Did Jesus Shed His Humanity at the Ascension?

There seems to be reams and reams of comments going back and forth about one simple question. Jesus became 100% human at His Incarnation and will always be 100% human (in addition to His 100% Divinity). If not then we are not saved and in serious problems.
There seems to be reams and reams of comments going back and forth about one simple question. Jesus became 100% human at His Incarnation and will always be 100% human (in addition to His 100% Divinity). If not then we are not saved and in serious problems.
That is the bottom line. It’s a denial of the Incarnation and that Ge is no longer the son of man, our high priest, king, advocate , prophet and mediator. It denies every single human office required of those positions. Plus it makes God out to be a liar and His promises null and void. But most of all it takes away the gospel and turns it into a spell and not the gospel. It’s a travesty.
Since it’s the core message in the gospel it’s essential to salvation , it’s saivific. No it’s ands or buts about it. Paul says if Christ is not risen your faith is futile and you are still dead in your sins. H

No, I don't think it's core.

Grace is the real core, God doing for us what we cannot do for ourselves.

Paul just meant if there is no afterlife.
No, I don't think it's core.

Grace is the real core, God doing for us what we cannot do for ourselves.

Paul just meant if there is no afterlife.
The gospel is the message of grace, salvation and at its center is the resurrection. Paul said if Christ is not risen we are of most men most miserable, our faith is futile and we are still dead in our sins.
No, I don't think it's core.

Grace is the real core, God doing for us what we cannot do for ourselves.

Paul just meant if there is no afterlife.
Both His Grace and His Ascension are intertwined at their most fundamental level. Let me explain. Because of Christ's Ascension, human nature is now in the very abode of the Father, the Heavenly Holy of Holies. And that transfigured nature is what we will inherit as believers, by His Grace, as part of our salvation. You see, there is no seperation between His Grace and His Ascension, nor can there be. They both intricately affect our salvation.
But think about it.

If doctrinal sin can be forgiven—and most of it can—the one doctrine that matters the most is how sins are forgiven.

The unpardonable doctrines have to be those that deny the means and method of God's forgiveness—Christ's bearing our punishment is God's grace.

And this is why I fight so hard for it, though I am mocked and persecuted for it by those very ones claiming Christ's name.

Riches in heaven.
But think about it.

If doctrinal sin can be forgiven—and most of it can—the one doctrine that matters the most is how sins are forgiven.
Not sure what you mean by doctrinal sins?
The unpardonable doctrines have to be those that deny the means and method of God's forgiveness—Christ's bearing our punishment is God's grace.
What is an unpardonable doctrine? It's our unbelief that obstructs God's forgiveness of our sins. Christ bearing our punishment as God's Grace is expiation. What's not part of expiation is an irate God needing to be appeased of his anger through the offering of an innocent sacrifice. That sounds too paganistic to me.
And this is why I fight so hard for it, though I am mocked and persecuted for it by those very ones claiming Christ's name.
Again, propitiation sounds too paganistic to me.
Riches in heaven.
You too, my friend.
But think about it.

If doctrinal sin can be forgiven—and most of it can—the one doctrine that matters the most is how sins are forgiven.
I would reword it to say not how they are forgiven but that they are forgiven throught the Atonement. Lets be real for just a moment. There are a minimum of at-least 7 different views/theories on the Atonement and a large number of combinations of those 7.

The the simple how answer if Jesus said His death provides the forgiveness of sins. he gave His life for them. Thats really all one needs to know. Paul made it real simple in the gospel by which we are saved in 1 Cor 15- He died for our sins according to the scriptures. He was buried and raised on the 3rd day according to the scriptures and then He appeared ( bodily ) to many over a 40 day period. And last of all ( years later( He appeared to me ( Paul ). Then he spends the rest of the chapter talking about the Resurrection.

So the Atonement at best is only 1/2 of the gospel. The other 1/2 is the Resurrection which gives life, power and victory over sin, death and the devil.

hope this helps !!!
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There seems to be reams and reams of comments going back and forth about one simple question. Jesus became 100% human at His Incarnation and will always be 100% human (in addition to His 100% Divinity). If not then we are not saved and in serious problems.
are you saved because Jesus became human or because He gave up that life?
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