Doug Brents
Well-known member
The first potential for error is in saying that 3120 were saved the first day of the Church. Acts 2:41 says "about 3000 souls". That is only one "significant digit". It could have been as few as 2501 or as many as 3499, and that would have included the 120 that were in the upper room. We are not given a specific number, just a number rounded to the nearest thousand, so making it more specific as he does is not appropriate.If you don’t mind, take a look at this short video and tell me where any of this is incorrect. Thank you.
Lesson 6- Pages 4-5
Second error is his aim to find a "single" name for the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. It makes no sense to say "names" (as if there were several names of each of the three, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost). If I send you out to do something "in the name the counsel", and the counsel is made up of Bob, Bill, and Fred. I might say that I send you "in the name of Bob, Bill and Fred". These three are not one person, but they are one counsel, just as the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are one God.
Third, to do something "in the name of" someone does not mean that you even have to know the person's name. "In the name of the King" implies the authority of the king that you represent. You are doing what you are doing as if you were the king. The same applies to baptism. We do it on the authority of Jesus, who was God with all the authority of the Father (Matt 28:18). You do not have to say Jesus' name to baptize in His name.
There is only one FATHER! There is only one SON. There is only one COMFORTER (Holy Spirit). You are a father, but you are not THE Father. You are a son, but you are not THE Son.
The name Jesus comes from the Hebrew Yeshua, which means "Salvation". God's name is not "salvation". Another name of Jesus is "Immanuel", which means "God with us". While these are the name by which He went on Earth, they are no more the "Name of God" than is "Father" or "Son".
The Comforter (the Holy Spirit) is not Jesus. The Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit are so in tune with each other, so united in power, authority, purpose, and in all other ways, that if you have one, you have the rest. If you hear the Son, you have heard the Father. If you see the Son, you have seen the Father. If you have the Spirit, you have the Son. Etc.