World = US = John 3:16

For death has come upon all . ONLY one way to be freed from that .
As paul quoated JESUS to king agrippa . what JESUS himself had told paul on the road to damascus .
Paul was blinded by such a glorious Light
I am JESUS whom thou do persecutest
But rise and stand upon your feet , for i have appeared to you for this
purpose , to make you a ministir and a witness both of the things which you have Seen
and of those things in the which i shall appear unto thee ,
Delivering thee from the people (jews )and the gentiles
unto Whom NOW i shall send thee
to OPEN their eyes , and to TURN them FROM darkness
From the POWER of SATAN unto GOD
that they may Recieve FORGIVENSS of sins
and inheritance among those who are SANCTIFIED IN ME .
Budda saves none . its darkness , muhammed saves none , its darkness
Krishna saves none its of darkness .
with man it is impossible , But not with GOD . The dire necessity to once again
preach CHRIST to these lost religoins and all is a dire must . Intefaith coexist is LYING TO US ALL .
it will save none . Who so ever beleives NOT the testimony that GOD gave of THE SON , not budda or anyone else ,
But of the SON they are calling GOD a liar , they remain in darkness and have no hope .
Very serious is the need to beleive JESUS is the Christ , GOD did raise him from the dead . confessing him by mouth .
This is the true gospel , eternal life and cometh of the ONE TRUE GOD .
You are in denial

Christ is the master in the church and his blood is the only purchasing power in the New testament

The master is Christ

Jude 4 (LEB) — 4 For certain men have slipped in stealthily, who were designated long ago for this condemnation, ungodly ones, who change the grace of our God into licentiousness and who deny our only Master and Lord Jesus Christ.
He bought or purchased the false teachers

2 Peter 2:1 (LEB) — 1 But there were also false prophets among the people, as there will be false teachers among you also, who will bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, thus bringing on themselves swift destruction.

He purchased men with his blood

Revelation 5:9 (LEB) — 9 And they were singing a new song, saying, “You are worthy to take the scroll and to open its seals, because you were slaughtered, and bought people for God by your blood from every tribe and language and people and nation,

Acts 20:28 (LEB) — 28 Be on guard for yourselves and for all the flock among which the Holy Spirit has appointed you as overseers, to shepherd the church of God which he obtained through the blood of his own Son.

1 Corinthians 6:20 (LEB) — 20 For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God with your body.

1 Corinthians 6:20 (LEB) — 20 For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God with your body.
2 Pet 2:1

Says nothing about being bought with the blood of Christ. Go study instead of quoting out of lack of knowledge or information.
The elect by nature were children of wrath, but they were not condemned, depraved yes, condemned no way
How could they be children of wrath when your doctrine posits their sin was removed at the cross or was even eternally justified?

Your theology is inconsistent.
How could they be children of wrath when your doctrine posits their sin was removed at the cross or was even eternally justified?

Your theology is inconsistent.
Being children of wrath by nature is describing their nature worthy of wrath, depravity. In other words there is no difference naturally between the elect and nonelect, both are worthy of wrath and hate God. The verse never said they were under wrath
what is this other world ye do speak about , we live on earth , not nibu .
JESUS paid the price of the sins of mankind on planet earth , now as for nibu this other world ye speak of
of course HE didnt do so for it , cause , well , IT DONT EXIST .
TIME we give out some real hope . TIME we start telling folks HOW TO BE SAVED rather than
sitting on the side lines preaching calvin .
Lets see . Paul and silas had yelled out to the guard
DO thyself no harm for we are all still here .
The jailor comes running in
TODAYS generatoin is so busying trying to determine predestiantion
I suggest we focus on WHO saves and HOW ONE CAN be saved . try leaving the rest to GOD and not to calvin .
The elect by nature were children of wrath, but they were not condemned, depraved yes, condemned no way
Soon the global religoin will have entirely replaced
the one true gospel of JESUS CHRIST
as well as all other false one ways in any other religion .
AS CHRISTENDOM and the united religoins will all beleive in this so called gospel .
BELIEVE YE IN LOVE . mark my words . more and more are alreadying buying into
this idea that it really dont matter what religoin one was
what mattered is did they love. ITS ALL A DELUSION and A STRONG ONE .
many have always pondered JUST HOW ON EARTH
are we ever gonna have a one world religoin . OH ITS HERE .
HAVE THEM TO BELEIVE IN LOVE and to actually chant as one GOD IS LOVE
GOD IS LOVE . its already happening .
That is why we hear all day long about love love love
and yet if anyone would wake up and bother to examine this version of love
and is pumped by very greedy men whose desire is an utopia .
The churches have been greatly DECIEVED and sadly it seems more and more seem to love
to have this so .
sounds like a religious beetles song as it has been sung to all religoins and the world .
NOT JESUS , NOT FAITH IN HIM , oh no that is divise and non loving . WE ARE GETTING DECIEVED .
GET the heck out of this so called finding common ground churches , co exist , religious interdialgoue intefaith churches . DO IT NOW .
Get back into the bible and learn for yourselves .
Being children of wrath by nature is describing their nature worthy of wrath, depravity. In other words there is no difference naturally between the elect and nonelect, both are worthy of wrath and hate God. The verse never said they were under wrath
Um did you just erase the word wrath from the phrase

"Children of wrath"
Um did you just erase the word wrath from the phrase

"Children of wrath"
Being children of wrath by nature is describing their nature worthy of wrath, depravity. In other words there is no difference naturally between the elect and nonelect, both are worthy of wrath and hate God. The verse never said they were under wrath
Being children of wrath by nature is describing their nature worthy of wrath, depravity. In other words there is no difference naturally between the elect and nonelect, both are worthy of wrath and hate God. The verse never said they were under wrath
Afraid not

We were children of wrath (2:3)

Paul continues to discuss the Ephesians’ past way of life in verse 3 where he describes the consequences of their sins which resulted in their alieation from God, evidenced by the fact that they are under the wrath of God.

Trevor J. Burke, The Message of Sonship: At Home in God’s Household (ed. Derek Tidball; The Bible Speaks Today: Bible Themes Series; Nottingham, England: Inter-Varsity Press, 2011), 168.

They were children of wrath even as others who were under the wrath of God
Um did you just erase the word wrath from the phrase

"Children of wrath"
Soon the global religoin will have entirely replaced
the one true gospel of JESUS CHRIST
as well as all other false one ways in any other religion .
AS CHRISTENDOM and the united religoins will all beleive in this so called gospel .
BELIEVE YE IN LOVE . mark my words . more and more are alreadying buying into
this idea that it really dont matter what religoin one was
what mattered is did they love. ITS ALL A DELUSION and A STRONG ONE .
many have always pondered JUST HOW ON EARTH
are we ever gonna have a one world religoin . OH ITS HERE .
HAVE THEM TO BELEIVE IN LOVE and to actually chant as one GOD IS LOVE
GOD IS LOVE . its already happening .
That is why we hear all day long about love love love
and yet if anyone would wake up and bother to examine this version of love
and is pumped by very greedy men whose desire is an utopia .
The churches have been greatly DECIEVED and sadly it seems more and more seem to love
to have this so .
Afraid not

We were children of wrath (2:3)

Paul continues to discuss the Ephesians’ past way of life in verse 3 where he describes the consequences of their sins which resulted in their alieation from God, evidenced by the fact that they are under the wrath of God.

Trevor J. Burke, The Message of Sonship: At Home in God’s Household (ed. Derek Tidball; The Bible Speaks Today: Bible Themes Series; Nottingham, England: Inter-Varsity Press, 2011), 168.

They were children of wrath even as others who were under the wrath of God
Being children of wrath just describes their nature as sinners, yet they arent condemned, in fact theyre seated in heavenly places in Christ before they believe Eph 2:5-6

5 Even when we were dead in sins, hath quickened us together with Christ, (by grace ye are saved)

6 And hath raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus:
Being children of wrath just describes their nature as sinners, yet they arent condemned, in fact theyre seated in heavenly places in Christ before they believe Eph 2:5-6

5 Even when we were dead in sins, hath quickened us together with Christ, (by grace ye are saved)

6 And hath raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus:
Nope children of wrath are inheritors of wrath

Paul continues to discuss the Ephesians’ past way of life in verse 3 where he describes the consequences of their sins which resulted in their alieation from God, evidenced by the fact that they are under the wrath of God.

Trevor J. Burke, The Message of Sonship: At Home in God’s Household (ed. Derek Tidball; The Bible Speaks Today: Bible Themes Series; Nottingham, England: Inter-Varsity Press, 2011), 168.
Nope children of wrath are inheritors of wrath

Paul continues to discuss the Ephesians’ past way of life in verse 3 where he describes the consequences of their sins which resulted in their alieation from God, evidenced by the fact that they are under the wrath of God.

Trevor J. Burke, The Message of Sonship: At Home in God’s Household (ed. Derek Tidball; The Bible Speaks Today: Bible Themes Series; Nottingham, England: Inter-Varsity Press, 2011), 168.
They were never under wrath, and Eph 2:3 doesnt say they were under Gods wrath.
They were never under wrath, and Eph 2:3 doesnt say they were under Gods wrath.
Again, if they were not under wrath, they were not children of wrath

Nope, children of wrath are inheritors of wrath

Paul continues to discuss the Ephesians’ past way of life in verse 3 where he describes the consequences of their sins which resulted in their alienation from God, evidenced by the fact that they are under the wrath of God.

Trevor J. Burke, The Message of Sonship: At Home in God’s Household (ed. Derek Tidball; The Bible Speaks Today: Bible Themes Series; Nottingham, England: Inter-Varsity Press, 2011), 168.
The world Christ died for isnt condemned, not ever, the world He didnt die for is condemn, ethniciy isn't even a factor
Ethnicity is definitely a factor when you consider Scripture.
Once God 'created' a division between the families of the earth with covenant and circumcision engendered by God upon the seed of the woman and the seed of the serpent everything that followed was the prerogative of God.
Again, if they were not under wrath, they were not children of wrath

Nope, children of wrath are inheritors of wrath

Paul continues to discuss the Ephesians’ past way of life in verse 3 where he describes the consequences of their sins which resulted in their alienation from God, evidenced by the fact that they are under the wrath of God.

Trevor J. Burke, The Message of Sonship: At Home in God’s Household (ed. Derek Tidball; The Bible Speaks Today: Bible Themes Series; Nottingham, England: Inter-Varsity Press, 2011), 168.
They were never under wrath, and Eph 2:3 doesnt say they were under Gods wrath.
Ethnicity is definitely a factor when you consider Scripture.
Once God 'created' a division between the families of the earth with covenant and circumcision engendered by God upon the seed of the woman and the seed of the serpent everything that followed was the prerogative of God.
The world Christ died for isnt condemned, not ever, the world He didn't die for is condemn, ethnicity isn't even a factor
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