Looking for Jesus according to Mark



2 Unto those who are in Qulasus {Colossae}, The Akhe Qadishe {The Holy Brothers}, and those Trusting in Eshu Meshikha {Yeshua, The Anointed One}. Shlama {Peace} be with you, and Taybutha {Grace}, from Alaha Abun {God, Our Father}.

Alaha(n) (1) / Alaha Aba / Alahi / Alaha alahak / Alaha abun (1) = 2

Meshikha / Eshu / Eshu Meshikha (2) / Meshikha Eshu / Meshikha Eshu Maran / Eshu Meshikha Maran / Maran / Maran Eshu / Maran Eshu Meshikha = 2


3 We always give thanks unto Alaha Abuhe d'Maran Eshu Meshikha {God, The Father of Our Lord Yeshua, The Anointed One}; and we are praying for you,



Alaha(n) (1) / Alaha Aba / Alahi / Alaha Abuhe (1) / Alaha alahak / Alaha abun (1) = 3

Meshikha / Eshu / Eshu Meshikha (2) / Meshikha Eshu / Meshikha Eshu Maran / Eshu Meshikha Maran / Maran / Maran Eshu / Maran Eshu Meshikha (1) = 3


4 behold, from hearing of your Faith which is in Eshu Meshikha {Yeshua, The Anointed One}, and your Love which is towards all The Qadishe {The Holy Ones}.


Alaha(n) (1) / Alaha Aba / Alahi / Alaha Abuhe (1) / Alaha alahak / Alaha abun (1) = 3

Meshikha / Eshu / Eshu Meshikha (3) / Meshikha Eshu / Meshikha Eshu Maran / Eshu Meshikha Maran / Maran / Maran Eshu / Maran Eshu Meshikha (1) = 4


6 which was Proclaimed unto you, as also unto all the world, and is increasing, and is giving fruits, as it is also in you, from the day which you heard it, and knew The Taybutheh d'Alaha b'Qushtha {The Grace of God in Truth},


Alaha(n) (2) / Alaha Aba / Alahi / Alaha Abuhe (1) / Alaha alahak / Alaha abun (1) = 4

Meshikha / Eshu / Eshu Meshikha (3) / Meshikha Eshu / Meshikha Eshu Maran / Eshu Meshikha Maran / Maran / Maran Eshu / Maran Eshu Meshikha (1) = 4


7 according to what you learned from Epaphras, our beloved companion, who is for you a faithful Mashamshana {Deacon/Minister} of Meshikha {The Anointed One},


Alaha(n) (2) / Alaha Aba / Alahi / Alaha Abuhe (1) / Alaha alahak / Alaha abun (1) = 4

Meshikha (1) / Eshu / Eshu Meshikha (3) / Meshikha Eshu / Meshikha Eshu Maran / Eshu Meshikha Maran / Maran / Maran Eshu / Maran Eshu Meshikha (1) = 5


9 Because of this also, we, from the day that we heard it, have not ceased to pray for you, and to request that you would be filled with The Yidatha {The Knowledge} of The Will of Alaha {God}, in all The Khekma {The Wisdom} and in all The Sukal d'Rukh {The Discernment of The Spirit},

Alaha(n) (3) / Alaha Aba / Alahi / Alaha Abuhe (1) / Alaha alahak / Alaha abun (1) = 5

Meshikha (1) / Eshu / Eshu Meshikha (3) / Meshikha Eshu / Meshikha Eshu Maran / Eshu Meshikha Maran / Maran / Maran Eshu / Maran Eshu Meshikha (1) = 5


10 so that you might walk according to what is right and pleasing unto Alaha {God} in all good works, and produce fruits, and increase in The Yidatha {The Knowledge} of Alaha {God},


Alaha(n) (5) / Alaha Aba / Alahi / Alaha Abuhe (1) / Alaha alahak / Alaha abun (1) = 7

Meshikha (1) / Eshu / Eshu Meshikha (3) / Meshikha Eshu / Meshikha Eshu Maran / Eshu Meshikha Maran / Maran / Maran Eshu / Maran Eshu Meshikha (1) = 5


12 giving thanks unto Alaha Aba {God, The Father}, who made us worthy unto a portion of The Inheritance of The Qadishe {The Holy Ones}, in Light,


Alaha(n) (5) / Alaha Aba(1) / Alahi / Alaha Abuhe (1) / Alaha alahak / Alaha abun (1) = 8

Meshikha (1) / Eshu / Eshu Meshikha (3) / Meshikha Eshu / Meshikha Eshu Maran / Eshu Meshikha Maran / Maran / Maran Eshu / Maran Eshu Meshikha (1) = 5


15 who, that is to say, is The Image of Alaha {God} who is not seen, and is The Firstborn of all creatures.


Alaha(n) (6) / Alaha Aba(1) / Alahi / Alaha Abuhe (1) / Alaha alahak / Alaha abun (1) = 9

Meshikha (1) / Eshu / Eshu Meshikha (3) / Meshikha Eshu / Meshikha Eshu Maran / Eshu Meshikha Maran / Maran / Maran Eshu / Maran Eshu Meshikha (1) = 5


24 and I rejoice in the sufferings that is concerning you, and I am completing what is lacking of the affliction of Meshikha {The Anointed One}, in my flesh, for His Body, that is, The Edtha {The Assembly},

Alaha(n) (6) / Alaha Aba(1) / Alahi / Alaha Abuhe (1) / Alaha alahak / Alaha abun (1) = 9

Meshikha (2) / Eshu / Eshu Meshikha (3) / Meshikha Eshu / Meshikha Eshu Maran / Eshu Meshikha Maran / Maran / Maran Eshu / Maran Eshu Meshikha (1) = 6


25 that of which I am become His Minister, according to the administration of Alaha {God} that is given unto me among you, so that I might fulfill The Miltheh d'Alaha {The Word of God};


Alaha(n) (8) / Alaha Aba(1) / Alahi / Alaha Abuhe (1) / Alaha alahak / Alaha abun (1) = 11

Meshikha (2) / Eshu / Eshu Meshikha (3) / Meshikha Eshu / Meshikha Eshu Maran / Eshu Meshikha Maran / Maran / Maran Eshu / Maran Eshu Meshikha (1) = 6


27 unto whom, Alaha {God} desires to make known what is the wealth of His Glory; this Raza {Mystery} among the Amme {the Peoples/the Nations/the Gentiles}; that is, Meshikha {The Anointed One} in you; The Hope of Glory!



Alaha(n) (9) / Alaha Aba(1) / Alahi / Alaha Abuhe (1) / Alaha alahak / Alaha abun (1) = 12

Meshikha (3) / Eshu / Eshu Meshikha (3) / Meshikha Eshu / Meshikha Eshu Maran / Eshu Meshikha Maran / Maran / Maran Eshu / Maran Eshu Meshikha (1) = 7


28 Whom we Proclaim, and we Teach, and make known unto every son of man, in all wisdom, so that we might establish every son of man, while perfecting them in Eshu Meshikha {Yeshua, The Anointed One}.


Alaha(n) (9) / Alaha Aba(1) / Alahi / Alaha Abuhe (1) / Alaha alahak / Alaha abun (1) = 12

Meshikha (3) / Eshu / Eshu Meshikha (4) / Meshikha Eshu / Meshikha Eshu Maran / Eshu Meshikha Maran / Maran / Maran Eshu / Maran Eshu Meshikha (1) = 8

- Alaha (12) is before Meshikha (8)!

- But in any case, we must not forget that Meshikha means the anointed one or the chosen one!

- And like King Saul and King David, he was chosen by God!

  • Mark was also called John Mark!
  • His mother’s house was used as a place for believers to gather and pray!
  • He was a companion of Barnabas and Paul during their travels together!
  • Paul and Barnabas had a disagreement about Mark!
  • They separated, Paul took Silas and barnabas Mark!
  • But Mark matured with time!
Jesus vs the religious leaders

Mark1: The Sabbath begins and Jesus goes into the synagogue to teach people. They are astounded as they listen to him because his teaching is made with authority, quite different from the scribes.

- Knowledge vs Ignorance!

- Imagine you were there!

- What a privilege!

- What would you have done?

- Listening to a man with incredible knowledge!

- They are astounded as they listen to him because his teaching is made with authority!

- You remember when Jesus was 12 in the House of His Father!

- And the teachers when listening to him were astounded!

- And he started his ministry when he was 30!

- Thus he had plenty of time to mature!

- Jesus died young but he had good human experience to prepare for leading the future kingdom of His Father!

- And he chose 12 apostles to keep doing the preaching work after Him!

- But they had no experience so he had to train them a lot!

- It was progressive teaching!

- And they needed his death to open their eyes and to fully understand his message!

- Nevertheless, Jesus chose the apostle Paul to preach to the nations!

- He was well trained in Judaism!

- And he had a strong background and culture!

- And he could go beyond Jewish tradition!

- Or he could free himself from it!

- And when Jesus chose him, he first needed years to meditate and prepare for his ministry work!

- But from the start, he kept straight away, never going to the left or to the right!
Jesus vs the religious leaders

Mark 2: Jesus forgives the sins of a paralytic. Some scribes think he is blaspheming because God is the only one who can forgive. Knowing what they think, Jesus asks them why they think so and he asks what is easier to cure the paralytic or to forgive his sins. And the paralytic gets up and walks and they glorify God!

- Thanks to Jesus’ miracles, the religious leaders get all the evidence necessary about Jesus but they don’t care, they only try to oppose him!

- Jesus knows who they are and what they think!

- And he takes care of people and he cures them whereas the religious leaders don’t care about the people, they are just selfish, they only think about their own interests!

- So powerful!

- Jesus does not only teach, he also proves what he says with his actions or miracles!

- And he did so many that it was evidence!

- Such a difference with the religious leaders of his time!

- But human leaders will always be what they are people who try to take advantage of their positions!
Jesus vs the religious leaders

Mark 2

- Jesus and his disciples are dining with tax collectors and sinners!

- The scribes and the Pharisees don’t understand!

- Jesus explains that he came for sinners just like a physician must cure those who are ill!

- Knowledge vs Ignorance

- What are religious leaders good for? Nothing? Useless? Predators? Out of reality? They live in their own bubble? Lead people to destruction? Blind?

- When we think about religious leaders, we may remember the three men who were supposed to help Job but who in fact acted to destroy him!

- And in fact, they were saved by Job!

- The question is: who is supposed to help whom?
Jesus vs the religious leaders

Mark 2:

During the Sabbath Jesus’ disciples pluck heads of grain from the fields!

- Then the Pharisees tell Jesus it is not lawful!

- But he tells them about David and his men who ate bread which could only be eaten by the priests because they were hungry!

- And he ends the discussion by saying that the Son of man is Lord even of the Sabbath!

- God gave many laws to the Israelites to show them they were unable to respect them and it happened to such an extent that the promised land they received from God was taken away from them and they lost everything! They were completely and totally rejected as a people but not as individuals because individuals can be faithful to Yah.weh! Moreover, since Israel became a nation again, it has always been at war!

- Jesus lives in the present, the religious leaders in the past!

- Yah.weh is a God of precision!

- Jesus shows the same precision!

- We must show the same precision!

- We can’t be amateurs!

- The Hebrews showed themselves amateurs!

- Mankind has shown the same attitude!

- When we study the Bible seriously, we can’t show the same attitude!

- Otherwise we show we don’t understand anything!

- And we don’t want to understand!

- Once again, it is free will just like in the case of Adam!
Jesus vs the religious leaders

Mark 3:

- Jesus enters into a synagogue!

- There is a man with a withered hand!

- They want to know if he is going to cure the man on the sabbath!

- They are looking for a way to accuse him!

- What a powerful verse! Then again we see the HUGE difference between Jesus and the religious leaders! He listens to his heart, always being ready to help people by teaching them or curing them whereas religious leaders look for their own interests, they have no hearts, only thinking about what they can get, being selfish and calculating!

- Human vs non human!

- They are completely dead!

- Are we dead or alive?

- If we don’t do our part of the job, we are dead!

- Do we show our interest in Yah.weh?

- If not, how can we expect him to show interest in us?

- Jesus enters into a synagogue!

- Yah.weh is a God of ACTION!

- Jesus is showing the same attitude!

- Do we show the same attitude?

- Do we want to become one with them?

- First, we must understand what it means!

- Everywhere in the Bible we are told about this UNITY!

- Why is it so difficult to understand this way!

- Because there is only one way, one direction to Yah.weh and Jesus!

- The other way is going away from them!

- It is so easy for men to take this second way because man is CONFRONTATION, man is OPPOSITION, man is DISUNION, man is HATE, man is GREED, man is SELFISHNESS!
Jesus vs the religious leaders

Mark 3:

- Jesus asks them if it is lawful on the Sabbath to do good or to do harm, to save a life or to kill!

- But they keep silent!

- Thus they show insensibility!

- Jesus looks at them with indignation!

- And he cures the man!

- And the Pharisees hold council with the followers of Herod in order to kill him!

- Is that not clear, there is no excuse, they show who they are and their followers are also responsible, they can’t say as Adam said accusing Eve but he followed her so he is as guilty as her or even more! Well, Jerusalem was destroyed and the inhabitants had to pay a very high price! But history keeps on going and people never understand!

- Religious and political leaders working together to defend their own interests as usual!

- They don’t care about men!

- Jesus does and will always do!

- it is easy to choose who we want!

- Someone who cares about men and about the earth!

- But we must demonstrate who we choose with our actions!
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