Well-known member
Yes, really.Really ????
I am not the one who reject the commands of Christ. You response shows that you do.
I am closer to the truth than you are and I will prove it through the Word of God which you reject for your Constantinian Gentile heresy of the past 1900 years.
You actually believe the command to 'not have other gods before you' is a bondage?I am a born again Gentile, not a converted Jew and have zero desire to be entangled in bondage to their traditions that yoked them in burdens too hard for them to carry, causing their rebellion & backsliding from God.
You actually believe the command to 'not take the Name of the LORD is vain' is a bondage?
You actually believe that your western free world diet is more nutritious than the diet of Creator God who knows what is good for your body, mind, and human spirit?
You actually believe you way of who to love is more wiser than the God who is love has given command to His people in when to love and who and how? All these commands you are calling a bondage? You actually believe that to be under the rule and reign of God and His Christ is a bondage as you say.
What a rejection of God and His Christ and His Law which He gave to His people in order for them to live in peace and safety among themselves and under His rule.
You have said these things, not I.
Based upon the above response from you it is clear you are antigod, antichrist, and antinomian.I am not anti-Semitic before you go there.
Your own words you oppose God.
Let's be clear here. I don't reject God, Christ, or His Law/Torah. You do.Your disrespect for the New Testament Covenant of whosoever will through faith in Christ is repulsive.
All three salvation covenants God made with man is made with the Hebrew people, not Gentiles.
The Abrahamic Covenant is between God and Abram the Hebrew and his seed. Gentiles are not his seed. And your declaration of being a non-Hebrew Gentile places you outside all the covenants of God.
70 Hebrew souls went into Egypt and in time had come under the bondage of the Gentile Egyptians. God raised up Moses to deliver the Hebrews from under their bondage and nearly 4 million Hebrews were led into the desert by God to serve Him. These were the descendants and children of Jacob/Israel. God made covenant with this people in the desert and built a Tabernacle and God gave them His Law/Torah so that there would be order and that this people learn the way in which God desired to be worshiped. Gentiles were never included in this covenant either.
Later, God promised through several prophets, especially Jeremiah, to make a New Covenant and this He did with the House of Israel (northern kingdom tribes) and the House of Judah (southern kingdom tribes) and to forgive their sin and this He did by sending His only begotten Son to be sacrificed under covenant Law for the people of Israel. I understand this covenant. I receive as truth the words of God in Jeremiah concerning this covenant, and by your declaration of being Gentile (non-Hebrew) places you again outside this covenant of God and the children of Jacob/Israel (Jer. 31:31-34.)
I am not disgusted by Saul. He remained an observant Jew especially after he became a true, biblical Christian. I call him Saul because Christ called him Saul which is his Hebrew name. And as a Christ-follower I say the same thing as God and see the same Jesus as Saul. A Jesus born to Hebrew parents for the purpose of saving "His people" from their sin (Matt. 1:21.)As well as your disgust of the conversion of the Apostle Paul from Saul the Pharisee to the apostle to the Gentiles.
Saul was an apostle to Gentile proselytes and God-Fearers. And if any uncircumcised and non-aligned (to Israel) Gentiles were born again - which was a minority - Saul was instrumental in teaching them God's Law/Torah, a people that before conversion were the enemies of the Jews. Saul himself was a proud Hebrew and Pharisee and son of Abraham through the tribe of Benjamin and was even proud of his exemplary obedience to God's Law/Torah.
My understanding of salvation is of the LORD is biblical. I accept the salvation which is of the Jews in all its form and parts. I don't see being under the rule and reign of Christ as a bondage as you do. In my conversion I know who I am in Christ. I know my place in the body of Christ and know my spiritual gifts, talents, and pounds and my call in Christ. Do you know yours? Because if you don't then you are not being led by the Spirit of Christ but the spirit belonging to you in which you lean upon your own understanding in the vanity of your mind and as a result believe in things that are unmoored from its true, biblical, and Hebrew roots. You practice a Gentile Christianity which is not the Christianity of the bible and history.Maybe it is YOU who needs to re-assess his choice of beliefs to follow!
I am a Biblical Christian. That's the only kind in existence. If ones Christianity is not biblical, then it is NOT Christianity.
And that's the bottom line.