The real followers of Jesus


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1Peter 2:21--Jesus= the model to follow his footsteps closely--do you agree?
Now we cannot resurrect the dead or cure infirmities but we can, and all true followers do this= John 17:6,26--They make Jesus' Fathers name known=YHVH(Jehovah)
In the Lords prayer Jesus showed the #1 issue for all involved = his Fathers name, as does the bible
Psalm 96:2= Praise his name= Jehovah
97:12= Rejoice in Jehovah you righteous ones, give thanks to his holy name=Jehovah
99:3= Praise his great name= Jehovah
99:6-Call on his name= Jehovah
103:1- Let everything in me praise his name= Jehovah
100:4= Praise his name= Jehovah
105:1= Give thanks to Jah( Jehovah) call on his name= Jehovah
Exodus 9:16=Have name declared in all the Earth.= Jehovah
1Kings 8:43=Name must be known by all=Jehovah
Rom 10:13-14= Name must be used=Jehovah.
Malachi 3:16= God has a book of remembrance for those fearing Jehovah and meditating on his name=Jehovah

Thus the one religion that has Jesus uses and shares that name daily. The ones who do not follow Jesus=removed Gods name from Gods bible in over 7000 places=WHY? By satans will to mislead=100% fact of life. Its the opposite of what Jesus would do or his followers--Think on that reality in light of how important Gods name is.
Who do you follow?
Jesus would do or his followers

The following is taken from the Watchtower on February 1, 1959 on page 96 (the boldface and underline below are mine).

The prayer offered by Stephen when he was being martyred is recorded at Acts 7:59, 60 prayer, which says: “And they went on casting stones at Stephen as he made appeal and said: ‘Lord Jesus, receive my spirit.’ Then, bending his knees, he cried out with a strong voice: ‘Jehovah, do not charge this sin against them.’ And after saying this he fell asleep in death.” Rather than indicating that Stephen understood both Jesus and Jehovah to be the same person, his prayer shows that he knew they were not, because he differentiates between the two. His request to Jesus he does not address merely to the Lord, but to the Lord Jesus, thus doing away with any ambiguity. Further, his statement shortly prior to this, as recorded in Ac 7 verse 56, indicates two persons: “And he said: ‘Look! I behold the heavens opened up and the Son of man standing at God’s right hand.’” He does not say the Son of man, Christ Jesus, is Jehovah God, but that he was standing at God’s right hand.
Not only does Stephen’s request, “Lord Jesus, receive my spirit,” not prove the trinity, but Jesus' similar fervent prayer, “Father, into your hands I entrust my spirit,” conclusively shows that Jesus is not the same as his Father Jehovah.—Luke 23:46.
In the wording of his prayer Stephen showed that he understood the difference between Jehovah and the Lord Jesus as set out in Psalm 110:1 and applied by Jesus at Matthew 22:42-46. He was not perplexed by Jesus’ application of it, as were the Pharisees to whom Jesus spoke and who were silenced by his answer.
Jesus had taught his followers that the Father authorized him to raise others to life. (John 5:26; 6:40; 11:25, 26) So it was proper for Stephen to petition Jesus over this matter, and his prayer indicated proper understanding on his part.

The following is taken from the Watchtower on February 1, 1959 on page 96 (the boldface and underline below are mine).

The prayer offered by Stephen when he was being martyred is recorded at Acts 7:59, 60 prayer, which says: “And they went on casting stones at Stephen as he made appeal and said: ‘Lord Jesus, receive my spirit.’ Then, bending his knees, he cried out with a strong voice: ‘Jehovah, do not charge this sin against them.’ And after saying this he fell asleep in death.” Rather than indicating that Stephen understood both Jesus and Jehovah to be the same person, his prayer shows that he knew they were not, because he differentiates between the two. His request to Jesus he does not address merely to the Lord, but to the Lord Jesus, thus doing away with any ambiguity. Further, his statement shortly prior to this, as recorded in Ac 7 verse 56, indicates two persons: “And he said: ‘Look! I behold the heavens opened up and the Son of man standing at God’s right hand.’” He does not say the Son of man, Christ Jesus, is Jehovah God, but that he was standing at God’s right hand.
Not only does Stephen’s request, “Lord Jesus, receive my spirit,” not prove the trinity, but Jesus' similar fervent prayer, “Father, into your hands I entrust my spirit,” conclusively shows that Jesus is not the same as his Father Jehovah.—Luke 23:46.
In the wording of his prayer Stephen showed that he understood the difference between Jehovah and the Lord Jesus as set out in Psalm 110:1 and applied by Jesus at Matthew 22:42-46. He was not perplexed by Jesus’ application of it, as were the Pharisees to whom Jesus spoke and who were silenced by his answer.
Jesus had taught his followers that the Father authorized him to raise others to life. (John 5:26; 6:40; 11:25, 26) So it was proper for Stephen to petition Jesus over this matter, and his prayer indicated proper understanding on his part.

How many times have you shared Jesus' Fathers name to prove you are his follower by following his footsteps? Instead you stand in opposition to the truths i show because you never can answer back to truth, you can only falsely reason from past things that have been corrected, but you fail to say that everytime. Its what deceivers do.
Talk about the OP.
...ignored what the JW's affirmed that refute their own heresy.
Thye darkness twists Gods word daily, its been done for centuries. The wise make corrections.
I see you have 0 for an answer as usual about Gods truth i shared in the op. Sad Fred.
Except "Jehovah" is NOT the name of the Father ... of the MANY names that the FATHER has given us (preserved in Hebrew), you select the only word that is known for certain to NOT be His name.
Who do you follow?
(Exodus 3:14)

As in ... John 8:58 [MGNT] εἶπεν αὐτοῖς Ἰησοῦς ἀμὴν ἀμὴν λέγω ὑμῖν πρὶν Ἀβραὰμ γενέσθαι ἐγὼ εἰμί*

* (for the rest of us) [NLT] Jesus answered, "I tell you the truth, before Abraham was even born, I AM!"
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(Exodus 3:14)

As in ... John 8:58 [MGNT] εἶπεν αὐτοῖς Ἰησοῦς ἀμὴν ἀμὴν λέγω ὑμῖν πρὶν Ἀβραὰμ γενέσθαι ἐγὼ εἰμί*

* (for the rest of us) [NLT] Jesus answered, "I tell you the truth, before Abraham was even born, I AM!"
Yes he lived before Abraham is exactly what he answered. Those using error filled translations has i am that i am in the OT, but it does NOT translate that from Hebrew. It translates-i will be what i will be. The mislead believe the i am that i am.
Yes he lived before Abraham is exactly what he answered. Those using error filled translations has i am that i am in the OT, but it does NOT translate that from Hebrew. It translates-i will be what i will be. The mislead believe the i am that i am.
You asked "who do I follow", so I told you.

I follow HIM (Father, Son and Spirit) ... אֶהְיֶה = ἐγὼ εἰμί.

YHVH + AdOnAI = YA-HO-VAH = Jehovah (transliterated into English)
YHVH = YaHWeH (best guess since exact pronunciation of YH(v/w)H is unknown without the missing vowels).
Adonai=lord= a title not a name. Jehovah is the true living God. You see if you knew what Jesus actually teaches, his teachings back the JW religion.
Adonai=lord= a title not a name. Jehovah is the true living God. You see if you knew what Jesus actually teaches, his teachings back the JW religion.
I guess you didn't even watch the short video ... YA-HO-VAH (Jehovah in English) is the mashing together of the CONSONANTS (YHVH) with the VOWELS (A-O-AI) from Adonai. The VIDEO explained WHY that happened if you care, but the bottom line is YHVH are the correct consonants for the name of God and "a-o-a" are the INCORRECT vowels for the name of God.

By attempting to correct me from a point of ignorance, you merely appear stubborn and unwilling to learn.
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I guess you didn't even watch the short video ... YA-HO-VAH (Jehovah in English) is the mashing together of the CONSONANTS (YHVH) with the VOWELS (A-O-AI) from Adonai. The VIDEO explained WHY that happened if you care, but the bottom line is VHVH are the correct consonants for the name of God and "a-o-a" are the INCORRECT vowels for the name of God.

By attempting to correct me from a point of ignorance, you merely appear stubborn and unwilling to learn.
the unlearned unwilling to learn trapped in the man made philosophy and religion of the watchtower.
That is not a him. Him is singular.
Funny thing, in the šāma (pronounced "shaw-mah'" = meaning 'hear') [the prayer from Deuteronomy 6:4-5 KJV "Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God [is] one LORD: And thou shalt love the LORD thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might."] The word "our God" (אֱלֹהֵינוּ = 'ĕlōhîm) is a PLURAL word.

So "our God" (plural) is one "LORD" (YHVH) ... Moses told us right in the beginning but the Jews were as stubbornly refusing to hear what our God (plural) had to say as you are. [It actually appears earlier in Genesis 1:1 and Genesis 1:26]
I guess you didn't even watch the short video ... YA-HO-VAH (Jehovah in English) is the mashing together of the CONSONANTS (YHVH) with the VOWELS (A-O-AI) from Adonai. The VIDEO explained WHY that happened if you care, but the bottom line is YHVH are the correct consonants for the name of God and "a-o-a" are the INCORRECT vowels for the name of God.

By attempting to correct me from a point of ignorance, you merely appear stubborn and unwilling to learn.
Men say they made up Gods name-- =Non truth.
Funny thing, in the šāma (pronounced "shaw-mah'" = meaning 'hear') [the prayer from Deuteronomy 6:4-5 KJV "Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God [is] one LORD: And thou shalt love the LORD thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might."] The word "our God" (אֱלֹהֵינוּ = 'ĕlōhîm) is a PLURAL word.

So "our God" (plural) is one "LORD" (YHVH) ... Moses told us right in the beginning but the Jews were as stubbornly refusing to hear what our God (plural) had to say as you are. [It actually appears earlier in Genesis 1:1 and Genesis 1:26]
In the Hebrew language-Elohim is not plural for the true living God-It means-the supreme one or the mighty one in the Hebrew language. Trinitarians twist it.
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