Biblical Facts against PSA !

Because of the requirement of BLOOD to cleanse sin.

I see.

And why does blood cleanse sin?

Does ANY blood cleanse sin?

HOW does blood have something to do with cleansing sin?

If Jesus just pricked his finger and let some blood drop, would have cleansed a bunch of sins?
I see.

And why does blood cleanse sin?

Does ANY blood cleanse sin?

HOW does blood have something to do with cleansing sin?

If Jesus just pricked his finger and let some blood drop, would have cleansed a bunch of sins?
Gods rules without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sins. His requirement for His reasons.
So God just makes a random rule he refuses to explain to us, that if you bleed a bunch then sins go away?
The life of the creature is on the blood- Lev 17:11- For the life of a creature is in the blood, and I have given it to you to make atonement for yourselves on the altar; it is the blood that makes atonement for one’s life.

Hebrews 9 conforms Leviticus 17. And Jesus said His blood was given for the forgiveness of sins.

Its simple I believe Gods word and don't need to question God and ask why ?

We see how that worked out for Job in chapters 38-40- not so good.

I'll let you take that up with God like another poster who needs to take up why Jesus needs to be a man with God.

Scripture says thats why and its good enough for me. I don't deny the Bodily Resurrection/Asension of Christ and that He is still a man or His atonement. Its funny how the doctrines overlap. :)
According to Scripture, all three persons of the Godhead are offended by sin. All three persons are committed to destroying sin and to liberating humanity and the world from the curse. Jesus is the eternal Son, and when he died on the cross, he was there because he’d chosen to lay down his life, a plan devised in eternity. Philippians 2:6–8 clearly shows the pre-incarnate Son of God deciding to take on flesh, become a servant, and go to his death for sinners. His prayer in Gethsemane, contemplating the cup of wrath, is that the Father’s will would be accomplished through his death (Matt. 26:42).

No one took his life he laid it down willingly, God's wrath was not applied to him.

So it’s no use pitting “vindictive God” against “innocent Jesus,” for the one nailed to the tree is himself the sin-hating, sinner-saving God. The Son’s complicity in his own condemnation as our substitute is one of the gospel’s most glorious truths. Being clear about this truth shows us Christ’s beauty and love.
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According to Scripture, all three persons of the Godhead are offended by sin. All three persons are committed to destroying sin and to liberating humanity and the world from the curse. Jesus is the eternal Son, and when he died on the cross, he was there because he’d chosen to lay down his life, a plan devised in eternity. Philippians 2:6–8 clearly shows the pre-incarnate Son of God deciding to take on flesh, become a servant, and go to his death for sinners. His prayer in Gethsemane, contemplating the cup of wrath, is that the Father’s will would be accomplished through his death (Matt. 26:42).

No one took his life he laid it down willingly, God's wrath was not applied to him.

So it’s no use pitting “vindictive God” against “innocent Jesus,” for the one nailed to the tree is himself the sin-hating, sinner-saving God. The Son’s complicity in his own condemnation as our substitute is one of the gospel’s most glorious truths. Being clear about this truth shows us Christ’s beauty and love.
yes there was no cosmic child abuse from an angry pagan god who needed to be appeased like Moloch in the OT by killing children to satisfy his great wrath and anger
Its simple I believe Gods word and don't need to question God and ask why ?

You ask a lot of whys.

You ask whys in posts all the time.

Don't be a self-righteous edit and act like you don't.

Using deduction is not sinful, and God let's us know many things through this means.
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You ask a lot of whys.

You ask whys in posts all the time.

Don't be a self-righteous edit and act like you don't.

Using deduction is not sinful, and God let's us know many things through this means.
Why did God create the angels ?

Two can play this game I'm all in .
I have, and he's answered me.

God also made the rule "the Law brings wrath."

Have you heard that rule?
No He didn't answer you why. God doesn't give an explanation other than the life resides in the blood and necessary to make atonement for sin.

see the BIBLE's answer in Leviticus 17:11 and Hebrews 9.

I see you doubt Gods written word which is disbelief in what God has declared to be true.

All wrapped up in one simple to understand verse as to what God declares is how sin is forgiven in the atonement. If exactly what Jesus said to His disciples in the communion.

Lev 17:11- For the life of a creature is in the blood, and I have given it to you to make atonement for yourselves on the altar; it is the blood that makes atonement for one’s life.

It all fits together perfectly when the stronghold of PSA is removed.
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I see.

And why does blood cleanse sin?

Does ANY blood cleanse sin?

HOW does blood have something to do with cleansing sin?

If Jesus just pricked his finger and let some blood drop, would have cleansed a bunch of sins?
Drain your blood and see how long you live and if there is life in your body when your blood is removed 🩸Jesus blood gives both life and forgiveness of sins.
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