9 teachings from Jesus

And throughout Time you doubt God was/is able to preserve Truth???
He preserved it when needed, here in these last days=The New world translation. Up until these last days all died and paid in full the wages of sin = death. Those could however read Gods word and apply what they could showing God they want to serve him, thus in the resurrection will get an opportunity to learn and apply Gods truth, then be tested when satan is loosed for a little while. Some will stand and gain everlasting life, some will fall and be destroyed. No one could do this( John 4:22-24) if God didn't fix translating here in these last days. But Jesus assures there that is what the true followers would do. Worship the Father(not father,son and HS) in spirit and truth.
He preserved it when needed, here in these last days=The New world translation. Up until these last days all died and paid in full the wages of sin = death. Those could however read Gods word and apply what they could showing God they want to serve him, thus in the resurrection will get an opportunity to learn and apply Gods truth, then be tested when satan is loosed for a little while. Some will stand and gain everlasting life, some will fall and be destroyed. No one could do this( John 4:22-24) if God didn't fix translating here in these last days. But Jesus assures there that is what the true followers would do. Worship the Father(not father,son and HS) in spirit and truth.
Do you believe the NWT is God's flawless word???

Did you know that the NWT corrupts Scripture and calls God a liar!!!
Its the opposite-Every translation on earth with Gods name removed over 7000 places was done by satans will to mislead. God put his name in his bible because he wants it there. Jesus would use a translation with his Fathers will intact 100% over any other translation on earth. So does his religion and all true followers. This is undeniable facts. You are being mislead.
These 8 teachings show 100% who listens to Jesus.
1) Matt 6:33- Keep on seeking-FIRST- the kingdom and his( YHVH(Jehovah) righteousness and all these things will be added( sustenance, covering, spirituality)
2)Matt 5:5--Blessed are the meek for they will inherit the earth.
3) The Lords prayer- Hallowed be thy( Father) name( YHVH( Jehovah)
4) John 17:1-6,26- verse 3-This means eternal life, their knowing you( Father) THE ONLY TRUE GOD and the one whom you sent forth Christ Jesus.--verse 6 = ( YHVH(Jehovah) verse 26 = YHVH(Jehovah).--Matt 10:40= Father sent Jesus
5) John 14:6- I am the way, the truth and the life, no one comes to the Father but through me)= The Father is ones destination.
6)John 4:22-24-- The true worshippers will worship the Father in spirit and truth.
7)John 15:21-22--Jesus warns--On account of his name( thinking they are standing for it) some will do things against the true worshippers-Why? Because they do not know the one who sent him= THE ONLY TRUE GOD= the Father=YHVH(Jehovah)
8)John 20:17, Rev 3:12--Jesus teaches he has a God=his Father, just like we do.--His real teachers teach the same= 2Cor 1:3, Col 1:3, Eph 1:3-1Pet 1:3
9) Luke 10-Jesus sent his followers out by 2 preaching the good news of Gods kingdom= Acts 20:20 door to door

Its real clear who listens to Jesus.
Not for those who listen. It is not given to anyone but to whom Jesus was speaking to.
And Jesus was speaking to the people who are in covenant with God.
Jesus is speaking to His people, the Jews.
They are the only people to whom all these teachings are addressed to.
To only the Jews (Hebrew people.)
Not for those who listen. It is not given to anyone but to whom Jesus was speaking to.
And Jesus was speaking to the people who are in covenant with God.
Jesus is speaking to His people, the Jews.
They are the only people to whom all these teachings are addressed to.
To only the Jews (Hebrew people.)
Jesus cut the Jewish religion off of being Gods chosen( Matt 23:38) He told them off at Matt 23--they have not altered their course since those days. To this day they reject Jesus. Jesus started a new religion.
Jesus cut the Jewish religion off of being Gods chosen( Matt 23:38) He told them off at Matt 23--they have not altered their course since those days. To this day they reject Jesus. Jesus started a new religion.
God's covenants with the Hebrew people are eternal. Jesus would not break Scripture nor change what has gone before in the relationship between God and His covenant people Israel.
You are following a false Constantinian Gentile theology that Gentiles have unmoored from true, biblical Christianity. God has made no covenant with non-Hebrew Gentiles. There is none in Scripture and thus all the writings from Genesis to Revelation were written by Jews and Jewish Christians to and for Jews and other Jewish Christians.

Here is one proof:

1 JAMES, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, to the twelve tribes which are scattered abroad, greeting.
James 1:1.

Hebrews was written to the Hebrews. The gospels were written to the Jews and Jewish Christians. Saul wrote to Jews and Jewish Christians and every born-again person named or identified in Scripture were Jewish/Hebrew. But non-Hebrew Gentiles after the destruction of the Jewish Temple unmoored true, biblical Christianity from its Hebrew roots.

There is no such thing as Gentile Christianity. How do I know? Because there is no covenant between God and non-Hebrew Gentiles nowhere to be found in Scripture. Follow the covenant beginning with Abraham to Moses and the children of Israel and to the New Covenant which is only the Mosaic Covenant fulfilled by Christ at the Last Passover which Jesus instituted the New Covenant in His blood which was prophesied by Hebrews to and for other Hebrews. Christ may have instituted the New Covenant, but it was not realized until the Holy Spirit of Promise PROMISED TO ISRAEL came down from heaven and the Church Christ promised to build was begun and populated by three thousand Jews at Pentecost. From that day forward to this day the New Covenant like the Abraham and Mosaic covenants is between God and the House of Israel (ten northern kingdom tribes) and the House of Judah (two southern kingdom tribes - Jeremiah 31:31-34.)

God made no covenant with non-Hebrew Gentiles. None.
God's covenants with the Hebrew people are eternal. Jesus would not break Scripture nor change what has gone before in the relationship between God and His covenant people Israel.
You are following a false Constantinian Gentile theology that Gentiles have unmoored from true, biblical Christianity. God has made no covenant with non-Hebrew Gentiles. There is none in Scripture and thus all the writings from Genesis to Revelation were written by Jews and Jewish Christians to and for Jews and other Jewish Christians.

Here is one proof:

1 JAMES, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, to the twelve tribes which are scattered abroad, greeting.
James 1:1.

Hebrews was written to the Hebrews. The gospels were written to the Jews and Jewish Christians. Saul wrote to Jews and Jewish Christians and every born-again person named or identified in Scripture were Jewish/Hebrew. But non-Hebrew Gentiles after the destruction of the Jewish Temple unmoored true, biblical Christianity from its Hebrew roots.

There is no such thing as Gentile Christianity. How do I know? Because there is no covenant between God and non-Hebrew Gentiles nowhere to be found in Scripture. Follow the covenant beginning with Abraham to Moses and the children of Israel and to the New Covenant which is only the Mosaic Covenant fulfilled by Christ at the Last Passover which Jesus instituted the New Covenant in His blood which was prophesied by Hebrews to and for other Hebrews. Christ may have instituted the New Covenant, but it was not realized until the Holy Spirit of Promise PROMISED TO ISRAEL came down from heaven and the Church Christ promised to build was begun and populated by three thousand Jews at Pentecost. From that day forward to this day the New Covenant like the Abraham and Mosaic covenants is between God and the House of Israel (ten northern kingdom tribes) and the House of Judah (two southern kingdom tribes - Jeremiah 31:31-34.)

God made no covenant with non-Hebrew Gentiles. None.
Spiritual Israel James is speaking of--NONE who reject Jesus has God with them.
Spiritual Israel James is speaking of--NONE who reject Jesus has God with them.
James is addressing a physical people whom God scattered throughout the Gentile world.

1 JAMES, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, to the twelve tribes which are scattered abroad, greeting.
James 1:1.

Bring your doctrine in line with Scripture and come to the knowledge of the truth.
James is addressing a physical people whom God scattered throughout the Gentile world.

1 JAMES, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, to the twelve tribes which are scattered abroad, greeting.
James 1:1.

Bring your doctrine in line with Scripture and come to the knowledge of the truth.
Real doctrine=Matt 23:38-39--Literal Israel is cut off-they outright refuse to do verse 39--they never will. Its been over 1950 years. Spiritual Israel is Gods chosen.
Real doctrine=Matt 23:38-39--Literal Israel is cut off-they outright refuse to do verse 39--they never will. Its been over 1950 years. Spiritual Israel is Gods chosen.
Israel's Messiah was cut off not Israel.
They are the apple of God's eye, they are His covenant people, they are His Church and His Bride.

Israel is in possession of all the covenants and promises of God, and when Christ Promised to build His Church He populated it with Jews. All thirteen tribes:

4 Who are Israelites; to whom pertaineth
the adoption,
and the glory,
and the covenants,
and the giving of the law,
and the service of God,
and the promises;
5 Whose are the fathers,
and of whom as concerning the flesh
Christ came,
who is over all, God blessed for ever. Amen.
Rom. 9:4–5.

Romans 9:4-5 encapsulates the redemption and salvation of God. And Israel are God's Chosen people ABOVE all people on the face of the earth.

6 For thou art an holy people unto the LORD thy God: the LORD thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself, above all people that are upon the face of the earth.
Dt 7:6.

Yes, it is the Lord's doing, and it is marvelous in our sight.

God bless Israel.
Israel's Messiah was cut off not Israel.
They are the apple of God's eye, they are His covenant people, they are His Church and His Bride.

Israel is in possession of all the covenants and promises of God, and when Christ Promised to build His Church He populated it with Jews. All thirteen tribes:

4 Who are Israelites; to whom pertaineth
the adoption,
and the glory,
and the covenants,
and the giving of the law,
and the service of God,
and the promises;
5 Whose are the fathers,
and of whom as concerning the flesh
Christ came,
who is over all, God blessed for ever. Amen.
Rom. 9:4–5.

Romans 9:4-5 encapsulates the redemption and salvation of God. And Israel are God's Chosen people ABOVE all people on the face of the earth.

6 For thou art an holy people unto the LORD thy God: the LORD thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself, above all people that are upon the face of the earth.
Dt 7:6.

Yes, it is the Lord's doing, and it is marvelous in our sight.

God bless Israel.
While they have been murdering innocents in the wars= opposite of Gods chosen--You best relook.
Israel is involved in wars right now. Many innocents have died.
That's true. But Israel did not start the wars. There is no one in Israel with the mandate as God gave to Joshua to go into and against a people and utterly destroy everyone God sends them to destroy. Joshua was given command of God to go into Canaan and utterly destroy every man, woman, teen, youth, child, toddler, infant and baby in the wombs.
THAT is the God of the Bible. And no one in Israel has that command of God in any of the wars Israel has been involved in since their founding. It has always been self-defense and everyone has that right. Including Israel.
So, if anyone who "appears" to be "innocent" as you say is a casualty in the present wars going on against the Jewish people then blame the aggressors. Blame the Arabs. In every conflict Israel has been involved in since their founding they were at rest until an Arab country attacked them first. "The wars against Israel will cease when the Arab people love their children more than they hate the Jews."
--- Golda Meir.
That's true. But Israel did not start the wars. There is no one in Israel with the mandate as God gave to Joshua to go into and against a people and utterly destroy everyone God sends them to destroy. Joshua was given command of God to go into Canaan and utterly destroy every man, woman, teen, youth, child, toddler, infant and baby in the wombs.
THAT is the God of the Bible. And no one in Israel has that command of God in any of the wars Israel has been involved in since their founding. It has always been self-defense and everyone has that right. Including Israel.
So, if anyone who "appears" to be "innocent" as you say is a casualty in the present wars going on against the Jewish people then blame the aggressors. Blame the Arabs. In every conflict Israel has been involved in since their founding they were at rest until an Arab country attacked them first. "The wars against Israel will cease when the Arab people love their children more than they hate the Jews."
--- Golda Meir.
They need to listen to the bible= Return evil for evil to no one.
God didn't order these wars like it was in the OT. I am not 100% positive about self defense, but if missiles being sent into a country is evil, then one should not return the evil if they are standing for God.
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