Pancho Frijoles
Well-known member
The very fact that there are so many theories and debates strongly suggest that there are aspects we don't understand.These are not mysteries.
Why would an atonement theory be a mystery?
Why would the CC or any denomination, present an atonement theory as a mystery?
IF it were a mystery,,,it would not be possible to explain it,
and yet there are books written on atonement theories.
Good news is that we don't need to understand them to enjoy God's love.
Same with other concepts, like the nature of God, or the nature of the relationship of Christ and God, or the Holy Spirit, or creation, or the nature of our souls. We think we know some aspects of it, but most is unreachable to our minds.
Recognizing that they are in part mysteries should help us to approach any debate with humbleness.
After my death, I will for sure realize that I was wrong about so many things.