You want me to say that I need to be taught by a "pastor"? That is what you want me to say. I gave you an answer you don't want to accept. That doesn't mean I didn't answer you.
Actually... yes.
Many pastors used to order recorded classes by my pastor for their personal study.
He taught about 8 times a week. Only had Saturdays off to rest up.
Studied usually eight hours a day, and then went to church to teach.
When I was in Bible college the professor of ancient languages (he himself was associated with Harvard at one time) recommended to me the one who was to become my pastor. He studied from him. And, he himself was brilliant.
God will raise up what's needed to fill up a deficiency for those who know they have the need.
With the exception of only a few today, most pastors today follow a denominational format that limits thought and growth.
Being ordained in itself can be meaningless when it comes to having insight and progressively more comprehension.
Back in the 80's I gave a few recorded classes to an Anglican minister to listen to.
When I saw him the next time he told me that he took "copious notes" while listening.
Not many of you should become teachers, my fellow believers, because you know
that we who teach will be judged more strictly." James 3:1
If the Holy Spirit was being followed by all? We would find ourselves with only a few truly good teachers.
Yet, 2 Timothy 4:3 tells us just the opposite will happen.
Not a few will be the case!
For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine.
Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great
number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear.
Many denominations produce "ordained" ministers who were trained to follow their denomination's "program."
Even the Rabbis I used to listen to who I sat before in synagogue in my youth were "ordained.'
My gift is not pastor teacher.
I have enjoyed some very good exchange and fellowship with various pastors..... In one church I was attending I was invited by the pastor at a men's morning study to have a seat up front next to him. He then told me I was there to answer questions given by the men. I was surprised he did that.
Not too long after, just before church service was to begin, he called me up front to speak with him. He handed me an envelope. He then told me that in it contained plane tickets and hotel expenses paid for. It was for a special NACIE training conference given by Billy Graham.
I was stunned.... I was not seeking anything. God just made it happen.
That did not happen because I am lazy. I study daily...I love to.. And, have done so for MANY YEARS.
I wish you well...