Well-known member
What point are you trying to make?
That Civic made a claim that since Jesus is God (and He is God) that He could never be separated from the Father.
That the Father really did not forsake Jesus causing Jesus to know spiritual death. Saying that Jesus did not bear
what should have been our never ending spiritual death. A spiritual death that would have been eternal in duration.
We would have all been forsaken by God forever if the Lord had not intervened on our behalf on the Cross.
And, as far as the Deity of Christ goes? That is true. There can be no separation in the Trinity. The Trinity was
not separated while the humanity of Christ was being forsaken by the Father.
With Jesus the amount of time of being forsaken was unlike what would have been our fate. It was not eternal
separation in duration. Why?
For Jesus never sinned. He never fell. It was our *finite* sins that caused the spiritual death. God in his wisdom has
all men die physically so the number of our sins would be finite.
Since we all die physically we have a finite number sins. Jesus only had to bear those finite sins.
If there were no redemption and co-crucifixion with Christ? Man would have no way back to God.
He would be resurrected to face judgement in his body of sin and would have to be thrown into fire
to cease sinning.
Apparently? What Civic was failing to see is that it was only the Humanity of Christ that the Father forsook in our place.
As our substitute. For, mankind without the atonement of the Cross? Would have been forsaken by God.
As far as the two natures of Christ in union? Civic is making the same mistake that Catholics do when they say Mary is the mother of God.
They can not differentiate between the two natures in union of Jesus as being two distinct natures. One is God. One is Humanity.
Since His glorification every expression of Jesus is made in the full power of God. It was not that way when he was needing to live
as a man. As a man he perfectly "reflected" the nature of God as a man ever could.
The two natures of Jesus is not some sort of puree that blends both natures together as to not know the humanity from the Deity.
There comes a time when we all have to work this out if we are to ever understand who and what God is presenting Himself to us
as being.
It takes time. And, the Devil will be resisting our desire to know. Only truth will over come.