Its actually "Jesus THE Christ".....
And "all who call on the NAME of = Jesus/Yeshua, shall be saved".
Matt 1:18 - "Now the birth of
Jesus Christ took place in this way."
Acts 2:38 - "And Peter said to them, “Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of
Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit."
1 Cor 8:6 - "and one Lord,
Jesus Christ, through whom are all things"
Phil 2:11 - "and
that every tongue will confess that
Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father."
Phil 3:20 - "But our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we await a Savior, the Lord
Jesus Christ,"
Tit 2:13 - "Waiting for our blessed hope, the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior
Jesus Christ,"
Heb 13:5 - "
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today, and forever."
1 John 2:1 - "But if anyone does sin, we have an advocate with the Father,
Jesus Christ the righteous."
Rev 1:5 - "And from
Jesus Christ the faithful witness"
Sure, Christ is a title, not a name, but He is the only one to whom that title belongs, so it is as good as a name. There are many people today who bear the name Jesus, but none of them are worthy of the title Christ. Messiah is the Hebrew word with the same meaning as the Greek Christ (both transliterated into English).
"God has many names throughout the Bible: Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6), Elohim (Genesis 1:1), El Roi (Genesis 16:13), among several others. What about Jesus Christ? Every language has a different name for him, a different pronunciation. But does he have one true and proper name?
Yeshua Hamashiach means Jesus the Messiah. The original Hebraic name for Jesus would’ve been yeshu’a. Does this mean that we’ve pronounced Jesus’ name incorrectly this whole time? Does he only go by the name Yeshua Hamashiach? And has paganism corrupted Jesus’ name to the name we now pronounce?
This article will argue that although those who lived during Jesus’ time may have pronounced his name like “Yeshua,” we do not forsake our prayers or petitions unto the Lord by saying “Jesus” or “Hisus K’ristos” or “Isus Krist” or any other pronunciation in any other language.
God calls us to call upon his name, whether Jesus or Yeshua Hamashiach.
Where Did The Controversy of Yeshua vs. Jesus Start?
“What has Athens to do with Jerusalem?”
To say the Bible and Ancient Greek culture rubbed each other the wrong way is an understatement. From the Maccabean revolt against Antiochus Epiphanes IV to the Sadducees absorbing one too many Hellenistic traditions, those in Jesus’ day and beyond had a sore spot when it came to Hellenization.
Jesus’ name from Yeshua Hamashiach got Hellenized from the Greek word “IZEUS” or son of Zeus. This, of course, would be a far cry from proper theology if we took Jesus’ name to mean “Son of Zeus.” After all, Antiochus Epiphanes IV desecrated the temple by putting a statue of Zeus within it.
The idea that Jesus’ name came from anything related to the Greek pantheon would’ve been repugnant to Jews and Christians alike.
Of course, Jesus’ name may also have been a transliteration. After all, they wrote the New Testament in Greek, and so not all names will translate using the same letters across alphabets of different languages. The Latin transliteration took the Greek IESOUS and changed it to IESUS, where we get the English version “Jesus.”
It’s important to note the distinction between a translation and transliteration. In Spanish, my first name is Esperanza (translation). If we were to transliterate my name, it would probably be Jop (the J makes an “h” sound, and the ō makes a long “oh” sound)."