Pre Existence of Christ prior to the Incarnation

And you are entitled to your opinion. Maybe you can start a forum invite me and you be the moderator so I can heckle you :)

I would be transparent. At best, secret police is bad optics. At worst …

You and your secret police have allowed my spiritual enemies to verbally abuse me and others, with no action taken against them.

I haven’t complained about it, and won’t, but I am making known publicly what is going on.
Who are the moderators? I was contacted publicly by @Predestined. I responded to him publicly.

Are they the only two moderators here?
I am a moderator a member and one who posts occasionally. I am Predestined. This was my same name on the other forum that civic and I came from when this forum was started. I am to busy most of the time to post but when I can I like to on occasions. As this forum continues to grow there will be more moderators which will give me more time to post on the forum.
I would be transparent. At best, secret police is bad optics. At worst …

You and your secret police have allowed my spiritual enemies to verbally abuse me and others, with no action taken against them.

I haven’t complained about it, and won’t, but I am making known publicly what is going on.
Thanks for the heads up and I will report it when I see it. I don’t like it from anyone. Like I keep saying the golden rule is not that difficult for grown ups to follow. :)
I am a moderator a member and one who posts occasionally. I am Predestined. This was my same name on the other forum that civic and I came from when this forum was started. I am to busy most of the time to post but when I can I like to on occasions. As this forum continues to grow there will be more moderators which will give me more time to post on the forum.

I’ve been posting on forums like this one since the mid ‘90s. Bad moderating kills forums, and I’ve seen many killed because of it over the years.

Openly identified moderators can be a problem, but everyone knows who they’re dealing with. I was on a forum last year that posted the identities of all moderators. One of the moderators that was appointed was someone whom the owner of the forum knew (from time spent together on another forum) was verbally abusive to me and to others. There were no consequences for his actions. When this wicked moderator - who wasn’t a moderator for the first six months or so on the new forum - was appointed, he immediately began abusing me and others. The forum owner made no move to end the abuse. That’s bad forum ownership.

Secret moderators are an open invitation to abuse. It wouldn’t surprise me if those whom this forum owner has allowed to abuse me and others (without any consequences for their actions) were members of your secret police. Maybe they, maybe they aren’t. It’s foolishness that even allows the possibility to exist.

This is no way to run a forum.

The owner has allowed me to express my opinion about how this forum has been set up and is run. I’ve given it.
I’ve been posting on forums like this one since the mid ‘90s. Bad moderating kills forums, and I’ve seen many killed because of it over the years.

Openly identified moderators can be a problem, but everyone knows who they’re dealing with. I was on a forum last year that posted the identities of all moderators. One of the moderators that was appointed was someone whom the owner of the forum knew (from time spent together on another forum) was verbally abusive to me and to others. There were no consequences for his actions. When this wicked moderator - who wasn’t a moderator for the first six months or so on the new forum - was appointed, he immediately began abusing me and others. The forum owner made no move to end the abuse. That’s bad forum ownership.

Secret moderators are an open invitation to abuse. It wouldn’t surprise me if those whom this forum owner has allowed to abuse me and others (without any consequences for their actions) were members of your secret police. Maybe they, maybe they aren’t. It’s foolishness that even allows the possibility to exist.

This is no way to run a forum.

The owner has allowed me to express my opinion about how this forum has been set up and is run. I’ve given it.
That won’t happen on my watch I promise. I know the membership here. I know the IP’s so I know who is who here. Everyone here for the most part are people I have invited or members have invited
Thanks for the heads up and I will report it when I see it. I don’t like it from anyone. Like I keep saying the golden rule is not that difficult for grown ups to follow. :)

Will you report yourself?

I won’t report it. I’ve observed a great many people over the years turned off of trinitarianism by trinitarians behaving badly. They closed the doors to trinitarians and opened the doors to others; sometimes to me, sometimes to those with other theologies, and sometimes to both.
That won’t happen on my watch I promise. I know the membership here. I know the IP’s so I know who is who here. Everyone here for the most part are people I have invited or members have invited

Why should I trust your promise? Wasn’t it just this morning that you were saying that I must have failed my theology classes? That wasn’t the first time that you’ve violated your own rules. I don’t see any reason to believe that it will be your last time - with me or with someone else. Time will tell the tale.
Why should I trust your promise? Wasn’t it just this morning that you were saying that I must have failed my theology classes? That wasn’t the first time that you’ve violated your own rules. I don’t see any reason to believe that it will be your last time - with me or with someone else. Time will tell the tale.
Ok I’ll man up that was not right to say about passing a class so I’m sorry for saying that. But I will say you do not practice what you were taught in your hermeneutics class. You read your own ideas into the text which is eisegesis not exegesis. There is no getting around that from your posts.
Ok I’ll man up that was not right to say about passing a class so I’m sorry for saying that.

Thank you. I wasn’t looking for an apology but I appreciate it.

But I will say you do not practice what you were taught in your hermeneutics class. You read your own ideas into the text which is eisegesis not exegesis. There is no getting around that from your posts.

You‘re wrong about that.
Secret police. Christians shouldn’t be operating as secret police. That’s what fascists and communists do.

That’s not the connotation I would want to have associated with anything I was involved in and had a say about.

I’ve had my say on the matter. That’s all I have to say about it. Thank you @civic for allowing me to say it. It was done without malice and with your best interest at heart.


Now the owner, the administrators and the secret police will do whatever it is that they have in mind to do; and I have a decision to make, if they don’t make it for me.
Secret police. Christians shouldn’t be operating as secret police. That’s what fascists and communists do.

That’s not the connotation I would want to have associated with anything I was involved in and had a say about.

I’ve had my say on the matter. That’s all I have to say about it. Thank you @civic for allowing me to say it. It was done without malice and with your best interest at heart.


Now the secret police will do whatever it is that they have in mind to do; and I have a decision to make, if they don’t make it for me.
You are good no worries or hard feelings my friend :)
@e v e,
if 101G was EQUALLY Shared how many person, or Persons is 101G?

what you do not understand is the female was inside of male, his inside,
they were one...

now in the fallen situation they are not one...

I do not believe God would ever take female out of male, her covering,
and this is a mistranslation, probably intentional.

this concept sounds unusual and makes not sense in the fallen context..
but imagine male as the atmosphere of female, and female as inside of male.
with he as everything she sees...

(in this world) males are lonely because their female is not being an not inside...

now, that same concept, of a male having his female as his attribute...

applies to the confusion example you gave over persons...

God is one and has His attributes... who are beings...
and they are not separated...

in the same way that in the context of paradise, male had his feminine inside, his core of love
and not 'randomly' finding whoever to love.
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I wholeheartedly agree with your sentiment.
Secret police. Christians shouldn’t be operating as secret police. That’s what fascists and communists do.

That’s not the connotation I would want to have associated with anything I was involved in and had a say about.

I’ve had my say on the matter. That’s all I have to say about it. Thank you @civic for allowing me to say it. It was done without malice and with your best interest at heart.


Now the owner, the administrators and the secret police will do whatever it is that they have in mind to do; and I have a decision to make, if they don’t make it for me.
I tell you what when you tell us who you are and link us to your Facebook page or tell us your real name instead of hide behind an avatar I’ll ask the moderator to do the same.


what you do not understand is the female was inside of male, his inside,
they were one...
I already Know this, but first let get a Correction. Was Adam Male when she was in Adam? now, coming forth out "of" Adam, was she ECHAD as in, a. G243 ALLOS, or b. G2087 heteros as the Greeks would say? which one? well the answer is G2087 heteros.

and second, why say "his?", was not Adam made Male on Day 6, but was Formed on DAY 3?

also, as for Adam INSIDE, also outward, Listen, Genesis 2:21 "And the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof;" Genesis 2:22 "And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man." Genesis 2:23 "And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man."

Remember both HAD NO BLOOD, until they sinned, which of course, "Blood", is only a temporary, or a Natural, or a Fallen state of LIFE.
I do not believe God would ever take female out of male, her covering,
and this is a mistranslation, probably intentional.
No, just a Fact.
this concept sounds unusual and makes not sense in the fallen context..
ERROR, before the fallen State both was EQUAL. Genesis 1:26 "And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth." DID YOU SEE WHAT THE VERSE SAID? "LET THEM.... NOT HIM, BUT THEM." HAVE DOMINION.
(in this world) males are lonely because their female is not being an not inside...

now, that same concept, of a male having his female as his attribute...

applies to the confusion example you gave over persons...

God is one and has His attributes... who are beings...
and they are not separated...

in the same way that in the context of paradise, male had his feminine inside, his core of love
and not 'randomly' finding whoever to love.
who told you that? is you referencing the fact of a Marriage? well not all woman are married, and as well as some males. but is not LOVE equal? if not, please inform 101G how it's unbalance?

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