Charles Stanley has a very good perspective on Eternal Security.
A Gift Is a Gift Is a Gift
You and I are not saved because we have enduring faith. We are saved because at a moment in time we expressed faith in our enduring Lord. Notice how Paul ends this passage:
It is the gift of God; not as a result of works, that no one should boast. —Ephesians 2:8–9
Pictured here is something we experience every time we are handed a gift.It refers to the entire process Paul has just finished describing, that is, salvation. “Salvation,” Paul says, “is a gift.” Now I don’t know about you, but I have learned that a gift that can be taken back is no gift. True gifts have no strings attached. Once you place a condition of any kind on a gift, it becomes a trade, not a gift.
To say that our salvation can be taken from us for any reason, whether it be sin or disbelief, is to ignore the plain meaning of this text. To place conditions on the permanency of our salvation is to say it is not a gift. Therefore, placing conditions on the permanency of salvation is the equivalent of not believing Ephesians 2:8 or John 4:10 or other passages where salvation is clearly described as a gift.
What we do with the gift is another matter entirely. The fact that I don’t take advantage of a gift says nothing about who it belongs to. It still belongs to me. You can take a gift and bury it in the back yard, but it is still yours. Once you accept a gift, you are stuck with it, like it or not!
You say, “What if I give it back?” You can give it back only if the giver accepts the return. In the case of salvation God has a strict no–return policy. There is no evidence by way of statement or illustration that God has ever taken back from a believer the gift of salvation once it has been given. His love would keep Him from doing so. Keep in mind, Christ came to seek and to save the lost. Why would He take back what He came to give?
And faith? Faith is our way of accepting God’s gift. Faith serves as our spiritual hands by which the gift is received at a particular moment in time. Again, saving faith is not necessarily a sustained attitude of gratefulness for God’s gift. It is a singular moment in time wherein we take what God has offered.
Before we go any further, let me ask you this: Has there been a time in your life when you accepted God’s free gift of salvation? If not, why not settle the issue once and for all right now? It’s really so simple. God is not looking for a series of promises. His primary concern at this point is not your ability to follow through. He does not want to hear all the things you intend to do for Him. He is more concerned about what you will let Him do for you.
When I was twelve, I prayed a prayer similar to the one I’ve included here. If you are not sure you are saved, why not make sure now? If you recognize your need for forgiveness and you believe Christ’s death made your forgiveness possible, you are ready. Pray,
Charles F. Stanley, Eternal Security: Can You Be Sure?