Daniel's 70 weeks and the Messiah


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A week is a period of time that is segmented into seven days. If one says it will be eight weeks until an event is to happen, then we understand that eight weeks consisting of fifty six days will pass before the event.

Example: From the approval of the building project until the building inspector comes shall be eight weeks.

We would understand that once the building project was approved 8 weeks consisting of 56 days will pass before the inspector is due to arrive. If the inspector arrived on day 53, we would say the inspector arrived early at 7 1/2 weeks instead of 8 weeks.

When we read Daniel 9:25, we are given a specific length of time before an event takes place and given the starting point to begin counting the time.

In understanding the prophetic language of the seventy weeks in Daniel, we apply the one day equals one year principle that was used in Numbers 14:34 when the Israelites were to wander 40 years in the wilderness for their unbelief. and in Ezekiel 4:4-6 where the Lord uses a day for year. This means one day equals a year, and there are 7 days in a week, so 7 X 70 weeks = 490 years.

Daniel 9:25- "Know therefore and understand, That from the going forth of the command To restore and build Jerusalem Until Messiah the Prince, There shall be seven weeks and sixty-two weeks; The street shall be built again, and the wall, Even in troublesome times."

The specific length of time is 7 weeks in troublesome times and 62 weeks. This is 69 weeks total, consisting of 483 years.
The specific event to happen is to Messiah the Prince.
The specific starting point to begin counting time is the command to restore and build Jerusalem.

From the command to restore and build Jerusalem to Messiah the Prince is 69 weeks. This means 69 weeks shall have passed when our Lord was revealed and anointed with the fullness of the Holy Spirit.

Two questions
1 - From reading the prophecy, which week did our Lord begin His ministry?
2 - In the middle of which week was our Lord cutoff-died for our sins?...Hint, verse 26 gives the answer.

Now that we understand the timeline of the prophecy, how can there be a remaining week seventy if our Lord began His ministry in the seventieth week and died mid-week?

God Bless

Seventy Weeks.png
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I've seen it calculated many ways. There is one compelling argument that all 70 week have passed, and in the midst of the 70th week, sacrifice and offering stopped when Jesus was crucified and the curtains separating the holy of holies was torn in two from top to bottom. If so, then where does that leave people who believe the 70th week is in the future?

Personally, I'm open to the idea that the 70th week occurred in the past as a TYPE, and we will see future week of years fulfilled, in the midst of which the man of sin will be revealed and the great tribulation will begin. That makes more sense to me than there being a 2,000+ gap between the 69th and 70th week. But I'm also content with the notion that we won't know until/unless we experience the 70th or that we just won't know this side of heaven.
I've seen it calculated many ways. There is one compelling argument that all 70 week have passed, and in the midst of the 70th week, sacrifice and offering stopped when Jesus was crucified and the curtains separating the holy of holies was torn in two from top to bottom. If so, then where does that leave people who believe the 70th week is in the future?
I have seen it calculated differently too, and was bamboozled by false teachings that I was taught and believed versus the simplicity of the prophecy. The prophecy is quite clear giving times, starting point when the time begins and the ending event.

As far as where does that leave people? Wrong and not edified in knowing God does foretell the future before it happens.
Personally, I'm open to the idea that the 70th week occurred in the past as a TYPE, and we will see future week of years fulfilled, in the midst of which the man of sin will be revealed and the great tribulation will begin. That makes more sense to me than there being a 2,000+ gap between the 69th and 70th week. But I'm also content with the notion that we won't know until/unless we experience the 70th or that we just won't know this side of heaven.
The seventy weeks was given for six things to be fulfilled, and all six were fulfilled during the time of our Lord.

Dan 9:24 - “Seventy weeks are decreed about your people and your holy city, to finish the transgression, to put an end to sin, and to atone for iniquity, to bring in everlasting righteousness, to seal both vision and prophet, and to anoint a most holy place."

The destruction of the temple and Jerusalem that happened in 70 AD is not a part of the seventy weeks, for they have nothing to do with the six things the seventy weeks are for.

I kindly disagree with not knowing this side of heaven about the seventieth week, for the prophecy concerns six things that have already been fulfilled.

God Bless
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Yeah, the 70 weeks transpiring consecutively makes the most sense to me. But there is still a future time where the restrainer (who I believe is Michael the archangel) is taken out of the way, the man of sin is revealed, and the great tribulation follows. It is cut short when Jesus returns.

I see people claim this is all part of the unfulfilled 70th week, but I don't see it that way, even if a week of events occurs in the future starting with a peace agreement.
A week is a period of time that is segmented into seven days. If one says it will be eight weeks until an event is to happen, then we understand that eight weeks consisting of fifty six days will pass before the event.

Example: From the approval of the building project until the building inspector comes shall be eight weeks.

We would understand that once the building project was approved 8 weeks consisting of 56 days will pass before the inspector is due to arrive. If the inspector arrived on day 53, we would say the inspector arrived early at 7 1/2 weeks instead of 8 weeks.

When we read Daniel 9:25, we are given a specific length of time before an event takes place and given the starting point to begin counting the time.

In understanding the prophetic language of the seventy weeks in Daniel, we apply the one day equals one year principle that was used in Numbers 14:34 when the Israelites were to wander 40 years in the wilderness for their unbelief. and in Ezekiel 4:4-6 where the Lord uses a day for year. This means one day equals a year, and there are 7 days in a week, so 7 X 70 weeks = 490 years.

Daniel 9:25- "Know therefore and understand, That from the going forth of the command To restore and build Jerusalem Until Messiah the Prince, There shall be seven weeks and sixty-two weeks; The street shall be built again, and the wall, Even in troublesome times."

The specific length of time is 7 weeks in troublesome times and 62 weeks. This is 69 weeks total, consisting of 483 years.
The specific event to happen is to Messiah the Prince.
The specific starting point to begin counting time is the command to restore and build Jerusalem.

From the command to restore and build Jerusalem to Messiah the Prince is 69 weeks. This means 69 weeks shall have passed when our Lord was revealed and anointed with the fullness of the Holy Spirit.

Two questions
1 - From reading the prophecy, which week did our Lord begin His ministry?
2 - In the middle of which week was our Lord cutoff-died for our sins?...Hint, verse 26 gives the answer.

Now that we understand the timeline of the prophecy, how can there be a remaining week seventy if our Lord began His ministry in the seventieth week and died mid-week?

God Bless

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According to the Prophecy given us in Daniel, Messiah ushered in the 70th Week when "the WORD became flesh and dwelt among us"
I've seen it calculated many ways. There is one compelling argument that all 70 week have passed, and in the midst of the 70th week, sacrifice and offering stopped when Jesus was crucified and the curtains separating the holy of holies was torn in two from top to bottom. If so, then where does that leave people who believe the 70th week is in the future?

Personally, I'm open to the idea that the 70th week occurred in the past as a TYPE, and we will see future week of years fulfilled, in the midst of which the man of sin will be revealed and the great tribulation will begin. That makes more sense to me than there being a 2,000+ gap between the 69th and 70th week. But I'm also content with the notion that we won't know until/unless we experience the 70th or that we just won't know this side of heaven.
There is no 'Time Gap' between the 69th and 70th Week.

According to the Prophecy given us in Daniel, Messiah ushered in the 70th Week when "the WORD became flesh and dwelt among us"
According to the Prophecy given us in Daniel, Messiah ushered in the 70th Week when "the WORD became flesh and dwelt among us"
I agree the prophecy informs us the Messiah comes in the 70th week, but it seems we differ in understanding when the 70th week begins in His earthly life. You have the 70th beginning at His birth, while I understand from the prophecy the 70th began at the beginning of His revealing to Israel, which began after the prophecy of Malachi was fulfilled by John the Baptist who heralded our Lord's coming. The 70th would began when He was anointed with the Holy Spirit.

God Bless
It says he is cut off after the 69th week, therefore there the 70th necessarily follows the death of Christ.

This gives us a reason to think it is unique.
I agree the prophecy informs us the Messiah comes in the 70th week, but it seems we differ in understanding when the 70th week begins in His earthly life. You have the 70th beginning at His birth, while I understand from the prophecy the 70th began at the beginning of His revealing to Israel, which began after the prophecy of Malachi was fulfilled by John the Baptist who heralded our Lord's coming. The 70th would began when He was anointed with the Holy Spirit.

God Bless
Excellent Brother Joe - Thank You

My emphasis is that His earthly ministry could not begin until Prophecy(s) about His 1st Coming took place.

Isaiah 7 : 7 + 7 - "Then he said, “Hear now, O house of David! Is it a small thing for you to weary men, but will you weary my God also?
Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign: Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a Son, and shall call His name Immanuel.

Joe, i would invite you to see even broader = JESUS/MESSIAH is the 70th Week = from Beginning until End

“Do not be afraid; I am the First and the Last" = "Alpha and Omega" = "Beginning and End"

There is even more Brother Joe that i desire for you to SEE from Genesis.

Peace and Blessing be upon you from our LORD Jesus Christ
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It says he is cut off after the 69th week, therefore there the 70th necessarily follows the death of Christ.

This gives us a reason to think it is unique.
AFTER 69 comes 70 = therefore He was "cut-off" in the 70 week

#1 - There is NO GAP between the 69th and 70th week

#2 - It is IMPOSSIBLE for Daniel 9:24 to be actuated unless HE was "cut off" in the 70th Week = thus it occurs AFTER the 69th as scripture declares

Peace and Blessing from our LORD Jesus Christ be upon you @dizerner
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AFTER 69 comes 70 = therefore He was "cut-off" in the 70 week

#1 - There is NO GAP between the 69th and 70th week

#2 - It is IMPOSSIBLE for Daniel 9:24 to be actuated unless HE was "cut off" in the 70th Week = thus it occurs AFTER the 69th as scripture declares

Peace and Blessing from our LORD Jesus Christ be upon you @dizerner

Actually, there is another way to look at it. All the parallel passages of what the Antichrist do fit 9:24 rather than Christ, who does being in an abomination of desolation.

When I say, "after today, I will be 45 years old," I do not usually mean "sometime" after today in the distant future. I mean RIGHT after today, that is normal usage. If someone said to me," after today I will be 45 years old," I would not expect them to be 15 years old, and talking about an ambiguous time in the future.

If Christ was cut off in the 70th week, the text would tell us he was cut off during the 70th week, not AFTER the 69th week in some ambiguous sense. It would be VITAL to know that Christ is actually cut off in the 70th week and not just right after the 69th week to place the timing of anything that is happening. so the text is not being ambiguous here.

Let us continue to study and pray!
It says he is cut off after the 69th week, therefore there the 70th necessarily follows the death of Christ.

This gives us a reason to think it is unique.
"Know therefore and understand, That from the going forth of the command To restore and build Jerusalem until (unto, to) Messiah the Prince, There shall be seven weeks and sixty-two weeks; The street shall be built again, and the wall, Even in troublesome times." (Dan 9:25)

Let's use an example.
You are told it takes 7 and 62 weeks to walk from point A to point B, and the first 7 weeks of walking is rather bumpy.
* How many total weeks were you told it takes? (Answer: 7+62=69)
* How many days would that be knowing there are seven days to a week? (7x69=483)

The prophecy is clear "there shall be" 69 weeks from the command to restore and build until the Messiah. This means 483 years will have passed.
There are 7 days to a week. 7 days times 69 weeks = 483 years.

Being cutoff after the 62 weeks makes it clear that our Lord died in the 70th week. Here's how we know.
It took 7 weeks+62 weeks to get to the Messiah. This means 69 weeks in total have passed. There is only one more week remaining, the 70th week. The prophecy declares He dies "after" the 62nd week. In the equation given to us, the week following the 62nd week is the last week of the 70.
Our Lord died mid-week of the 70th week.

God Bless

Actually, there is another way to look at it. All the parallel passages of what the Antichrist do fit 9:24 rather than Christ, who does being in an abomination of desolation.

When I say, "after today, I will be 45 years old," I do not usually mean "sometime" after today in the distant future. I mean RIGHT after today, that is normal usage. If someone said to me," after today I will be 45 years old," I would not expect them to be 15 years old, and talking about an ambiguous time in the future.

If Christ was cut off in the 70th week, the text would tell us he was cut off during the 70th week, not AFTER the 69th week in some ambiguous sense. It would be VITAL to know that Christ is actually cut off in the 70th week and not just right after the 69th week to place the timing of anything that is happening. so the text is not being ambiguous here.

Let us continue to study and pray!
Daniel 9:24

24“Seventy weeks are determined
For your people and for your holy city,
To finish the transgression,
To make an end of sins,
To make reconciliation for iniquity,
To bring in everlasting righteousness,
To seal up vision and prophecy,
And to anoint the Most Holy.

Where do you see reference to the 'antichrist' in 9:24???
Where do you see reference to the 'antichrist' in 9:24???

Yeah, I meant 27 my bad. You could probably figure out that mistake by context.

This verse (27) just does not fit Christ at all, and parallels several other passages.

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AFTER 69 comes 70 = therefore He was "cut-off" in the 70 week

#1 - There is NO GAP between the 69th and 70th week

#2 - It is IMPOSSIBLE for Daniel 9:24 to be actuated unless HE was "cut off" in the 70th Week = thus it occurs AFTER the 69th as scripture declares

Peace and Blessing from our LORD Jesus Christ be upon you @dizerner
Naturally. Any gap theory is simply unnatural. The 70 sevens were consecutive

Recommend The seventy weeks and the great tribulation by Phillip Mauro
It says he is cut off after the 69th week, therefore there the 70th necessarily follows the death of Christ.

This gives us a reason to think it is unique.
If I'm not mistaken I think it's meaning YES after the 69th week ;but he would be cut off in the middle of the 70th week.

And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, ;Daniel 9:27

The Greek word midst or the middle of the week as one translation has it is the word below,

chatsi: half
Original Word: חֵצִי
Part of Speech: Noun Masculine
Transliteration: chatsi
Phonetic Spelling: (khay-tsee')
Definition: half

It does seem to me the cutting off was Christ work on the cross for in real terms animal sacrifice was no longer needed and he established righteousness IN HIM to those who would believe. Seems that's what Dan 9 says would happen. So....we're left with talking about this 7 years ;thing we've called the tribulation period. Of course we could face tribulation and some Christians have in do......and we can expect that till the end of the age.......but are we maybe guilty of having transferred a text for a future age of numbers when it doesn't warrant doing so?

I wonder if what's really happened is what I call an engraining process. Christians have heard the term 7 year Tribulation hundreds of times and thousands of times where it's become engrained in them.....and now it's like bedrock truth....or so they think it is. Very few I think can overcome what's engrained within them. They know or think they know that they can't be wrong for what would that say about their ability to assess things all through the years. I encourage people to step back and not always be considering everything has to be the way they might think it is about all things. There are some things we most certainly can be mistaken on. This could be one of them.
Naturally. Any gap theory is simply unnatural. The 70 sevens were consecutive

Recommend The seventy weeks and the great tribulation by Phillip Mauro
@TomL says:
Naturally. Any gap theory is simply unnatural.

God is Supernatural

"That which is impossible with men - but with God all things are possible"

Suggested Reading: Gospel of John, Acts and Hebrews
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