Did God, forsake Jesus on the cross?

From my own perspective looking at the original article, it’s about as close to truth as you are gonna get, when it concerns of “Did God forsake Jesus on the Cross?”

Yes. He did. No quoting of Jesus “I’ll never leave you or forsake you” speaking to his disciples who were chosen at the time, has no merit on what happened with God leaving Jesus because of Jesus giving up his life which took on sin, which God couldn’t reside in that body, and Christ (God in the Lord Yeshua (the Word of God), left…

Forsaking Jesus… it’s not like Jesus did not continue to have hope, that his Father would raise him up again, but God left him there on the cross, to die alone, which he then went on to hell, and three days later is raised again by the spirit of Yahavah, whom is Jesus’s Father and our Father. The forsaking was for a moment of time,

Whether a person accepts that or not, it’s up to you, does this help or increase people’s faith? I don’t know, but it shows the humility and humbleness of Jesus who laid his life down, and what happens when sin came into his body which he fulfilled (the Law), which he suffered the wages of sin which was death.
Show me the verses that you think promote the idea that Jesus was "foresaken" even if "for a moment of time". I already addresses Matthew 27:45-46.
God turned away from him at the cross
Would you mind telling us exactly where the Bible explicitly says that, for the purposes of forsaking Christ? If you can't then your statement will be consigned to the category of myths and fables.
Show me the verses that you think promote the idea that Jesus was "foresaken" even if "for a moment of time". I already addresses Matthew 27:45-46.
I’m asking you to read the original post. Will you do that, otherwise I will not answer any other questions further.

Jesus himself is the one saying the phrase…
HE knew a head of time the father would resurrect him He knew the plan well 2corithians 5:21

For He hath made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him. all through the Bible Jesus taught he would arise and the o,t prophets did also

He certainly had hope and faith. Thank you for commenting.
I’m asking you to read the original post. Will you do that, otherwise I will not answer any other questions further.
I did read it. I comment only on verses mentioned, not on personal takes. I start from Bible verses, not from personal views.

You mentioned "somewhere is mentioned in Psalms where it pleased God to crush his son, because of the eternal precious blood that outweighed sin". Do you want to discuss that verse?
I did read it. I comment only on verses mentioned, not on personal takes. I start from Bible verses, not from personal views.

You mentioned "somewhere is mentioned in Psalms where it pleased God to crush his son, because of the eternal precious blood that outweighed sin". Do you want to discuss that verse?
No. I don’t take personal views on verses. If you’re gonna be adamant that way. I’ll give no push for you to do it to me. All the best to you then. And God be with. :)
No. I don’t take personal views on verses. If you’re gonna be adamant that way. I’ll give no push for you to do it to me.
Good. Now do you want to objectively discuss the Bible verse that pertains to your comment: "somewhere is mentioned in Psalms where it pleased God to crush his son, because of the eternal precious blood that outweighed sin"?
My over all thankfullness goes to God! Cause you can’t believe or trust or follow me. Nor anyone else. All should by prayer ask God to help you by the spirit, and you grow in knowing God, which is eternal life.

Good. Now do you want to objectively discuss the Bible verse that pertains to your comment: "somewhere is mentioned in Psalms where it pleased God to crush his son, because of the eternal precious blood that outweighed sin"?

No. I do not. I’m okay with God crushing his Word by and through Jesus subjection to the Law he fulfilled. Bringing forth the new covenant, after resurrection of Jesus.
My over all thankfullness goes to God! Cause you can’t believe or trust or follow me. Nor anyone else. All should by prayer ask God to help you by the spirit, and you grow in knowing God, which is eternal life.

Good. Now do you want to objectively discuss the Bible verse that pertains to your comment: "somewhere is mentioned in Psalms where it pleased God to crush his son, because of the eternal precious blood that outweighed sin"?

No. I do not. I’m okay with God crushing his Word made flesh, by and through Jesus subjection to the Law he fulfulled.
God turned away from him at the cross
People miss things cause of traditions of man. God left him on the cross because sin entered into his body.

How could Gid reside in that body now with sin?

He could not therefore leaves Jesus.

And Jesus still having faith and trust in God asks why have you forsaken me? He left. Leaving Jesus there without the anointing which was God in Christ.
My over all thankfullness goes to God! Cause you can’t believe or trust or follow me. Nor anyone else. All should by prayer ask God to help you by the spirit, and you grow in knowing God, which is eternal life.
I follow only Christ, not you nor anyone else.
No. I do not. I’m okay with God crushing his Word by and through Jesus subjection to the Law he fulfilled. Bringing forth the new covenant, after resurrection of Jesus.
So you refuse to discuss scripture. Suit yourself. Have a nice day.
Nowhere in Scripture is God wrathful to Jesus or Believers. Only a pagan god would be wrathful to Jesus or Believers. That's what Calvinists believe.

What is untrue? I'm trying to follow you.
Where do you get that this subject has to do with that theology?

Don’t they teach that God punished his son by his wrath on the son?

That’s horrible! And untrue.

This subject has nothing to do with that. I was trying to follow why you said what you did to the other person…
This subject has nothing to do with that. I was trying to follow why you said what you did to the other person…
Calvinists also believe that God did forsake Jesus on the Cross, which directly addresses your thread's title.
They do that because they believe in a pagan god that must be appeased by venting his wrath on an innocent sacrifice.
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