Pre Existence of Christ prior to the Incarnation

I already Know this, but first let get a Correction. Was Adam Male when she was in Adam?

yes ...
and she was female.
now, coming forth out "of" Adam, was she ECHAD as in, a. G243 ALLOS, or b. G2087 heteros as the Greeks would say? which one? well the answer is G2087 heteros.
Eve stepped out allos, having God's signature .... Man stepped out of His Spirit as male and female, as all His sons and daughters.

Esau's corrupt version is the rib story which tells of a creating out of earth matter (demiurgic). God creates from love, His own core... dust here,aphar, are His energies and His light.

Dust (of His nature) and earth of this flesh type nature are not the same concept. That is an error in strong's based on assumptions by scribes concerning ancient cosmology.

The confused rib. Note hieroglyphs do have the rib (as a male attribute) which is their dome of hail over their realm created from attributes stolen from God after the fall as protection from God and which mimics the (rainbow like) raqia eden had, and, compare the rainbow 🌈 when we arrived to this earth far far away from home.

The dome over the land, raqia, was an eden concept the evil ones stole from eden (they created their rib concept as protection from eden coming back !) and changed the context, so it was no longer God's version, to defend themselves from God's judgment.

(The dome and land in norwegian world tree images are not of this earth as flat earthers claim but are the evil realm land and dome above eden after the fall.)

and second, why say "his?", was not Adam made Male on Day 6, but was Formed on DAY 3?
The gruesome process described in quoted of man being an IT and becoming a male later would be after the fall when a corrupt type blueprint of man was formed from the stolen image by the evil realm.

Man was a son in God's image. Only egypt (in the other reality, evil principalities) have ITs with no signature. Everything of God's has His signature.
also, as for Adam INSIDE, also outward, Listen, Genesis 2:21 "And the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof;" Genesis 2:22 "And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man." Genesis 2:23 "And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man."

Remember both HAD NO BLOOD, until they sinned, which of course, "Blood", is only a temporary, or a Natural, or a Fallen state of LIFE
bones = evil realm construct. Blood is God's concept.
before the fallen State both was EQUAL.
yes ... and if eve had been made out of adam then that would not be the case.

Genesis 1:26 "And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth." DID YOU SEE WHAT THE VERSE SAID? "LET THEM.... NOT HIM, BUT THEM." HAVE DOMINION.
yes, when they stepped out of God together, as male and female.
who told you that? is you referencing the fact of a Marriage? well not all woman are married, and as well as some males. but is not LOVE equal? if not, please inform 101G how it's unbalance?

There is no marriage in heaven as man is restored with female as inside, therefore no need to re-join what is not separated. marriage exists here (the need to join what was separated) because of the evil realm.
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Are you a moderator? Who are the moderators on this forum? All of the forums that I’ve been on since the mid ‘90s have clearly identified who the moderators are. This forum may do that too, but if it does I haven’t seen it yet. If it doesn’t, I would like to suggest that it be done.
In case you don't know yet?;
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Secret police. Christians shouldn’t be operating as secret police. That’s what fascists and communists do.

That’s not the connotation I would want to have associated with anything I was involved in and had a say about.

I’ve had my say on the matter. That’s all I have to say about it. Thank you @civic for allowing me to say it. It was done without malice and with your best interest at heart.


Now the owner, the administrators and the secret police will do whatever it is that they have in mind to do; and I have a decision to make, if they don’t make it for me.
I'd like to make a quick comment and begin by saying I am a poster on this board and nothing more. That said, when moderators are identified it makes it difficult for them to participate in forum discussions as there were always be accusations made against them by people who disagree with them (this will not always be the case but it is common). And people who moderate can take quite a bit of abuse themselves. My point is that you are looking at the situation merely from your point of view. If you had a problem I personally think you should have exhausted all options of resolving said problems and if at the end of it you are unhappy...then don't post anymore. But the accusation of "secret police" on a discussion board is a little over the top, don't you think?

yes ...
and she was female.
ERROR, Genesis 2:7 "And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul." Here "Man" is H120 אָדָם 'adam (aw-dawm') n-m.
ruddy i.e. a human being (an individual or the species, mankind, etc.).
[from H119]
KJV: X another, + hypocrite, + common sort, X low, man (mean, of low degree), person.
Root(s): H119

here it is the INDIVIDUAL/MAN. and this was DAY 3. and on Day 6 God Made the Man/Male and Female or the GENDER of the Adam. that came forth not out, but FROM the FIRST Adam. Adam rib was not female, supportive scripture. Genesis 2:22 "And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man." so from the rib God MADE the Woman. I will give you credit on that, because many had no clue that the woman was in the Man before she was brought forth.
Eve stepped out allos, having God's signature .... Man stepped out of His Spirit as male and female, as all His sons and daughters.
Good, she was made/formed G243 allos in the numerical difference. but her form/shape/star or figure was in, qualitative different, so good job on that answer also, (smile).
bones = evil realm construct. Blood is God's concept.
Bones = Evil realm? where is that in the bible?
The gruesome process described in quoted of man being an IT and becoming a male later would be after the fall when a corrupt type blueprint of man was formed from the stolen image by the evil realm.
man was formed only ONCE from dust.
There is no marriage in heaven as man is restored with female as inside, therefore no need to re-join what is not separated. marriage exists here (the need to join what was separated) because of the evil realm.
what about the Marriage of the Lamb and his bride?

I'd like to make a quick comment and begin by saying I am a poster on this board and nothing more. That said, when moderators are identified it makes it difficult for them to participate in forum discussions as there were always be accusations made against them by people who disagree with them (this will not always be the case but it is common). And people who moderate can take quite a bit of abuse themselves. My point is that you are looking at the situation merely from your point of view. If you had a problem I personally think you should have exhausted all options of resolving said problems and if at the end of it you are unhappy...then don't post anymore. But the accusation of "secret police" on a discussion board is a little over the top, don't you think?

it is easier to just say Christ and God's Spirit are Attributes of God and are His Hands...
and they are One...

And all the sons when restored to His type of nature, which is of Paradise
- not the type of nature of this fallen matrix - will rule with Christ...
Yeah, kind of. In Romans 8:18-25 when speaking of the future release of God's creation from today's state of bondage, that will include the redemption of our body Paul says in verse 23. What body? Our spirit body that everyone already has that dwells inside their flesh (see 2 Corinthians 5).
I like Apostle Paul's example in Hebrew 7 (penned by Luke's hand dictated by Paul, I believe).

Eventually in that chapter, Paul gets to the point that he was speaking of Lord Jesus Christ of the tribe of Juda as the Melchizedec of the Old Testament that met Abraham, and blessed him, and offered him "bread and wine".

At the end of John 8, Lord Jesus confirms to the blind Pharisees there that He is The "I AM", one of God's sacred names. Jesus admitted there that He saw Abraham also, and that Abraham rejoiced to see His day, and was glad.
In case you don't know yet?;
View attachment 246

That’s transparency.

They’re also, apparently, empowered by the owner to act as moderators.

I spoke with a trinitarian friend who isn’t a member of this forum and told him about the “mystery” moderators here. I think the owner should hear his response.

”Christian’s should be children of light, not children of darkness.”

I'd like to make a quick comment and begin by saying I am a poster on this board and nothing more. That said, when moderators are identified it makes it difficult for them to participate in forum discussions as there were always be accusations made against them by people who disagree with them (this will not always be the case but it is common).

It shouldn’t be difficult for them at all.

And people who moderate can take quite a bit of abuse themselves.

They have the ability and the authority to stop abuse in its tracks.

My point is that you are looking at the situation merely from your point of view. If you had a problem I personally think you should have exhausted all options of resolving said problems and if at the end of it you are unhappy...then don't post anymore.

I probably went further to resolve the problem than anyone you’ve ever witnessed.

This isn’t my forum. I gave the owner feedback on what it looks like and he can do whatever he wants to with it.

But the accusation of "secret police" on a discussion board is a little over the top, don't you think?


No. It got his attention, and yours.

Secret police -> children of the darkness

Do you think I’m unhappy?

I provided you with feedback which had your best interest at heart.

A trinitarian owned forum that isn’t transparent? That’s a self-inflicted wound.

It‘s in my best interest to have your cloaked enforcers remain in the shadows.
I tell you what when you tell us who you are and link us to your Facebook page or tell us your real name instead of hide behind an avatar I’ll ask the moderator to do the same.



I haven’t called for the moderators real names to be revealed. You shouldn’t either. What I’ve suggested for your consideration is to have avatars identified as moderators.

I had an experience a little over 15 years ago where a trinitarian I was speaking with online investigated me, discovered my real name, then threatened to physically harm me and my family.

He agreed to meet with me at a public location in the city where I lived at the time so we could “settle it like men”. When he arrived at the specified location on the agreed upon time and date, he met the police.
I haven’t called for the moderators real names to be revealed. You shouldn’t either. What I’ve suggested for your consideration is to have avatars identified as moderators.

I had an experience a little over 15 years ago where a trinitarian I was speaking with online investigated me, discovered my real name, then threatened to physically harm me and my family.

He agreed to meet with me at a public location in the city where I lived at the time so we could “settle it like men”. When he arrived at the specified location on the agreed upon time and date, he met the police.
this will be my last comment on the topic - the @Administrator and @Predestined are the only 2 on the forum.
Then this will be my last comment on the topic.

Even a trinitarian who isn’t a member of this forum has told you (through me) that what you‘re doing is bad optics.

You’ve got it like you want it. So be it.
I have identified the 2 moderators on this forum and they both post so give it a rest. You are not the forum police. Its my forum and this is how we chose to run this forum.

I know several forums that run it the same way and the members never once questioned it or had a problem with how it was ran.

Most of us here came from that forum. Unlike the founder of that other forum I interact here with the members on a daily basis. I'm accessible to everyone here.

As we grow we might add a couple more moderators and they will be members here. So for instance if you became one you would still be Matthias with moderator under your name. If I became one civic would have moderator/administrator under my name. I my do that one day that is still up in the air because its not what I want to do of be on this forum. I just want to be like the other members and debate doctrine and talk about scripture. That is what I enjoy, moderating is not enjoyable for me.

This will be the last post here on the topic from anyone. I will have the @Administrator delete the posts since this is off topic from the OP.
So are we all good now? Everybody got everything off their chest? Let's get back to lifting up our Lord and Savior Jesus.

Remember he told us to love one another.

We want everyone to talk about whatever they feel like talking about as long as you do it in a cordial and civilized manner.
So are we all good now?

It isn’t all good when posts are being deleted.

Everybody got everything off their chest? Let's get back to lifting up our Lord and Savior Jesus.

Remember he told us to love one another.

We want everyone to talk about whatever they feel like talking about as long as you do it in a cordial and civilized manner.

I asked who the moderators were in addition to you and one other. That’s what I wanted to talk about.

It would have been a short conversation if the answer had clearly communicated that there are no moderators besides you and @Predestined.
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