No one said that God was allergic to sin. You are correct that God is there even in the depth of Sheol. However the only part that is missing is separation upon, the one set of sin. The wages of sin, which was death. Wasn’t that the weight of the old agreement? If you do this, you will be bless by God, if you do not do this, you will be cursed by God and didn’t this Law only apply to the nation of Israel, which Jesus is fulfilling, and partaking in death, being separated from his once prior position being with God, to earth, and now, down to Sheol…
Gods Word was still present, as it would be the soul of Jesus, as the (heart/will/mind), though Jesus had a will of his own he did was was the will of the Father…
Thus, upon sin, and separation there is a moment in time where one sees “My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?” Then upon this, Jesus gives up his life, and goes forward on to hell…
What is also interesting about Sheol and though God is presented to be there, no one was ever in heaven actually with God until the price of sin was paid and they were raised back from the dead into new spiritual beings, and some going into the lake of fire, and some on the outside of the heavenly city gates now today…
Back then, even Jesus didn’t go up to his Father until ascending up, but he was separated just as the souls in Noah’s time were, from the ones not in prison.
It’s interesting… I guess in theory, if it is a theory… or my subjective view concerning.