World = US = John 3:16

JESUS said IF THEY BELIEVE NOT , however THEY are condemned . UNLESS ya wanna call HIM a liar as do pope francis and scores of others .
John said He who BELIEVES NOT the testimony GOD gave of the SON
BE CALLING GOD A LIAR . yes you heard that right , A LIAR . AINT NO TRUTH IN THEM .
The world Christ died for isnt condemned, not ever, the world He didnt die for is condemn,
As we look at Heretics like John Calvin, we see that their theology, is always confused, and its always some specific idea they become a victim of that informs the rest of their theology.

With John Calvin and those who are mind owned by this Devil.. He was confused about one simple word and then from this confusion, he twisted the New Testament into his own personal doctrine of devils.
Now was he demon possessed ????.........well, he was led of a demon...., as His theology insults The Cross of Christ, and that is the devil's work.
See, its the Devil's work to try to subvert the Cross.. and so, when you have a theology that LIMITS to whom The Cross is available, then that is proof that the DEVIL, is the author of that teaching.

Calvin's major theological blunder, was that he didnt comprehend this NT Word....>>>"fore-Knowledge".

Now, any 12 yr old, can understand that "FORE- Knowledge".. simply means =complete knowledge of........ BEFORE it happens next.

See it?

Like this...>>"BEFORE.. knowledge".. or complete knowledge of what is going to happen, = BEFORE it happens..

So, what Calvin did in his demonic confusion, was redefine foreknowledge, as "pre-destined".

See that incredible mistake? So, Calvin then pre-destined what was only Fore-Known by God, and that is the central ROT of Calvinism.. .HyperCalvinism.. TULIP>...., that led to all the "pre-destining" of what is only fore-known by God.

Let me give you an example...

If your best friend ends up in hell, then God knew they that is God's all knowing = "fore knowledge".. but that is not the same as God pre-destining them for Calvin redefined God's foreknowledge.

See, CALVIN and HyperCalvinism. TULIP>.. it falsely defines God's foreknowledge as "God causes it"., and that is the critical error of Calvinism and Hyper and TULIP.
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As we look at Heretics like John Calvin, we see that their theology, is always confused, and its always some specific idea they become a victim of that informs the rest of their theology.

With John Calvin and those who are mind owned by this Devil.. He was confused about one simple word and then from this confusion, he twisted the New Testament into his own personal doctrine of devils.
Now was he demon possessed ????.........well, he was led of a demon...., as His theology insults The Cross of Christ, and that is the devil's work.
See, its the Devil's work to try to subvert the Cross.. and so, when you have a theology that LIMITS to whom The Cross is available, then that is proof that the DEVIL, is the author of that teaching.

Calvin's major theological blunder, was that he didnt comprehend this NT Word....>>>"fore-Knowledge".

Now, any 12 yr old, can understand that "FORE- Knowledge".. simply means =complete knowledge of........ BEFORE it happens next.

See it?

Like this...>>"BEFORE.. knowledge".. or complete knowledge of what is going to happen, = BEFORE it happens..

So, what Calvin did in his demonic confusion, was redefine foreknowledge, as "pre-destined".

See that incredible mistake? So, Calvin then pre-destined what was only Fore-Known by God, and that is the central ROT of Calvinism.. .HyperCalvinism.. TULIP>...., that led to all the "pre-destining" of what is only fore-known by God.

Let me give you an example...

If your best friend ends up in hell, then God knew they that is God's all knowing = "fore knowledge".. but that is not the same as God pre-destining them for Calvin redefined God's foreknowledge.

See, CALVIN and HyperCalvinism. TULIP>.. it falsely defines God's foreknowledge as "God causes it"., and that is the critical error of Calvinism and Hyper and TULIP.
My advice remains , heed not calivin . But i sure thinks for me to remind you of that ....
well lets jus say I SURE Dont thinks ya follow that ol feller or his teachings . Remember heed not a pope one either . its a mess these days .
Sorry He died for the whole world

1 John 2:2 (LEB) — 2 and he is the propitiation for our sins, and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world.

Not the small portion you allow
You see the real message keeps getting kicked out . but i say lets just keep it real simple .
preach to all that has breath the abosolute DIRE dIRE NEED to BELEIVE ON HIM
put all face first IN that bible to learn of HIM . and watch out for many many many decievers abound
all over the realm of what is commonly called christendom . The trogan peace n love inclusive diverse interfaith etc ,
HAS come within the chambers to many houses now . what they didnt realize is
although that ol pony had written on the outside it was love and of GOD , MAN only death was within
just waiting to destroy them all from within .
Sorry He died for the whole world

1 John 2:2 (LEB) — 2 and he is the propitiation for our sins, and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world.

Not the small portion you allow
No sir, the people He died for are never condemned, and will always become believers. 1 Jn 1:2:2 thats the elect

Tulip is the Gospel
ya migh wann remove those two lips from that tulip my friend . The rod of calvin is bad news .
between him and the popes much destruction has been pumped out unto christendom .
And beleive you me it aint just calvin either . The it , is too many names to list
so i will make it real easy . HERE IS THE the only it we ought to get back in and to learn .
GET IN IT . ready THE BIBLE . get in that book and hurry to learn what most all within even the realm of christendom
can no longer even discern , THE TRUTH . Now i speak , or type this not to condmen you
but in hopes you will be highly encouaraged and get in the HOLY book for thineself .
No sir, the people He died for are never condemned, and will always become believers. 1 Jn 1:2:2 thats the elect
Sorry the bible shows otherwise

2 Peter 2:1 (ESV) — 1 But false prophets also arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing upon themselves swift destruction.
As we look at Heretics like John Calvin, we see that their theology, is always confused, and its always some specific idea they become a victim of that informs the rest of their theology.

With John Calvin and those who are mind owned by this Devil.. He was confused about one simple word and then from this confusion, he twisted the New Testament into his own personal doctrine of devils.
Now was he demon possessed ????.........well, he was led of a demon...., as His theology insults The Cross of Christ, and that is the devil's work.
See, its the Devil's work to try to subvert the Cross.. and so, when you have a theology that LIMITS to whom The Cross is available, then that is proof that the DEVIL, is the author of that teaching.

Calvin's major theological blunder, was that he didnt comprehend this NT Word....>>>"fore-Knowledge".

Now, any 12 yr old, can understand that "FORE- Knowledge".. simply means =complete knowledge of........ BEFORE it happens next.

See it?

Like this...>>"BEFORE.. knowledge".. or complete knowledge of what is going to happen, = BEFORE it happens..

So, what Calvin did in his demonic confusion, was redefine foreknowledge, as "pre-destined".

See that incredible mistake? So, Calvin then pre-destined what was only Fore-Known by God, and that is the central ROT of Calvinism.. .HyperCalvinism.. TULIP>...., that led to all the "pre-destining" of what is only fore-known by God.

Let me give you an example...

If your best friend ends up in hell, then God knew they that is God's all knowing = "fore knowledge".. but that is not the same as God pre-destining them for Calvin redefined God's foreknowledge.

See, CALVIN and HyperCalvinism. TULIP>.. it falsely defines God's foreknowledge as "God causes it"., and that is the critical error of Calvinism and Hyper and TULIP.
The hour draws late and time of the great delusion has come to gather all not in the lambs book of life
to merge under what all will believe is love and of God . but it is of anti christ , NOT GOD . beware its song
for it can sound so loving and so caring , BUT IT PREACHES DEATH unto all and has DENIED the DIRE NEED TO BELEIVE ON JESUS
the CHRIST . it cometh of and has come of that which is of anti christ .It has come with an image
of God and of love that all humanity can agree upon to be as GOD as LOVE . But it has brought another image
of what it calleth GOD and claims is love . IT has made the path VERY broad as well as sin accepting . beware it
, take no heed unto its love song of what it cries is inclusive , FOR IT LIES and preaches REBELLION TO GOD unto the masses .
ya migh wann remove those two lips from that tulip my friend . The rod of calvin is bad news .
between him and the popes much destruction has been pumped out unto christendom .
And beleive you me it aint just calvin either . The it , is too many names to list
so i will make it real easy . HERE IS THE the only it we ought to get back in and to learn .
GET IN IT . ready THE BIBLE . get in that book and hurry to learn what most all within even the realm of christendom
can no longer even discern , THE TRUTH . Now i speak , or type this not to condmen you
but in hopes you will be highly encouaraged and get in the HOLY book for thineself .
As I see it friend, you speak evil against the Gospel of God
Sorry the bible shows otherwise

2 Peter 2:1 (ESV) — 1 But false prophets also arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing upon themselves swift destruction.
Thats the reprobate, false prophets, born to be taken and destroyed like wild beast, Christ never died for them. See 2 Pet 2:12

12 But these, as natural brute beasts, made to be taken and destroyed, speak evil of the things that they understand not; and shall utterly perish in their own corruption;
As I see it friend, you speak evil against the Gospel of God
by preaching against the lies of intefaith . I SURE DONT See how exposing
that is speaking evil against the GOSPEL of GOD .
I seen what its leaders told the false religoins and IT SURE WERENT THE GOSPEL
it was the lie that they are hearing GOD . rather odd , YOU DO realize the false religoins REJECT the GOSPEL of GOD .
I sure dont seem to see you even trying to help me to expose that which is of anti christ .
Guess folks seem to follow another version of who they THINK is JESUS
and yet that their version sure seems to say OH ITS OKAY if ye believe not , JUST HUGGY DO and LOVEY DO and all is well.
by preaching against the lies of intefaith . I SURE DONT See how exposing
that is speaking evil against the GOSPEL of GOD .
I seen what its leaders told the false religoins and IT SURE WERENT THE GOSPEL
it was the lie that they are hearing GOD . rather odd , YOU DO realize the false religoins REJECT the GOSPEL of GOD .
I sure dont seem to see you even trying to help me to expose that which is of anti christ .
Guess folks seem to follow another version of who they THINK is JESUS
and yet that their version sure seems to say OH ITS OKAY if ye believe not , JUST HUGGY DO and LOVEY DO and all is well.
For rejecting Tulip Truths
Thats the reprobate, false prophets, born to be taken and destroyed like wild beast, Christ never died for them. See 2 Pet 2:12

12 But these, as natural brute beasts, made to be taken and destroyed, speak evil of the things that they understand not; and shall utterly perish in their own corruption;
Um the text speaks of the master who bought them

according to Jude

Jude 4 (NASB95) — 4 For certain persons have crept in unnoticed, those who were long beforehand marked out for this condemnation, ungodly persons who turn the grace of our God into licentiousness and deny our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ.

Christ is that master
For rejecting Tulip Truths
Tulip aint the gospel . sure it might have some truths . i mean not everything calvlin said was a lie .
BUT it aint the gospel . Not entirely .
But you wanna know what i seem to notice in these latter years .
Whether one is calvnists , RCC , JW , OR lutheran . NOBODY SEEMS to give a rip
that the true gospel of YE MUST BLEIEVE ON CHRIST has been and is getting shut down bythis broad path all inclusive false love
sin accepting unbeleif accepting lie . I cant get hardly anyone to stand up
for the TRUTH and most seem to be running right into this co exist false love interfaith junk .
But its been reported that even within christendom itself Over seventy percent of those DONT EVEN
beleive one has to actually BELIEVE IN JESUS anymore and that GOD is fine with all relgions .
ITS a mad house of a delusion . so what says you about this intefaith co exist finding common ground .
ME i know its of anti christ , MEANT TO SOUND GOOD and NECESSARY , BUT A LIE indeed .
satan sure can make things sound so necessary and so good and yet JESUS GETS DENIED .
The world Christ died for isnt condemned, not ever, the world He didnt die for is condemn,
what is this other world ye do speak about , we live on earth , not nibu .
JESUS paid the price of the sins of mankind on planet earth , now as for nibu this other world ye speak of
of course HE didnt do so for it , cause , well , IT DONT EXIST .
TIME we give out some real hope . TIME we start telling folks HOW TO BE SAVED rather than
sitting on the side lines preaching calvin .
Lets see . Paul and silas had yelled out to the guard
DO thyself no harm for we are all still here .
The jailor comes running in
TODAYS generatoin is so busying trying to determine predestiantion
I suggest we focus on WHO saves and HOW ONE CAN be saved . try leaving the rest to GOD and not to calvin .
The hour draws late and time of the great delusion has come to gather all not in the lambs book of life
to merge under what all will believe is love and of God . but it is of anti christ , NOT GOD . beware its song
for it can sound so loving and so caring , BUT IT PREACHES DEATH unto all and has DENIED the DIRE NEED TO BELEIVE ON JESUS
the CHRIST . it cometh of and has come of that which is of anti christ .It has come with an image
of God and of love that all humanity can agree upon to be as GOD as LOVE . But it has brought another image
of what it calleth GOD and claims is love . IT has made the path VERY broad as well as sin accepting . beware it
, take no heed unto its love song of what it cries is inclusive , FOR IT LIES and preaches REBELLION TO GOD unto the masses .
Um the text speaks of the master who bought them

according to Jude

Jude 4 (NASB95) — 4 For certain persons have crept in unnoticed, those who were long beforehand marked out for this condemnation, ungodly persons who turn the grace of our God into licentiousness and deny our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ.

Christ is that master
Says nothing about being bought with the blood of Christ, so again these were false prophets, so they were born to be taken and destroyed.
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