - servant, lamb, word, son, etc. This is proof that he IS NOT God, since he is OF God.

Now, I noticed you immediately distract from my post of no trinity verse in Scripture to focus on your back door rationalization. Did you not care to address that for some reason?
So you had better be 110% confident of what you think, believe and write on this is that critical to a Trinitarian and even a Binitarian.
I saw a vid last month that exposed the trinity as false so simply. Trinitarians Jesus died on the cross. They claim another Jesus died on the cross, who only part of his nature died.

It's a peculiar way to use words. A mundane expression, "I gave my wife the keys to the car," could then be taken to mean part of "the key" was not given to her, which I still retain.

Even more generally is their assertion that "Jesus is God" proves the trinity is false. They use language in such a way that normal words are expected to convey to you a short hand of the inherently contradictory doctrine. Either pair of these syllogisms are correct - but not both.
P1. The nature of God is a trinity Being consisting of F, S & HS persons.
P2. No one person is God.
C. Jesus is not God.

P1. Jesus is one person who is God.
P2. The trinity, consists of 3 persons.
C. God is not a trinity of persons.

Trinitarians response tend to demur, "you know what I mean." My response is to be explicit; "I know what you mean is nonsense. You just don't know what you mean." One cannot make sense of nonsense. Either Jesus died on the cross and is not God OR no one died on the cross to take away the sins of the world. That's logic. Fact is, Jesus has a God. It is nonsense to claim the Supreme being is subordinate to another supreme Being for it violates what it means to be supreme.

One trinitarian even attempts to redefine what death means to escape the inescapable confines of:
  1. Definition
  2. Logic
  3. Language Usage
  4. Explicit Scripture

Praise the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ for the spiritual blessings that Christ has brought us from heaven!
Ephesians 1:3
Well Synergy you can mask what I wrote in my OP to suit your (at least mental) beliefs all day long. Your comments, although mainly associated with my words and some are on topic do not do anything to change them, or my mind and heart, not being persuasive to pivot towards the Trinity model. Your comments they do not persuade me as new or eye-popping new information to examine further. Now if you bring material that is of such type, I would gladly acknowledge your input as a new revelation for me and then say why.

Do you have such material to add to this topic of discussion S.?

I also do wish someone would provide a commentary of sorts harmonizing key passages of scripture together as the basis of the trinity model. I have yet to see any such commentary or analysis from a trinitarian.
Can you think of one or two verses that you would like harmonized "on the basis of the Trinity model"?
I have also experienced that trinitarians do not like to discuss context surrounding passages of scripture and then are not eager to write a COMMENTARY on it. They (trinitarian types) quickly move on to another moving scripture verse to say there, how about that, and completely run away from the initial scripture still 'hot' under conversation.
Can you tell us which verses caused them to "run away"? Let's start with that and I promise that I will not have my car engine running, for a quick getaway, when I read them.
And having anything against a person that has COMPLETELY sold themselves to a pagan trinity god model, no! I do not judge this although I see this person carrying a major liability or impediment into really knowing the real personal Christ and his Father, the one true God for salvation.

Now saying this, I also truly believe that many who say they believe that Jesus is God Almighty have NOT COMPLETELY bought into all the trinity model, Creeds and associated doctrines and not necessarily just gestures like the 'sign of the Cross' etc.

My comments boil down to what my heart believes concerning what Trinitarians believe of the Father and Son guided by the Spirit of Father God not based on just human mental beliefs and exercises of the limited human mind, as I see the the Trinity model, of not even a completed hypothesis, let alone a still unproven theory. And that to me is what I think of the Trinity model, a half-baked idea as a mixture of scripture and paganistic ideas, without logic and comments based on it.

You made a variety of different comments here and I do not wish to chase then all down. Maybe we can discuss one of them at least.
We can discuss anything you want.
John 1-2,14 where you already inferred circular reasoning as many before you for your truth; not designed or intended for the word of God.
From John 1:1,2,14 we get that the Word faces God, is God, is uncreated, and took on flesh. How is that "not designed or intended for the word of God", or am I missing the point?
This area of scripture is the touchstone of Trinitarianism as you might know...bust this up and the model disintegrates. So you had better be 110% confident of what you think, believe and write on this is that critical to a Trinitarian and even a Binitarian.

Have a blessed day..APAK
You too.
I saw a vid last month that exposed the trinity as false so simply. Trinitarians Jesus died on the cross. They claim another Jesus died on the cross, who only part of his nature died.

It's a peculiar way to use words. A mundane expression, "I gave my wife the keys to the car," could then be taken to mean part of "the key" was not given to her, which I still retain.

Even more generally is their assertion that "Jesus is God" proves the trinity is false. They use language in such a way that normal words are expected to convey to you a short hand of the inherently contradictory doctrine. Either pair of these syllogisms are correct - but not both.
P1. The nature of God is a trinity Being consisting of F, S & HS persons.
P2. No one person is God.
C. Jesus is not God.

P1. Jesus is one person who is God.
P2. The trinity, consists of 3 persons.
C. God is not a trinity of persons.

Trinitarians response tend to demur, "you know what I mean." My response is to be explicit; "I know what you mean is nonsense. You just don't know what you mean." One cannot make sense of nonsense. Either Jesus died on the cross and is not God OR no one died on the cross to take away the sins of the world. That's logic. Fact is, Jesus has a God. It is nonsense to claim the Supreme being is subordinate to another supreme Being for it violates what it means to be supreme.

One trinitarian even attempts to redefine what death means to escape the inescapable confines of:
  1. Definition
  2. Logic
  3. Language Usage
  4. Explicit Scripture

Praise the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ for the spiritual blessings that Christ has brought us from heaven!
Ephesians 1:3
There's a lot of talk of 'you know what I mean' in the Trinity world.

Funny that you just brought that expression up. I just fought (today) with the head of the landscaping committee in our HOA community. The issue was that I was cited in violation of improper edging in a specific location and not found in the rules and requirements they use.

After a few email exchanges I went over to this person's abode and clearly showed them I was not in violation...

I went line by line point by point and showed this was n/a that was n/a...and when I got to a very ambiguous simple statement, the person said see you cannot have this material type for edging. And then I said, well that may be true although you did not specify where, as the only locations with requirements are for the driveway and edging touching turf areas only. Mine is in neither of these two areas.

Then the person snapped and pressed down with the finger on that vague simple statement point #e and said 'see it says so here. I said know it does not, and based on the previous point and the next two afterwards it is about turf-areas only. I said I cannot read your mind and 'you know what I mean' does not cut it. You need to update the guideline to reflect the location specifically.

I do see the same generalizations and vague statements with Trinitarians in particular. They are winging it and calling it the truth.

This is virtually the only way they make scripture obey their pagan model.
Wrangler, maybe I missed it, but I had asked you a question about why the Lamb (Jesus) in Revelation 4-5 DID NOT worship or fall down before the One who sits on the throne (the Father), when every created person and thing in heaven and on the earth DID. If Jesus was created and was NOT GOD, then He should have joined every other created thing to worship and fall down before the One who sits on the throne - right? In fact, the Lamb is NOT lumped in with all the created things, so we know that He (Jesus) was NOT created. And all that worship went equally to the Lamb (Jesus) and to the One sitting on the throne (the Father).

Did you not care to address that for some reason, or did I miss your response?
Well you know Dwight that Yahshua, a Son of man and the Son God bowed down and worshipped his Father most of his life whilst on earth. ONce ascended and exhalted in glory he became as the Prince of the King if you will. Now tell me, doeHe became a humbles servant for his Father.
Wrangler, maybe I missed it, but I had asked you a question about why the Lamb (Jesus) in Revelation 4-5 DID NOT worship or fall down before the One who sits on the throne (the Father), when every created person and thing in heaven and on the earth DID. If Jesus was created and was NOT GOD, then He should have joined every other created thing to worship and fall down before the One who sits on the throne - right? In fact, the Lamb is NOT lumped in with all the created things, so we know that He (Jesus) was NOT created. And all that worship went equally to the Lamb (Jesus) and to the One sitting on the throne (the Father).

Did you not care to address that for some reason, or did I miss your response?
Well you know Dwight that the Son of Man and the Son of God became a humble human servant of his Father. He loved, bowed down, yielded to his will whilst on earth. He worshipped him! If that is not the act of worship of the Lamb to be, worshipping his Father I do not know what is, do you?

Now since his ascension and exalted state and being the power of his Father today, of the Kingdom of his Father, why would he need to (re) justify himself to his Father again in front of mortal or yet to be immortal men. That would be odd. These men and women who bowed down saved by the Son and Father. Don't you think this might have to do with why they needed to demonstrate humility or worship. I think their heart would want to....Christ already did this and more v=before and to the Cross.

So Jesus SHOULD NOT JOIN IN with every other creature on earth in worship...and you use this reason for Jesus not being are joking right? It does make for a great laugh if you are not joking.


The Lamb OF GOD, of his Father, was the only human being worthy of taking the scroll of power from his Father and the elders bowed down to the Lamb. Even all the angels claimed Yahshua was also worthy, and those on the earth all cried he is worthy.

Yahshua was worthy indeed to take charge of the new age and the Kingdom of his Father. So why again should he worship his Father with all the other creatures when he was the one give authority, the fullness of his Spirit and power to rule?
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Yea, I think you missed my response.

I call this a back door rationalization into doctrine that is not in Scripture. It's extreme eisegesis to build a doctrine on what is absent, what was NOT done. Let me ask this balancing question; why do you imply that the lamb ought to bow? You speculate with a should and end with a question. Again, a question is a bad foundation to build doctrine.

Scripture is ubiquitous in who Jesus is, which implies who he is NOT. Jesus is OF God - servant, lamb, word, son, etc. This is proof that he IS NOT God, since he is OF God.

Now, I noticed you immediately distract from my post of no trinity verse in Scripture to focus on your back door rationalization. Did you not care to address that for some reason?
Well you know Dwight that Yahshua, a Son of man and the Son God bowed down and worshipped his Father most of his life whilst on earth. ONce ascended and exhalted in glory he became as the Prince of the King if you will. Now tell me, doeHe became a humbles servant for his Father.

Well you know Dwight that the Son of Man and the Son of God became a humble human servant of his Father. He loved, bowed down, yielded to his will whilst on earth. He worshipped him! If that is not the act of worship of the Lamb to be, worshipping his Father I do not know what is, do you?

Now since his ascension and exalted state and being the power of his Father today, of the Kingdom of his Father, why would he need to (re) justify himself to his Father again in front of mortal or yet to be immortal men. That would be odd. These men and women who bowed down saved by the Son and Father. Don't you think this might have to do with why they needed to demonstrate humility or worship. I think their heart would want to....Christ already did this and more v=before and to the Cross.

So Jesus SHOULD NOT JOIN IN with every other creature on earth in worship...and you use this reason for Jesus not being are joking right? It does make for a great laugh if you are not joking.


The Lamb OF GOD, of his Father, was the only human being worthy of taking the scroll of power from his Father and the elders bowed down to the Lamb. Even all the angels claimed Yahshua was also worthy, and those on the earth all cried he is worthy.

Yahshua was worthy indeed to take charge of the new age and the Kingdom of his Father. So why again should he worship his Father with all the other creatures when he was the one give authority, the fullness of his Spirit and power to rule?
Edit... that because Jesus did NOT worship the Father, like ALL CREATION DID, that that shows He is uncreated. Rational thinking shows exactly that.

Since Jesus "bowed down and worshiped the Father most of His life while on earth.", can you give me, let's say, ten Bible verses or passages that tell us that is what He did? I don't think that's asking for too many, if He did it His whole life? Sure He loved the Father and yielded His will to the Father - but that's not bowing down and verbally worshiping Him, as we see ALL CREATION did in Revelation 5. If He is not God, He should be right there with all the other created beings worshiping God. If He did, He would not "oddly" be justifying Himself. He would be behaving as ALL CREATED BEINGS should.

If you don't believe Jesus is God, how is HE worthy of ANY worship, much less THE SAME WORSHIP given to God? Isn't that idolatry? You ask "why again should he worship His Father with all the other creatures? How about this? ALL CREATION is commanded to, over and over again in the Bible. If He is part of creation, He doesn't get a free pass - allowing Him NOT to worship God.
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The Edit displays the works of the flesh, not the Spirit.
Headed You’re admitting that your position requires the abdication of the reasoning mind God gave us.

Headed your position is to admit you cannot explain it, yet you are right. What humility!!!
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