A Call to Prayer and Fasting


Well-known member
If God is willing, and you feel so led, please pray and fast with me today, April 1, April 2, and April 3.

Pray for repentance in the body of Christ, that we would repent of our own sins.
Pray for repentance in the "woke" church, that goes along with the world instead of "resisting the devil, so that he will flee."
Pray for repentance among Christian politicians, that they would have courage to resist evil, and that they and their families would be protected when they do.
Pray for unity in the body of Christ.
Pray for our brothers and sisters who are being persecuted, especially those in Communist countries or countries with dictatorships. Nigeria comes to mind.
Pray for our border to be closed, the invasion to stop, and order restored.
Pray for God's intervention in our "sick" country, that many would repent, and that God would once again, have mercy on us.
Pray for fair elections, that only those who are legally eligible would vote, and that God would intervene where cheating occurs.
Pray for our children and grandchildren, that they would be spiritually strong and dependent on God, and that God would have mercy on all children who are victims.
Pray for laborers in the harvest, to reach those who are lost and dying, that they would turn to Jesus.
Pray for the sick in the church - cancer, covid, etc.
Pray for those involved with drug use, child trafficking, prostitution, pornography, alcoholism and violence, that these evils would be stopped and that they would repent.
Pray for wisdom to deal with the millions of illegals who are now in the country, that any criminals would be exposed and justice done, and innocent victims would be saved and provided for.
Pray that this government would stop recklessly spending and printing money.
Pray that all government office holders who are involved in crime would be brought to justice.
Pray that evil "leaders" would be removed and replaced by righteous leaders.
Pray to our heavenly Father in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
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