Jesus took on our sins and condemned them in the flesh which provided our forgiveness.
Have you seen me say something to the contrary? We have been talking about Jesus, and his fulfilment of Psalm 22:1.
That in no way shape or form has any connection with God not being able to look at sin , be near sin, having sin in His presence etc….
God is not able to indwell sin. God can not produce sin. God sent Adam and Eve out of the Garden because of sin.
Sin has now been taken care of, and now God is able to indwell everyone. Before the only one who had the Spirit of God with them the whole time was Jesus, until sin entered into him... Christ then moved out, forsaking him to his fate, of his desire to achieve the will which God had sent him to do in order for God's will to be done, in getting rid of sin altogether. Except for the unbelieving, person who desires nothing to do with God, though they are reconciled to him, the sin of disbelief, keeps them from resting in him and having peace through the Lord Jesus.
God has always pursued sinners, talked with them , walked with them , wrestled with them and has relationships with them since Genesis and the fall.
Have you heard me say something to the contrary? Why bring this up on this subject exactly? The subject remember is God forsaking Jesus, on the cross.
So that’s just another misnomer about God and sin, sinners.
Not so sure that what you are saying is really true. Now today, sin has been taken care of, and God is able to indwell people by his spirit because of the Lord Jesus, nailed the ordinances of the old commandments to the cross, in order to become sin for all of us, being raised again for justification of validation of that old law being done away with now today.
Jesus loved them, ate with them , fellowships with them and died for them. While we were yet sinners Christ died for us.
Yeah we are, however God sees all people clean now, and desires for people to come to him, by calling by the spirit and the bride all of Gods glory is seen by and through creation, because his creation speaks of the glory, of God, and the Lord Jesus.
Gods love us the key to understanding the above truth contained in scripture.
No one said, that God hated his son. God forgot about his son. God failed in his promises. The subject is pertaining to Jesus, and his payment of sin, which God forsook him. Even for a moment of time. That is love, to die, with hope and faith that your God, will raise you up, even though right now you are forsaken by him through this payment of sin which you choose to endure for the sake of "you", and the "world" at large and for the sake of "God's will" being done.
We follow the same pattern as Jesus, to go to the cross, die to ourself, bury the old man, and raise to newness of life by Gods spirit. God continued on after this event, it was just this event we are specifically talking about for the "moment of time" as we talk about it.
The Word of God is the sword of the Spirit.
(Eph 6:17) And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God,
You can only believe that God forsook Christ only if 1) you believe that it took Christ 3 hours to realize his forsakenness and 2) you believe that the Father was detached/oblivious and had to be prompted by Christ to end his forsakenness state.
We have been using the bible, and talking about Jesus, and his fulfilling statement of Psalm 22:1. I can believe that God forsake, the Lord Jesus, because Jesus is speaking it to be so. There was a reason that "Christ" in Jesus, left him. It was in order for the body which was given by Jesus, would be put to death. If the "Christ" in Jesus never did leave him, then Jesus would not have died. He would have continued to live, however due to Jesus willinglyness to give up his body, he did so, in with that of the "Christ" in him, leaving.
How can we know that God was in Christ?
2 Corinthians 5:19
19 I mean that God was in Christ, making peace between the world and himself. In Christ, God did not hold people guilty for their sins. And he gave us this message of peace to tell people.
Why could not God remain with Jesus, and why was it is that God left him there?
Jesus is clearly, speaking it into fulfillment, in which was always of what the Father taught him, him to say. Did that Father also tell him that he was leaving now, and thus this Cry was out to Him, of "Why have you forsaken me." Which was only for a moment of time. According to what I have been going through and studying with you, and everyone else.
It's understandable if you may have a different telling, that someone like myself may have, and I can accept if you reject anything read here, because I really am not trying to win any arguments or try to fight against anyone here, as I respect everyone here and consider you a friend, vicariously through Christ.
We can understand only as far as Christ has revealed God's plan as recorded in the Bible.
@civic has excellent material on how God loves us and will never forsake us.
Synergy, didn't God give Jesus a revelation, when he had John to write Revelation? I love my brother
@civic, and I love you as my brother. I have not been talking about God forsaking you, or anyone else. I have been plainly speaking about Jesus.