Salvation and Unitarians

You are confused.
Having eyes as a flame of fire is always used in the Book of Revelation in reference to Jesus (Revelation 1:14; 2:18; 19:12)
So you believe Jesus is hiding information from God and God can’t figure out what name is written on him? Oh brother. Here we go again.
So the forgiveness of ones sins can be done apart from Jesus ?
Hi Civic

Do you mean “rejecting his Message”? No. His Message is the Only Way.
Do you mean “without adhering to doctrines about Jesus preexistence, birth, crucifixion, resurrection?” Yes, certainly!

How were men and women forgiven before Jesus came to the world?
How were men and women living in China forgiven?
How are our Hinduist brothers and sisters forgiven today?
How am I forgiven when I sin? I’m not a Christian.
How would you forgive me if I hurt you, civic?

God forgiveness depends on God’s mercy, given to a person who comes with a self-broken, contrite heart.
It does NOT depend on our religious or intellectual affiliations.
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