"Works Salvation"

No you dont get it. When you are shown something in the word, you change it, which is denying it.
I have twisted nothing. I show you where another passage of Scripture explains the truth to you and exposes your false belief, and you refuse to accept any but the pet passage that you think says what you want it to say.
Once we make anything a requirement we must do to be saved, its works salvation and a departure from Grace, and as Paul stated:

Rom 11:6

And if by grace, then is it no more of works: otherwise grace is no more grace. But if it be of works, then it is no more grace: otherwise work is no more work.

The word work covers responsibility, obligation, requirement and so forth.
"Works salvation" is a term that gets thown around a lot on forums as this one.

1) What is "works salvation"? How does one define "works salvation" according to the Bible?

2) What is an example from the Bible of "works salvation"?

3) Was Noah's work in building the ark "to the saving of his house" (Heb 11:7) a "works salvation"?

Is the above link correct in saying that "works salvation" is man trying to control his own eternal destiny? Is it true that man has no control, no role at all in his own eternal destiny? Did Noah have no control, no role at all in the saving of his house?
Not recently, but on the forum which was before this one, I used to see people write that if you have to believe God (entrust yourself to Him) that is work. Maybe in one sense, but not in a Biblical sense. One meaning of work is the expenditure of energy. And of course if you confess your faith, that takes a small amount of energy and is therefore work.
Biblically, it is different. Work or more commonly works, is used to identify our actions that we think are meant to save us.
I have not seen any posts recently that confuse the two. But I used to see it.
My issue in raising this thread is this.....is obedience to God's will a work of merit. Is there an example in the Bible where one's obedience is said have earn God's free gift? Did Noah's work in building the ark earn his salvation from the flood?
Works earn crowns, but without salvation by faith, they don't even do that.
"Works salvation" is a term that gets thown around a lot on forums as this one.
1) What is "works salvation"? How does one define "works salvation" according to the Bible?
Since there's NO SUCH THING as "Works salvation" it's NOT "Biblically defined". The Bible is clear that salvation is BY FAITH IN THE SIN OFFERING OF JESUS on the Cross to cleanse us of all SIN. COnvictionof SIN by the Holy SPirit is the beginning of FAITH
2) What is an example from the Bible of "works salvation"?
There is none, since "works" are not salvific. There are plenty on recorded instanced where folks, AS A RESULT OF THEIR FAITH, did things. however "Works are not salvific (Eph 2:8,9)
3) Was Noah's work in building the ark "to the saving of his house" (Heb 11:7) a "works salvation"?
Nope - it was OBEDIENCE to God's WORD.
Is the above link correct in saying that "works salvation" is man trying to control his own eternal destiny?
That seems accurate - Man doesn't want to feel "Powerless", and tends to overestimate the importance of what he does. Salvation, however, is a flat-out GIFT that we don't deserve, and can't "Earn".
Is it true that man has no control, no role at all in his own eternal destiny?
Rom 9:16-18 - God say that it's HIM that "shows mercy" - so everything STARTS with God, but when you're CONVICTED by the Holy Spirit of your SIN, then it's up to YOU to repent and call on God in FAITH for salvation Eph 2:8,9. SO God gets the ball rolling, and you surrender and repent.
Did Noah have no control, no role at all in the saving of his house?

He built the boat - IN FAITH that God's word TO HIM was true. That's a consideble role!!!! It took years. HE COULD HAVE told God to take a hike and bother somebody else, but he didn't. God, being omniscient, knew that he'd be obedient.
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Works salvation is something that man came up with so they can have a hand in their salvation.

Trying to face all the challenges of everyday life can cause you to focus on human works, which rob you of your peace, joy, self-respect, and confidence. Works trap you into always struggling to be better so you will feel better about yourself. But if you try to do things on your own, you will be unable to bring about the positive changes you desire.
"Works salvation" is a term that gets thown around a lot on forums as this one.

1) What is "works salvation"? How does one define "works salvation" according to the Bible?

2) What is an example from the Bible of "works salvation"?

3) Was Noah's work in building the ark "to the saving of his house" (Heb 11:7) a "works salvation"?

Is the above link correct in saying that "works salvation" is man trying to control his own eternal destiny? Is it true that man has no control, no role at all in his own eternal destiny? Did Noah have no control, no role at all in the saving of his house?
Works are the evidence of genuine faith - Eph 2:10. :)

Since there's NO SUCH THING as "Works salvation" it's NOT "Biblically defined". The Bible is clear that salvation is BY FAITH IN THE SIN OFFERING OF JESUS on the Cross to cleanse us of all SIN. COnvictionof SIN by the Holy SPirit is the beginning of FAITH
But not the end of faith. James 2:24 is clear that we are not saved by faith alone, but by our faith combined with our actions of obedience to God.
There is none, since "works" are not salvific. There are plenty on recorded instanced where folks, AS A RESULT OF THEIR FAITH, did things. however "Works are not salvific (Eph 2:8,9)
Works are not salvific in any way. There is no way for something we do to save us. But, faith requires action to be real, alive, and effective. Eph 2:-9 cannot mean that there is no action required of man to receive salvation, because Rom 10:9-10 clearly states that a physical action (verbal and public confession of Jesus as Lord) RESULTS IN man receiving salvation from God.
Nope - it was OBEDIENCE to God's WORD.

That seems accurate - Man doesn't want to feel "Powerless", and tends to overestimate the importance of what he does. Salvation, however, is a flat-out GIFT that we don't deserve, and can't "Earn".
True enough, but there are conditions God has placed upon the reception of that gift.
Rom 9:16-18 - God say that it's HIM that "shows mercy" - so everything STARTS with God, but when you're CONVICTED by the Holy Spirit of your SIN, then it's up to YOU to repent and call on God in FAITH for salvation Eph 2:8,9. SO God gets the ball rolling, and you surrender and repent.
Repentance is not the only condition God has placed on receiving salvation. Yes, God gets the ball rolling by convicting us of sin. But He demands that we repent (Acts 3:19), confess Jesus as Lord (Rom 10:9-10), and be baptized (1 Pet 3:21, Acts 2:38, Rom 6:1-7, Col 2:11-14, Gal 3:26-27, Eph 5:26-27, Mark 16:16)
He built the boat - IN FAITH that God's word TO HIM was true. That's a consideble role!!!! It took years. HE COULD HAVE told God to take a hike and bother somebody else, but he didn't. God, being omniscient, knew that he'd be obedient.
Exactly, Noah built the Ark in faith. That was His faith being demonstrated through what he did. He had already demonstrated his faith before, which is why Noah "found grace in the eyes of the Lord", but his continued faith in building the Ark is what actually saved him from the Flood.
Rom 9:16-18 - God say that it's HIM that "shows mercy" - so everything STARTS with God, but when you're CONVICTED by the Holy Spirit of your SIN, then it's up to YOU to repent and call on God in FAITH for salvation Eph 2:8,9. SO God gets the ball rolling, and you surrender and repent.
What would you say is the definition of repentance once we are convicted of a sin we love?
What would you say is the definition of repentance once we are convicted of a sin we love?
To STOP, - turn around, and go another way, of course. In my case (as a Christian caught in an obsessive behavior), I had to divest myself of everything related to my obsession, and move on without it. ONE of the "gods" I worshipped with a fierce singlemindedness was cigarettes. God doesn't appreciate "gods" we serve in addition to him.
To STOP, - turn around, and go another way, of course. In my case (as a Christian caught in an obsessive behavior), I had to divest myself of everything related to my obsession, and move on without it. ONE of the "gods" I worshipped with a fierce singlemindedness was cigarettes. God doesn't appreciate "gods" we serve in addition to him.
The problem with that definition is that the stopping has to do with US doing the saving. The desire to sin remains.
The problem with that definition is that the stopping has to do with US doing the saving. The desire to sin remains.
Our MIND doesn't get destroyed when we are Born again, and Romans 8:28,29 indicates that the process of being conformed to Jesus Image is a process.

Of course it has nothing whatsoever to do with US "doing the saving" - we're just the ones who "do the stopping". iT'S faithj IN THE sin offering of Jesus on the Cross (Isa 53:10) that does the saving.

Our possession of "personal desires" remains, but over time, will be subjugated as the Holy Spirit works IN us. If you're honest with yourself, you know that your OWN "Personal desires" (LUSTS) didn't just "Disappear", but as you proceed to "Crucify the flesh" (as Paul did), they lose their "bite".
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