Well-known member
The irony is that I’m one of the most historical/ orthodox trinitarians on Christian Internet forums as an owner lol. The farthest thing from apostasy within Christendom.
I too can cite orthodox Trinitarian understanding.
But, once we have that much?
Why do you stop there and fail to gain in more understanding as to why One God is Three?
You do not want understanding?
You just want your merit badge for learning the Trinity?
You just want what you believe to act as is a safe room to hide in?
That approach will only work when you choose to play stupid and stall others when debating other Christians.
You do need to understand more! Much more! You are acting like like a private in basic training who does not want to learn how to used his issued weapon effectively. Instead, you take pleasure in being able to cite each part of your rifle that you break down and reassemble, but not
able to use it in real warfare.
We need to become able to think with answers that would astound a Communist interrogator who has you imprisoned
for being a Christian. As you now are? She/he would laugh at how well you memorized your data, but could not give a
single good reason for God being a Trinity. You would be seen as just another dumb sheep mind, and killed without a problem.
You are not prepared as to avoid needing to be prepared, as you now are. For then you would not be able to disappear when challenged
by truth you can not cope with, and then come back later as if nothing was said; like you habitually have done here.
We need to overcome evil that God already knows we can face. To face it, and overcome it, before that evil tries to overcome you.
In doing so? That the evil, when observing you, will draw back without being able to try. Because it will know it can not get the
dominate position it craves to have over you in order to eliminate you in a pleasurable disdain for those being so dumb. Having
a wise answer destroys their fun.
God's grace can make you wiser than you ever realized you could be...
Just do not resist a new aspect of truth when introduced to you that scares you... and want to hide from it somehow by citing book reports
like a good little boy does.
Not everything God wants you to know is going to be liked by believers. It may even be hated at first!
Do not despise prophecies, but test everything; hold fast what is good. "
1 Thessalonians 5:20-21
Christians were actually hating what the Spirit was telling them.
To "test" one must avoid running to hide in a closed mind.
grace and peace .............
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