The Poverty : Gospel

Every one is entitled to their own opinion.

My family does and so do my friends and the home group we belong to.
You want to balance the Federal budget?
Tax all churches. denominations and charities on normal business income. After all these churches and denominations are legally incorporated businesses. Besides most churches and denominations are financially corrupt and abuse their tax exempt status. That low hanging fruit will be to hard to pass up.
You want to balance the Federal budget?
Tax all churches. denominations and charities on normal business income. After all these churches and denominations are legally incorporated businesses. Besides most churches and denominations are financially corrupt and abuse their tax exempt status. That low hanging fruit will be to hard to pass up.
What are you talking about? Let's not go off on a tangent here okay?
We are already there.
The first things to go after should be the churches and the prosperity preachers private corporate jets and these mega mansions these prosperity preachers own.
Talk about the fleecing of America.
Don't let it spoil your day. Like Aeliana said everybody has their own opinion.
We are already there.
The first things to go after should be the churches and the prosperity preachers private corporate jets and these mega mansions these prosperity preachers own.
Talk about the fleecing of America.
Let me ask you. Are you against the material object being owned by one or are you against how the funds were achieved to buy such? What I mean is if one's Father owned an airplane making company and gave one to their offspring do you believe it is still a sin for one to own one?
Don't let it spoil your day. Like Aeliana said everybody has their own opinion.
It will take more than that to spoil my day.
I'm just exposing these fleecing parasite prosperity fake preachers for who they are.
I'm waiting for my 94 year old mother to pass away so I can put all her Joyce Meyers books in my burn barrel.
It will take more than that to spoil my day.
I'm just exposing these fleecing parasite prosperity fake preachers for who they are.
I'm waiting for my 94 year old mother to pass away so I can put all her Joyce Meyers books in my burn barrel.
I have to agree with you because your day is already spoiled just by being you. I've never heard anyone degrade their mother like you just did.

That's the worst thing I've ever heard in my life.
Let me ask you. Are you against the material object being owned by one or are you against how the funds were achieved to buy such? What I mean is if one's Father owned an airplane making company and gave one to their offspring do you believe it is still a sin for one to own one?
No. People in ministry that own Bentley's, corporate private jets and mega mansions are fleecing other people telling them to send these prosperity preachers money to plant a so called seed to improve their lives. The only lives these people are improving are obviously the fake prosperity preachers that I listed in a previous post.
No what? I asked you a question. If someone (a loved one) owned an airplane company and gave one of these planes to them would you be actually against that? Yes or no? I'm trying to get you to the place where you're not actually against the owning of this high tech equipment. Is that a sin yes or no?
No what? I asked you a question. If someone (a loved one) owned an airplane company and gave one of these planes to them would you be actually against that? Yes or no? I'm trying to get you to the place where you're not actually against the owning of this high tech equipment. Is that a sin yes or no?
You need to calm down. I answered no. We are not talking about private ownership, but we are talking about public ministry that is taking advantage of the tax exempt code and people's generosity to extremely enrich themselves. Besides, I don't need for you to get me to a place.
You need to calm down.
Calm down? There's not an exclamation point at all in my last statement nor capitals. Perhaps you need to settle down and realize I just asked a question.
I answered no. We are not talking about private ownership,
So you're saying if one did own a jet plane through someone giving them one you would not be against a jet plane just because it's a jet plane? Now don't suggest the point I'm making isn't relevant. Many people DO judge people for something they own? If you don't just say you don't.
Besides, I don't need for you to get me to a place.
I don't rightly recall offering you this anyway :) Just say you're not against people owning what could be a good thing and we've both made our point.
Calm down? There's not an exclamation point at all in my last statement nor capitals. Perhaps you need to settle down and realize I just asked a question.

So you're saying if one did own a jet plane through someone giving them one you would not be against a jet plane just because it's a jet plane? Now don't suggest the point I'm making isn't relevant. Many people DO judge people for something they own? If you don't just say you don't.

I don't rightly recall offering you this anyway :) Just say you're not against people owning what could be a good thing and we've both made our point.
You need to reread my previous post about private ownership vs tax exempt ministries taking advantage of the tax code to enrich themselves at someone else's expense.
What part of that don't you understand?
The love of money is the root of all evil. To me personally money is just a tool. There are things in life that we all need in order to survive and they all cost money. So you need the right tool for the right job.
The love of money is the root of all evil. To me personally money is just a tool. There are things in life that we all need in order to survive and they all cost money. So you need the right tool for the right job.
Well said. Did you ever consider a job as an investment banker or in wealth management? I've been telling people all the time that money is nothing but a tool to get things done.
Well said. Did you ever consider a job as an investment banker or in wealth management? I've been telling people all the time that money is nothing but a tool to get things done.
It's interesting to think about this stuff. Look where 30 pieces of silver got Judas. If you think about it for a minute our whole society was built on currency and trading things. Back in the day mankind sold each other into slavery.

How many people are sitting in prison over stealing a few bucks or murdering their spouse for the insurance money.

Yep the love of money is definitely the root of all evil. That's why I would definitely stay away from becoming a investment banker for wealth management because that's a big temptation. Many people have fallen because of that one. One pastor went to prison in San Diego for stealing like retirement fund or something like that. Well at least he got to do prison Ministry. :ROFLMAO:

It's interesting to think about this stuff. Look where 30 pieces of silver got Judas. If you think about it for a minute our whole society was built on currency and trading things. Back in the day mankind sold each other into slavery.

How many people are sitting in prison over stealing a few bucks or murdering their spouse for the insurance money.

Yep the love of money is definitely the root of all evil. That's why I would definitely stay away from becoming a investment banker for wealth management because that's a big temptation. Many people have fallen because of that one. One pastor went to prison in San Diego for stealing like retirement fund or something like that. Well at least he got to do prison Ministry. :ROFLMAO:

I have always looked at money differently than most people. I don't know if that is because I am a Jew and that is part of my DNA. I don't love money. It's not something that is going to love you back. Lol
I use money as a tool to provide for my family and to bless others. We do not own anything. Adonai owns it all. We only manage resources such as money that Adonai entrust us with. When we please Adonai he will give us more to manage. Like King Solomon I always pray 🙏 for wisdom during my daily prayers. Wisdom with people and wisdom in managing things He has put into my care.
Money is not a temptation to me. When asked I give advice to friends about where I see the markets are going.
I appreciate your insight and your post.
No. People in ministry that own Bentley's, corporate private jets and mega mansions are fleecing other people telling them to send these prosperity preachers money to plant a so called seed to improve their lives. The only lives these people are improving are obviously the fake prosperity preachers that I listed in a previous post.
Jesus would of been harder on those guys then He was on the money changers in the temple. These guys take robbery to a new level with their prosperity gospel, preying on the elderly, widows etc...... Its sickening to how how people like copeland live getting rich by deceiving the innocent, gullible, weak etc.......
Jesus would of been harder on those guys then He was on the money changers in the temple. These guys take robbery to a new level with their prosperity gospel, preying on the elderly, widows etc...... Its sickening to how how people like copeland live getting rich by deceiving the innocent, gullible, weak etc.......
You are so correct. That's also a severe abuse of the exempt tax laws that allows that to happen.
I have to agree with you because your day is already spoiled just by being you. I've never heard anyone degrade their mother like you just did.

That's the worst thing I've ever heard in my life.
You do not know my IFB mother and how her legalism has devided and almost destroyed our family. She enjoys her 5 star independent living facility that my brother and I pay for each month which includes meals, healthcare and maid service. We honor our mother according to the Torah. You shouldn't judge someone until you know all the facts.
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