Did Jesus Shed His Humanity at the Ascension?

same thing appeared and disappeared just like Jesus did bodily. Neither are invisible.

end of discussion as they say since you argument/defense has been torn down.

in a court of law your defense would be thrown out of the courtroom. insufficient evidence as they like to say.

an acquittal.
the declaration in 1 Corinthians 2:10, is conclusive proof that Paul does not refer to the happiness of heaven. He there says that God has revealed these things to Christians by his Spirit. But if already revealed, assuredly it does not refer to that which is yet to come.

More Barnes, thanks.

It's not either/or, it's both/and.

It's like God taking Moses up to see the Promised Land; sure we can have glimpses.

Heaven is not just earth 2.0. It is not better golf, and better espressos, and better pizza.

It is the fellowship and experience of God's glorious splendor, the beauty of his essence.
More Barnes, thanks.

It's not either/or, it's both/and.

It's like God taking Moses up to see the Promised Land; sure we can have glimpses.

Heaven is not just earth 2.0. It is not better golf, and better espressos, and better pizza.

It is the fellowship and experience of God's glorious splendor, the beauty of his essence.
I wouldn't argue against you point from the whole of Scripture that its both. I think he was making a specific point in the passage you quoted though imho. Its nothing to split over either.
but as you have admitted in the past your views on the Resurrection like up with JW's. Even to the point verbatim of the shedding of a garment is what happened with Jesus body. They teach that in their writings. They invented that idea.
they did not invent that idea, it is Biblcal. i don't know what they mean by it but maybe you seem to .
Having the natural world rolled up like a garment is from verse Heb 1:12
but it says we will se him when he comes back.. His statemwnt is not about our development. It means that no one has yet seen Him as He is, Why change or spiritualize His words when they are already clear? 1 John 3:2
So isn't this just as clear. "He that has seen me has seen the Father." Jn 14:9

Surely we must agree that can't mean what you would call clear that when we see Jesus in 1 Jn 3:2 that has to mean something different from a visual sight perspective?
I don't know what you are. Why not share details?

My mother was Freewill Baptist. I can't say that it ever "stuck" with me. Since shortly after I was "born again", I stopped claiming others. I follow Christ and His apostles.
you know i am not JW, because I already told you i wasn;t
So isn't this just as clear. "He that has seen me has seen the Father." Jn 14:9

Surely we must agree that can't mean what you would call clear that when we see Jesus in 1 Jn 3:2 that has to mean something different from a visual sight perspective?
in the Bible we "see" many ways, can be visual, can mean we understand intellectually, can mean spiritual insight
More Barnes, thanks.

It's not either/or, it's both/and.

It's like God taking Moses up to see the Promised Land; sure we can have glimpses.

Heaven is not just earth 2.0. It is not better golf, and better espressos, and better pizza.

It is the fellowship and experience of God's glorious splendor, the beauty of his essence.

Moses saw Canaan and realized it wasn't what he was looking for......

However, WE have come to a different place.

Heb 12:22 But ye are come unto mount Sion, and unto the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to an innumerable company of angels,
Heb 12:23 To the general assembly and church of the firstborn, which are written in heaven, and to God the Judge of all, and to the spirits of just men made perfect,
Heb 12:24 And to Jesus the mediator of the new covenant, and to the blood of sprinkling, that speaketh better things than that of Abel.
in the Bible we "see" many ways, can be visual, can mean we understand intellectually, can mean spiritual insight
Ok then if you acknowledge this you should have therefore no problem accepting that 1 John 3: 2 is not talking about having to have that as seeing something different about Jesus flesh and bone body. You've just said even above it can be, as you put it, a new spiritual insight in regard to God or Christ or something intellectually you come to understand and that's exactly what I said in my post 420.

With all due respect here's what you should lock into your mind and know.....Jesus resurrected body IS flesh and bone and IS the same body that walked on the earth and was crucified albeit now it is glorified. Seth....HE SAID IT WAS HIS BODY.
Ok then if you acknowledge this you should have therefore no problem accepting that 1 John 3: 2 is not talking about having to have that as seeing something different about Jesus flesh and bone body. You've just said even above it can be, as you put it, a new spiritual insight in regard to God or Christ or something intellectually you come to understand and that's exactly what I said in my post 420.

With all due respect here's what you should lock into your mind and know.....Jesus resurrected body IS flesh and bone and IS the same body that walked on the earth and was crucified albeit now it is glorified. Seth....HE SAID IT WAS HIS BODY.
100 % true, biblical and salvific. Its the heart of the gospel and the primary reason the disciples were willing to give their lives for Him. They preached His resurrection to everyone.
OK here's what I believe. Jesus resurrected body is the same body that walked the shores of Galilee and died on the cross. The wound marks on his hand, feet and side confirmed that to his disciples and should do nothing else but confirm that to us. I also believe this the Lord will say people will have no excuse for not accepting this, that is those who claim to be Christians and who claim to have a respect and devotion to his word.

I don't mean to offend anybody but the Lord was clear. I say something similar to atheists at times. On apologetics sites they go on and on going around the wagons telling one to prove to them there's a God. To a point and degree that can be fine to do but the bottom line is this.....Rom 1 states men will be without excuse having seen the things of creation.....it's sufficient evidence as far as God is concerned to tell them there's a God.

Well they buck at that and claim well they're still not convinced to KNOW....doesn't matter. God will not be fooling around with that and they'll be judged accordingly. When God says one is without excuse they're without excuse. On the creation issue I worked in the car industry. Thousands of parts to a car. You just can't have some unintelligent person make a case you can just throw all of those parts in the air and expect they come down all joined together and functioning not to mention those parts had to be designed. There's no excuse for even thinking that could happen. None.

Same as creation resisting God did it. So like I said....on the resurrected body of Christ.....something I believe. People will be without excuse for holding back claiming Jesus wasn't absolutely clear on what his resurrected body was and is. He told us and I'll put it this way he'll tell perhaps some in the future, that he told us in NO UNCERTAN TERMS what is body WAS and IS. As for me I wouldn't want to touch that with a 10 foot pole in seeking to put a question mark on that or to make people doubt it isn't true. I trust there will be no one here who will make that mistake and do that which is nonsensical.
I think the answer to the question is, no Jesus did not shed his humanity at the Ascension.

19 So then the Lord Jesus, after He had spoken to them, was taken up into heaven and He sat down at the right hand of God. [Ps. 110:1.]20 And they went out and preached everywhere, while the Lord kept working with them and confirming the message by the attesting signs and miracles that closely accompanied [it]. Amen (so be it). Mk 16:19–20.

The Ascension is a discrete element of Christ the mediator. It marks his entry into supreme authority over the creation. The Ascension is, I think, a subject richer and more instructive than is commonly recognized. A description of the event occurs in only two places in the New Testament, both written by Luke (Luke 24:50-51, Acts 1:6-11) but the New Testament refers to it in many places and it is also foreshadowed in the Old Testament.

The dramatic departure of the risen Christ from His earthly, bodily ministry among His followers. Since His birth in Bethlehem by the miracle of the *Incarnation, Jesus had lived physically on earth. But forty days after the Resurrection, His earthly ministry ceased with His ascension into heaven . To a large extent the Ascension was for the benefit of Jesus’ followers. They could no longer expect His physical presence. They must now wait for the promised Holy Spirit through whom the work of Jesus would continue.Jesus’ departure into heaven was a literal, physical, bodily ascension in His resurrected body.

Stephen and Paul both reported seeing Jesus in bodily form after His ascension. The Ascension marked the beginning of Christ’s intercession for His followers at the right hand of God. There He makes continual intercession for all believers . Although Christ is not physically present with His people today, He is no less concerned for them or less active on their behalf. Christians enjoy peace, hope, and security because Christ is their advocate with the Father. It is as the exalted Lord that Jesus sent or “poured out” the Holy Spirit upon His church, with His gifts for believers.

Heaven’s strategy determined that the presence of Jesus would be replaced by the presence of the Holy Spirit, who could be everywhere at the same time. Since Pentecost until today, Jesus’ followers now enjoy the presence of the Spirit and the operation of the Spirit’s gifts through them, as the church pursues the mission Jesus ordered. As a result of His ascension, Jesus exercises His heavenly reign at the right hand of the Father as Lord of the church.

This reign will last until His *Second Coming, when He will return to the earth as the reigning Messiah, announced as King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Finally, the ascension of Christ is the pledge of His Second Coming:

“This same Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven, will so come in like manner as you saw Him go into heaven” Acts 1:11

Jesus will return to earth—literally and physically—in bodily form just as He ascended into heaven. He's coming back!
Question: Did Jesus shed His Humanity at His Ascension?

Answer: No.

Next question.
OK here's what I believe. Jesus resurrected body is the same body that walked the shores of Galilee and died on the cross. The wound marks on his hand, feet and side confirmed that to his disciples and should do nothing else but confirm that to us. I also believe this the Lord will say people will have no excuse for not accepting this, that is those who claim to be Christians and who claim to have a respect and devotion to his word.

I don't mean to offend anybody but the Lord was clear. I say something similar to atheists at times. On apologetics sites they go on and on going around the wagons telling one to prove to them there's a God. To a point and degree that can be fine to do but the bottom line is this.....Rom 1 states men will be without excuse having seen the things of creation.....it's sufficient evidence as far as God is concerned to tell them there's a God.

Well they buck at that and claim well they're still not convinced to KNOW....doesn't matter. God will not be fooling around with that and they'll be judged accordingly. When God says one is without excuse they're without excuse. On the creation issue I worked in the car industry. Thousands of parts to a car. You just can't have some unintelligent person make a case you can just throw all of those parts in the air and expect they come down all joined together and functioning not to mention those parts had to be designed. There's no excuse for even thinking that could happen. None.

Same as creation resisting God did it. So like I said....on the resurrected body of Christ.....something I believe. People will be without excuse for holding back claiming Jesus wasn't absolutely clear on what his resurrected body was and is. He told us and I'll put it this way he'll tell perhaps some in the future, that he told us in NO UNCERTAN TERMS what is body WAS and IS. As for me I wouldn't want to touch that with a 10 foot pole in seeking to put a question mark on that or to make people doubt it isn't true. I trust there will be no one here who will make that mistake and do that which is nonsensical.
Since it’s the core message in the gospel it’s essential to salvation , it’s saivific. No it’s ands or buts about it. Paul says if Christ is not risen your faith is futile and you are still dead in your sins. He also says any other Jesus preached than the one He preached was anathema. Those are strong words having eternal consequences
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