Promises for Your Everyday Life

Forgiveness: The Path to Real Peace and Joy

But love your enemies and be kind and do good [doing favors so that someone derives benefit from them] and lend, expecting and hoping for nothing in return but considering nothing as lost and despairing of no one; and then your recompense (your reward) will be great (rich, strong, intense, and abundant), and you will be sons of the Most High, for He is kind andcharitable andgood to the ungrateful and the selfish and wicked.
Luke 6:35

A few years ago someone told me about a person who was doing business with our ministry and making a good deal of money because of their relationship with us. My friend happened to be at the same restaurant, seated in the next booth, and overheard their conversation, which just happened to be about me - and they weren't saying good things either.

At first I got mad and just wanted to tell him that he was never getting our business again. But in bed that night, the Holy Spirit said to me, "You're not going to do any of those things." He said, "No, you're going to do what you teach. You're going to go buy him a present, and you're going to tell him how much you appreciate the services that he's given you all these years."

Needless to say, I resisted at first. But eventually, I relented and bought him a gift.

What I remember most about the situation is that as soon as I started taking action to do something good for them, it just got so funny to me. I was laughing out loud in my house, all by myself.

When we can look at people who've hurt us with compassion, there's a party that goes on inside of us.

So who can you forgive and do something nice for today? Practice forgiveness and follow the path it leads to real peace and joy!

Prayer Starter: God, I want to obey Your word, which tells me to be compassionate and good to those who have hurt me. I know that when I do, I will experience peace and joy on the inside.

Joyce Meyer: Promises for Your Everyday Life - a Daily Devotional

Don't Give in to Fear

NOW [in Haran] the Lord said to Abram, Go for yourself [for your own advantage] away from your country, from your relatives and your father's house, to the land that I will show you. Genesis 12:1

The Bible tells of a man named Abram who trusted God in spite of his own personal fear.

How would you feel if God told you to leave your home, your family and everything that is familiar and comfortable and head out to an unknown destination? Full of fear? That's precisely the challenge Abram faced, and it frightened him. But God's words to him were "Fear not."

Many times we think we should wait to do something until we are no longer afraid, but if we did that, we'd probably accomplish very little for God, for others, or even for ourselves. Abram had to step out in faith and obedience to God, despite his fear.

If Abram had bowed his knee to fear, he never would've fulfilled his destiny to become all God created him to be, the father of many nations.

Giving in to fear alters God's best plan for your life, so do what He wants you to do...even if you have to do it afraid! Like Abram, you'll find that the rewards are great.

Prayer Starter: God, You were faithful to Abram when he obeyed You in spite of fear, so I also decide to put my fear aside and do whatever You tell me to do.

Joyce Meyer: Promises for Your Everyday Life - a Daily Devotional

Identify the Battlefield

For the weapons of our warfare are not physical [weapons of flesh and blood], but they are mighty before God for the overthrow and destruction of strongholds, 2 Corinthians 10:4

Did you know that we are in a war every day? Looking around at all the suffering, we may think the battles are just taking place externally, but in reality, we're losing the advanced and more important conflict, the battle in our minds.

When we fail to identify the battlefield, we also fail to correctly identify our foe. We tend to believe people, money, religion or "the system" are our problems. Unless we renew our mind, we risk continuing to believe those lies and making important decisions based on deception.

Each day our minds are bombarded with a constant stream of nagging thoughts, suspicions, doubts and fears. While any one of these can cause defeat and devastation, grabbing on to God's truth can bring victory and joy.

You may have some major strongholds in your life that need to be torn down. Let me encourage you by saying, "God is on your side." There is a war going on, and your mind is the battlefield. But the good news is that God is fighting on your side!

Prayer Starter: Holy Spirit, I don't want to be deceived, ignoring the real battle that's happening in my mind. Keep me on guard so that I can fight the good fight. With You on my side, I can't lose!
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A glad heart makes a cheerful countenance, but by sorrow of heart the spirit is broken. Proverbs 15:13

Everyone knows how to smile. It's one of the greatest gifts God has given us. A smile makes people feel good, and people look so beautiful when they smile. When the joy in your life is obvious, it rubs off on others. But when you keep God's joy locked inside you and don't allow it to show on your face, you're depriving those around you of a pleasant and refreshing experience.

Most people really don't understand how expressing joy will change their circumstances and, perhaps, the lives of others. Living your life with the joy of the Lord will chase off negative, depressing circumstances. And when we have His joy deep down inside of us, we can't help but put it on display by smiling!

I never would have thought that smiling was such a serious matter, but God has shown me how revolutionary a simple smile can be. Expressing joy through the calm delight of smiling brings good things into your own life and shares the joy and light of the Lord with others, so smile!

Prayer Starter: Lord, remind me to smile daily! You've given me great joy, and I want to display it and brighten the lives of others!

Joyce Meyer: Promises for Your Everyday Life - a Daily Devotional

The Humble Get the Help

Therefore humble yourselves [demote, lower yourselves in your own estimation] under the mighty hand of God, that in due time He may exalt you, 1 Peter 5:6

Since Jesus invites us to cast all of our care and worry on Him, why do so many of us refuse to let go? Apparently, we're not yet fed up with being miserable.

The only way to have victory in our lives is to play by God's rules, and He says we must quit worrying if we want to have peace. So when things come our way that cause us to be concerned, we need God's help. How do we get it? First Peter 5:6 says that we need to humble ourselves.

That seems pretty clear and simple, yet some continue struggling because they're too stubborn to ask for help. But the humble get the help. So if your way isn't working, why not try God's way? All of us would be better off if we'd learn to lean on God and ask for His help.

When we humble ourselves and ask for God's help, then He's able to release His power in our situations. It's only then that we can really enjoy life. So humble yourself today and let Him take care of your worries.

Prayer Starter: God, I know that I can't run my life on my own, so I humble myself today and ask You for help. I trust You and give You control in my life.

Joyce Meyer: Promises for Your Everyday Life - a Daily Devotional

Don't Bow Your Knee to Fear

What time I am afraid, I will have confidence in and put my trust and reliance in You. Psalm 56:3

Fear is not from God, but from Satan. Every time you feel fear in your life, it's a manifestation of the kingdom of darkness. I often say in my teachings that fear is the "master spirit." It's the spirit Satan uses to try to rule God's people and keep them from coming under the leadership of the true Master, Jesus Christ.

Multitudes of people never fulfill the call of God on their lives simply because every time they try to go forward, the devil uses fear to stop them. Is he using fear to stop you? Satan uses fear to keep people from enjoying life. Fear brings torment, and you surely can't enjoy life and be tormented at the same time.

The devil brings fear, but you can choose not to bow your knee to it. David said, "What time I am afraid, I will trust in You. I believe it's safe to say that when you make an effort to pursue God wholeheartedly and follow Him, the enemy will attack with fear. However, if you put your confidence and trust in God, He can help you overcome your fear and move forward.

Prayer Starter: God, I don't want to bow to fear. I put my confidence and trust in You. I know that I can rely on You to help me through my fear.

Joyce Meyer: Promises for Your Everyday Life - a Daily Devotional

You Can Be Alone Without Being Lonely

Be strong, courageous, and firm; fear not nor be in terror before them, for it is the Lord your God Who goes with you; He will not fail you or forsake you. Deuteronomy 31:6

Loneliness often manifests as an inner ache, a vacuum, or a craving for affection. Its side effects include feelings of emptiness, uselessness or purposelessness. There are many causes of loneliness, but many people don't realize that they don't have to live with it. They can confront it and deal with it.

It's important to realize that just because you are alone, it doesn't mean you must be lonely or lonesome. While it may not always be possible to avoid being alone, there are always answers to loneliness.

God's Word tells us to be strong and courageous, for God is always with us. In the natural, you may be alone, but that doesn't mean you have to be lonely, because spiritually, God is always there. He will never leave you or forsake you.

The next time a feeling of loneliness tries to manifest in your life, I urge you to remember Deuteronomy 31:6. Declare out loud that God is with you and begin to talk to Him. As you make room for Him, His presence will fill your life. You don't have to be lonely when God's presence is with you wherever you go.

Prayer Starter: God, I'm so glad that You're always with me. I know I never have to feel lonely with You by my side.

Joyce Meyer: Promises for Your Everyday Life - a Daily Devotional

God Can Use Cracked Pots

Yet, O Lord, You are our Father; we are the clay, and You our Potter, and we all are the work of Your hand. Isaiah 64:8

God doesn't require us to be perfect, He made us, and He knows we're human and will make mistakes. Our job is to get up every day and do our best to use the keys He has provided for us. And when we fail, we must get right with God, receive His forgiveness and go on.

Many people feel that God can't use them because they're not perfect, but this is a lie. God (the Potter) uses cracked pots (that's us) to do His work. As Christians, we are containers that God wants to fill with His goodness and light. Then we're to carry that goodness and light to a dark world, sharing it with people everywhere we go.

Don't be afraid of your flaws; acknowledge them and allow God to use you anyway. Quit worrying about what you're not and give God what you are.

As a cracked pot, you can accomplish wonderful things. You can make somebody happy. You can encourage, edify and exhort those around you. You can use your gifts and talents to serve God.

Prayer Starter: God, I may be a 'cracked pot,' but You are the Potter and You can use me for Your purposes despite my flaws. Fill me with Your goodness and light so that I can carry it into the world around me.

Joyce Meyer: Promises for Your Everyday Life - a Daily Devotional

Listen for the Still, Small Voice

And after the earthquake a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire; and after the fire [a sound of gentle stillness and] a still, small voice. 1 Kings 19:12

To find peace in our lives, we simply need to obey the promptings God gives us each day. A prompting is a "knowing" deep down on the inside, telling us what to do. First Kings 19:11-12 refers to this knowing as a still, small voice. A prompting isn't a whack on the head with a hammer!

In 1 Kings, the Lord didn't use the great and strong wind, the earthquake or fire to prompt Elijah. His voice came to Elijah as a sound of gentle stillness and a still, small voice. A prompting doesn't even have to be a voice at all. In fact, God often gives direction by speaking to your heart rather than to your ears.

If we'll simply learn to listen to God and do what He says, we'll discover that things will go well for us. No matter what the situation, we need to listen to God and obey His voice. You may not understand the reasons that God is asking you to do certain things, but as you listen to His voice and obey His direction, you can experience a peaceful calmness. So listen up!

Prayer Starter: Holy Spirit, help me to listen closely to hear Your promptings every day. I want Your peace, so I will listen to You.

Joyce Meyer: Promises for Your Everyday Life - a Daily Devotional

When Praying for Others Is Hard

Invoke blessings upon andpray for the happiness of those who curse you, implore God's blessing (favor) upon those who abuse you [who revile, reproach, disparage, and high-handedly misuse you]. Luke 6:28

How do you respond when someone hurts your feelings? Do you let it rob you of joy? Or maybe your emotions run wild?
Luke 6:27-28 tells us what we should do when people hurt us: We must pray for them and bless them.

Can you believe that? We're to pray something like, "Oh, Lord, I pray that You'd just make them so happy!"

I still don't get that, but I'm willing to do it in obedience and say, "Lord, I don't know that I really want them to be happy, but I'll pray that in faith anyway, because You're telling me to bless them with Your presence."

Choosing to pray for them is one of the most difficult things God asks us to do, especially if we believe that whoever hurt us is in the wrong and doesn't deserve to be forgiven.

But God instructs us to practice forgiveness. And when we choose to follow the path of forgiveness, we will experience the peace and joy that come through obeying God's Word. When you obey God, He can help you overcome the pain and enjoy life more.

Prayer Starter: God, it's hard, but I pray for those who have hurt me and ask You to bless them. Help me to release the hurt and forgive them.

Joyce Meyer: Promises for Your Everyday Life - a Daily Devotional

Are You Seeking the Right Stuff?

[After all] the kingdom of God is not a matter of [getting the] food and drink [one likes], but instead it is righteousness (that state which makes a person acceptable to God) and [heart] peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. Romans 14:17

Romans 14:17 defines the kingdom of God as a life of goodness, and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.

We are to seek His kingdom, but a lot of people spend their life seeking all kinds of other stuff. When it comes to righteousness, peace and joy, they don't have any because they're chasing after other things.

I used to think that if I had all kinds of worldly stuff, I'd have no worries and my life would be peaceful, but no matter how much stuff I gained, it never really brought peace. True peace comes from being one with God.

It's important for us to understand this because I think a large majority of Christians spend their whole life searching for the wrong things, when our real treasure is in Jesus.

So what are you seeking today? What's your treasure? Worldly things will ultimately leave you unsatisfied, but if you seek God and His righteousness, peace and joy, you can experience the completely satisfying and fulfilling life God wants you to have. Go after Him today.

Prayer Starter: God, I decide today to stop pursuing worldly things that will not satisfy. I want to be one with You, so I seek Your righteousness, peace and joy.

Joyce Meyer: Promises for Your Everyday Life - a Daily Devotional

How to Travel the Smooth Road

7He hides away sound and godly Wisdom and stores it for the righteous (those who are upright and in right standing with Him); He is a shield to those who walk uprightly andin integrity,
8 That He may guard the paths of justice; yes, He preserves the way of His saints. [I Sam. 2:9; Ps. 66:8, 9.]
9 Then you will understand righteousness, justice, and fair dealing [in every area and relation]; yes, you will understand every good path.
Proverbs 2:7-9

On the road of life there are spiritual signs along the way. In order to stay under God's protection, you must obey these signs that tell you to trust Him and not worry. Don't be afraid; have courage. If you'll pay attention to these signs, you'll find it's easy to stay on course. You'll experience the protection, peace and joy that only God can provide.

However, if you fail to heed the signs, you may notice that the road seems a little bumpier than usual, and you aren't as confident in your ability as you once were. You may become anxious about the unknown things waiting around the corner, and even veer off the road.

You and I don't need to be anxious because God wants to guard our paths and preserve our way. Why waste time ignoring His signs and becoming anxious when it isn't going to solve anything?

Have an attitude of obedience, and when you see His signs, follow them. When you follow His instructions, you'll always arrive safely at your destination.

Prayer Starter: Holy Spirit, help me to see the spiritual signs that You've placed for me on the road of life. When I see them, I will obey them and follow You safely through life.

Joyce Meyer: Promises for Your Everyday Life - a Daily Devotional

Accept God's Timing

When Pharaoh let the people go, God led them not by way of the land of the Philistines, although that was nearer; for God said, Lest the people change their purpose when they see war and return to Egypt.
18 But God led the people around by way of the wilderness toward the Red Sea. And the Israelites went up marshaled [in ranks] out of the land of Egypt. Exodus 13:17-18

God gives us hopes and dreams for certain things to happen in our lives, but He doesn't always allow us to see the exact timing of His plan. Although frustrating, not knowing the exact timing is often what keeps us in the program. When we accept God's timing, we can learn to live in hope and enjoy our lives while God is working on our problems.

Exodus 13:17-18 tells us that God led the Israelites the longer, harder way on their journey to the Promised Land because He knew they were not yet ready to go in. There had to be time for their training, and they had to go through some very trying situations. And in the process, God never failed to take care of them and show them what He wanted them to do.

The same is true in our lives, God's training period simply requires us to do what He tells us to do when He tells us to do it, without questioning or trying to figure everything out. No matter how long things take, we can always confidently know that it will be better when we accept God's timing.

Prayer Starter: God, I accept Your timing. I may not always understand, but I know Your ways are perfect and I completely trust in You.

Joyce Meyer: Promises for Your Everyday Life - a Daily Devotional

Honesty Outweighs Perfection

We have renounced disgraceful ways (secret thoughts, feelings, desires and underhandedness, the methods and arts that men hide through shame); we refuse to deal craftily (to practice trickery and cunning) or to adulterate or handle dishonestly the Word of God, but we state the truth openly (clearly and candidly). And so we commend ourselves in the sight and presence of God to every man's conscience. 2 Corinthians 4:2

We can care too much about what people think of us to the point where it totally immobilizes us and we are petrified about looking wrong. But do you know what? I think if we are more truthful, we will actually get more respect than we do by trying to hide everything, pretending we're perfect.

I believe one of the main reasons people like to listen to me is that I tell all my junk. It helps them to relax, to relate to me, and offers them hope that if I can do some of the things I've done and make it, so can they.

We need to stop living in fear of making mistakes, because we will make mistakes, period. God is not asking us to not make any mistakes. He's asking us to be honest and open about our flaws. When we get them out in the open, He can help us get rid of them and move on to bigger and better things.

Don't hide your mistakes. Get them out in the open so that you can learn from them. When you trust God with openness and honesty, He can help you overcome anything.

Prayer Starter: Lord, I have weaknesses that I'm ashamed of, but holding on to them won't do me any good. I choose to be open about my flaws so that You can help me overcome them.

Joyce Meyer: Promises for Your Everyday Life - a Daily Devotional

Waiting Expectantly

Keep on asking and it will be given you; keep on seeking and you will find; keep on knocking [reverently] and [the door] will be opened to you. Matthew 7:7

Have you been praying about a situation in your life and found yourself waiting for a breakthrough? Are you wondering why the answer hasn't come yet? Do you feel as though victory is passing you by?

Sometimes when we pray long and hard about a situation in our life without receiving any answers, we just learn to live with it. We go on about our business, wondering if or when God will send the answer. But God does hear those prayers, and He's working out the answers even though we may not know all the details. Our situation can change suddenly, quickly, without warning!

Until then we can either wait passively or expectantly. A passive person gives up, but the expectant person, on the other hand, is hopeful, believing the answer is just around the corner, due to arrive any minute. His belief is not a passive thing. His heart is full of hope, expecting his problem to be solved at any moment. He wakes up every morning expecting to find his answer. He may wait and wait, but he'll keep asking until suddenly, God turns everything around.

Prayer Starter: God, I want to wait expectantly, not passively. I'll keep asking You for my breakthrough, knowing full well that You'll bring it at the right time.

Joyce Meyer: Promises for Your Everyday Life - a Daily Devotional

Your Life Won't Change Until Your Thinking Changes

For the rest, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is worthy of reverence and is honorable and seemly, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely and lovable, whatever is kind and winsome and gracious, if there is any virtue and excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think on and weigh and take account of these things [fix your minds on them]. Philippians 4:8

I spent a lot of years unhappy because the minute I woke up in the morning, I started thinking negative, sad, depressing things. Now I can truly say I am fully satisfied since the Holy Spirit has helped me operate with the mind of Christ that is within me.
Maybe you've spent years thinking wrong thoughts, but that can change today.

If you struggle with negative thinking, it's important for you to come to grips with the fact that your life won't change until your thinking does. Renewed, God-like thinking is vital for change.

The Bible presents a lot of detailed instruction on what kinds of things we should think about. Philippians 4:8 alone tells us to think about things that build us up, not tear us down.

I want to issue you a challenge. Instead of waking up in the morning and immediately thinking negative thoughts, I want you to pick a positive truth from scripture and focus on it everyday when you wake up. Let God's Word grow in you and transform your mind. Fix your mind on good things and enjoy the godly changes it brings.

Prayer Starter: God, I'm ready to change and live with the mind of Christ. Help me to only think about what is true, honorable, pure, lovely, kind, gracious, virtuous - whatever is of You.
Permission to Lighten Up

Yes, they shall sing of the ways of the Lord and joyfully celebrate His mighty acts, for great is the glory of the Lord. Psalm 138:5

I used to be too intense. I was intense about how my children behaved and looked. I was intense about how my house looked, how I looked and what people thought of us. I was intense about trying to change my husband into what I thought he should be. I really can't think of anything I wasn't intense about! What I really needed to do was give myself permission to lighten up!

I didn't know how to trust God with daily life. I was out of balance in almost everything. I did not yet realize that celebration and enjoyment are necessary in our lives, we cannot be healthy spiritually, mentally, emotionally or physically without it! In fact, celebration is so necessary that God made sure He put it in the Bible. He literally commands us to celebrate.

The best gift you can give your family and the world is a healthy you, and you cannot be healthy without celebration being a regular part of your life. Today, change the entire atmosphere in your life with celebration. Give yourself permission to lighten up!

Prayer Starter: Holy Spirit, don't let me be too intense. Help me remember to give myself permission to lighten up and celebrate Your goodness every day.
Four Steps for Studying the Word

My son, attend to my words; consent and submit to my sayings. Proverbs 4:20

Many people have asked me how to study God's Word. Here are four helpful tips:

1. Purposely set aside time. I make an appointment with God in the mornings, but if that doesn't work for you, find a time that does, even if it's not every day. Just start somewhere and you'll see the positive fruit that this time brings to your life!
2. Make preparation for your Bible study. Choose a place that you enjoy being, a room in your house where you can be alone.
3. Have all your materials available. You'll want your Bible, of course, but also get a good Bible dictionary, concordance, pen and paper. That way, you don't have to stop every few minutes to reference something or write something down.
4. Prepare your heart. Talk to God about things you may need to confess, and enter your study time peacefully and without anything that may block you from receiving revelation during your study.

Take the time to study the Word because there is power in it to change your life and become the person God wants you to be.

Prayer Starter: Lord, I purpose in my heart to set aside time to really study Your Word. Teach me how to understand, consent and submit to Your truth in my life every day.

Joyce Meyer: Promises for Your Everyday Life - a Daily Devotional

Receiving and Giving the Word

Now I want you to know and continue to rest assured, brethren, that what [has happened] to me [this imprisonment] has actually only served to advance and give a renewed impetus to the [spreading of the] good news (the Gospel).
13 So much is this a fact that throughout the whole imperial guard and to all the rest [here] my imprisonment has become generally known to be in Christ [that I am a prisoner in His service and for Him].
14 And [also] most of the brethren have derived fresh confidence in the Lord because of my chains and are much more bold to speak andpublish fearlessly the Word of God [acting with more freedom and indifference to the consequences]. Philippians 1:12-14

Sometimes we suffer attacks from the enemy simply because of our involvement with the Word of God. Mark 4:17 speaks of those who hear the Word and endure it for a while, "...then when trouble or persecution arises on account of the Word, they immediately are offended (become displeased, indignant, resentful) and they stumble and fall away."

Satan knows the Word will strengthen us and he wants to stop it, before we can spread it to others. So it's imperative to guard the Word in your heart and resist the devil when he comes to steal it from you. When you do, the trials the enemy brings will actually help bring others to the Lord.

The apostle Paul said there were many things that God allowed him to go through simply as object lessons for other people. Even during Paul's imprisonment, his stability and ability to be used by God was evident.

If we're to minister to others, we too must face some adverse circumstances. But if we stand in faith and confidence, God will bring us through to victory, and we'll be a great encouragement to others in the process.

Prayer Starter: God, I want to abide in You and Your Word every day. When trials come my way, I pray that You would use them to make me stronger and spread Your Word to those around me.

Joyce Meyer: Promises for Your Everyday Life - a Daily Devotional

Dealing with Dread

THE Lord is my Light and my Salvation–whom shall I fear or dread? The Lord is the Refuge and Stronghold of my life–of whom shall I be afraid? Psalm 27:1

It's impossible to reach your God-given destiny if you allow your thoughts to be overcome by dread. Dread is a close relative of fear, and allowing it to remain in your mind, sets you up for misery and robs you of joy.

Once, I experienced a feeling of dread as we were planning our trip to speak in India. I was excited about the wonderful opportunity there, but all I could focus on was the long flight and poor conditions that exist in that country. I'm grateful that I knew how to dispel that dread by focusing on and dwelling on God's Word. If I had allowed myself to dwell on the negative aspects of the trip, it would've taken away the joy and excitement God wanted me to experience.

Dread is a trap, and you must be determined not to fall into it. If not being sure of the future or facing new things causes you to feel dread or fear, turn to Psalm 27:1, praying and confessing out loud, 'The Lord is my Light and my Salvation, whom shall I fear or dread?'

Prayer Starter: Lord, I declare today that You are my Light and my Salvation. Because of You, I don't need to dread the future. I have victory in You.

Joyce Meyer: Promises for Your Everyday Life - a Daily Devotional

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