How come you know this? Why can't I?
And, why can you not deal with properly with a straight answer when shown that it would have been impossible for God to do, was what would only be possible for a man to do?
“And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man” (Luke 2:52)
You walk away.
You pass it off to sending me to search through pages of information. Information which you having?
Means you should be able to answer my question.
But? You refuse. And, its become like reasoning with a 'good Catholic' in your response.
Now, I don't see how its possible for Jesus to be functioning as God in power to fulfill Luke 2:52.
Because God can not grow in wisdom. He can't.
Because God can not gain favor with God. How could he?
But, you keep repeating your own version of Catechism without understanding.
"I don't care what you say! "Jesus is God!"
I never said He wasn't God. Yes, He is God.
And, now is being fully God in his experiencing all of his function as God...
I am not arguing against Jesus being God. Far from it.
I am arguing that Jesus has two natures.
And, having two natures? He was able to choose how to function for reasons needed in God's plan for men and angels.
He was able to become literally like a man in his function!
You say? NO! "He is God! But, God can not grow in wisdom and increase in favor with God!
“And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man."
You are afraid of something when you are told that.
Like? What would others think of me if I made that claim?
Is that it?
Yes, He is God. God with two natures in union who at one point in time for God's plan for man's redemption LIMITED himself
to being no more than a man..
That does not mean He placed Himself in a state of amnesia and forgot He is God.
For He remained knowing (by faith) that He was also God!
Just like you know by faith that you are now seated with Him in heavenly places. Even in your resurrection body!
But? Are you in that resurrection body now? In heaven? No.
By "faith" you are seated with Him in Heaven... But, in your experience right now in time? You are not.
Faith is about what we know is absolutely reality but is not being experienced in our present state of existence.
When the Lord God of Israel chose to do something by means of His Soul? To enter his soul into the body born of Mary?
He agreed with the Father to never extend his human powers beyond that of being human power.
That He must willingly depend upon the Father and Holy Spirit for all His needs for being as a man.
That his human ability (as great as it was) would not provide for himself in God's plan anything that
required using His Deity to provide for Himself.
In that manner He became a man who by faith knew He is God.
Whenever Jesus declared something about Himself what pertained to being God?
He proclaimed it by..... "faith."
He always was God. But, limited Himself to being as a man in order to be qualified to die in the place of all men.
Shall we try again?
grace and peace ..............