As we look at Heretics like John Calvin, we see that their theology, is always confused, and its always some specific idea they become a victim of that informs the rest of their theology.
With John Calvin and those who are mind owned by this Devil.. He was confused about one simple word and then from this confusion, he twisted the New Testament into his own personal doctrine of devils.
Now was he demon possessed ????.........well, he was led of a demon...., as His theology insults The Cross of Christ, and that is the devil's work.
See, its the Devil's work to try to subvert the Cross.. and so, when you have a theology that LIMITS to whom The Cross is available, then that is proof that the DEVIL, is the author of that teaching.
Calvin's major theological blunder, was that he didnt comprehend this NT Word....>>>"fore-Knowledge".
Now, any 12 yr old, can understand that "FORE- Knowledge".. simply means =complete knowledge of........ BEFORE it happens next.
See it?
Like this...>>"BEFORE.. knowledge".. or complete knowledge of what is going to happen, = BEFORE it happens..
So, what Calvin did in his demonic confusion, was redefine foreknowledge, as "pre-destined".
See that incredible mistake? So, Calvin then pre-destined what was only Fore-Known by God, and that is the central ROT of Calvinism.. .HyperCalvinism.. TULIP>...., that led to all the "pre-destining" of what is only fore-known by God.
Let me give you an example...
If your best friend ends up in hell, then God knew they that is God's all knowing = "fore knowledge".. but that is not the same as God pre-destining them for Calvin redefined God's foreknowledge.
See, CALVIN and HyperCalvinism. TULIP>.. it falsely defines God's foreknowledge as "God causes it"., and that is the critical error of Calvinism and Hyper and TULIP.