looking for Daniel

19) Looking for Daniel

Daniel 2:24

- Daniel goes to Arioch who is in charge of killing the wise men of Babylon!

- And he tells him not to kill the wise men!

- And he tells him to take him in before the king!

- And he will tell him the interpretation!

- Daniel knows he must act fast!

- It is a question of life or death!

- But he first took the time to thank God!

- It is the most important thing to do for him!

- Then he goes directly to Arioch!

- Thus he shows he cares about all human lives!

- He doesn’t want anyone to be killed!
20) Looking for Daniel

Daniel 2:25-28

- Daniel first starts by saying that nobody was able to answer the king!

- Then he tells him there is only one who can do it!

- And it is God!

- As we can see, as usual, Daniel explains carefully and with details that it is God who can do it!

- He always highlights God!

- He never speaks about himself!
21) Looking for Daniel

Daniel 2

- Once again, Daniel highlights God the Revealer of secrets!

- Then he is clear about himself!

- He has no greater wisdom than anyone living!

- Once again, Daniel shows his humility!

- It must have been very different from the other wise men of Babylon!
22) Looking for Daniel

Daniel 2

- So Daniel tells about the king’s dream and then its interpretation!

- Before telling the interpretation to the king, Daniel tells him that God gave him all what he has!

- And he enumerates all the things he has!

- We can say it is also a warning to the king!

- Because if God gave him all what he has, he can also take it!

- And he will take everything!

- The king, because of his power, thinks nobody can take him what he has!

- The Israelites did the same!

- They did not listen to God!

- And he took everything he had given him!

- Are we going to do the same?

- Or will we listen to him?
23) Looking for Daniel

Daniel 2

- Then King Nebuchadnezzar tells Daniel: “Truly your God is a God of gods and a Lord of kings and a Revealer of secrets, because you were able to reveal this secret.”

- Thus the king pays homage to Daniel!

- He acknowledges the power of God!

- But he won’t listen to his warning!

- He won’t change his attitude!

- And in due time he will pay the price for his pride!
24) Looking for Daniel

Daniel 2

The king then elevates Daniel and gives him many fine gifts, and he makes him the ruler over all the province of Babylon and the chief prefect over all the wise men of Babylon. And at Daniel’s request, the king appoints Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego over the administration of the province of Babylon, but Daniel serves in the king’s court.

- Daniel is blessed as he serves God faithfully!

- And he is not selfish because he asks the king for a position for his three companions!

- For him details are important!

- And he doesn’t neglect anything or anyone!

- Imagine a foreigner becoming one of the most important characters in Babylon!

- Of course, we Remember Joseph in Egypt!

- It is a similar case!
25) Looking for Daniel

Daniel 3

Nebuchadnedzzar makes a statue and he wants everybody to worship it. If they don’t do it, they will be thrown into the burning fierce furnace. But Daniel’s three companions refuse to do it. So the king, in a furious rage, gives them a second chance. But they tell him that if their God wants to save them, he can do it. But if he doesn’t do it, they only worship God and no one else. Then the king becomes so furious that he gives orders to heat the furnace seven times hotter than usual. And Daniel’s three companions are thrown into the burning fiery furnace. The furnace is so hot that the men who throw Daniel’s three companions into the furnace are killed. Then the king becomes afraid because he sees four men in the furnace, they are unharmed and the fourth one looks like a son of the gods. So he tells Daniel’s three companions to go out. They are unhurt. Then he praises their God. Then he promotes them in the province of Babylon.

- Like Daniel, his three companions are faithful men to God and thus excellent examples for us!

- We don’t know anything about Daniel!

- That’s strange because he is one of the most important men of Babylon!

- Nebuchadnezzar is brutal!

- But he can easily change his attitude when something happens!

- Here, Daniel’s three companions are saved by God!

- And he gives them a higher position!

- So they are also blessed because of their faithfulness!

- He doesn’t accept anyone’s disobedience but when somebody does it and survives, he can only recognize it!

- Thus he is pragmatic!
26) Looking for Daniel

Daniel 4

Nebuchadnezzar has another vision but nobody can give the interpretation. But Daniel is alarmed for a moment and his thoughts begin to frighten him. The vision is about the king who has become powerful. But because of his pride he will become like a beast eating grass. And after a time he will recover his mind and his power. So Daniel tells the king to change his attitude and turn away from sin. But he doesn’t change anything so twelve months later he becomes mad and starts to behave like an animal eating grass.

- Nebuchadnezzar is warned by God through visions but he doesn’t care so he pays the price!

- It was the same with the Israelites!

- It is the same with humanity!

- And humanity doesn’t care!

- Thus people will have to pay the price when God strikes humanity!

- It will be a shock!

- But the majority never understands!

- It’s always the same!

- So why lamenting!

- When someone doesn’t listen and pays the price even with death, that’s life!

- There is no need to be sad!

- People are adults and thus they make a choice!

- And the way we live shows what we choose!

- Then we can’t say I didn’t know!
27) Looking for Daniel

Daniel 5

We are told about king Belshazzar who is having a great feast and he is drunk and he tells to bring the vessels taken by his father Nebuchadnezzar from the temple of Jerusalem. And they drink in it which is definitely an offense to God. Then a man’s hand begins writing on the plaster of the wall and everybody can see it. Then the king turns pale and his thoughts terrify him and his hips shake and his knees begin to knock together. The man who can make the interpretation of the words written on the wall will receive many gifts and will become the third figure of Babylon. But nobody can make the interpretation. So the king speaks about Daniel who is brought in before the king. Daniel will make the interpretation but he doesn’t care about the king’s gifts. He first speaks about his father who was warned by God and didn’t change his attitude. And it is the same with king Belshazzar. And they used the vessels from the temple of Jerusalem when it was sacred. As a consequence, Babylon will fall in the hands of the Medes and the Persians. And the very night of the feast Belshazzar is killed and Darius the Mede receives the kingdom when he is 62.

- Once again a good example we may try to remember as a warning!

- Those who don’t care about God will pay the price!

- Belshazzar didn’t listen and was killed!

- We may remember the meaning of Tekel, that is “you have been weighed in the balances and found lacking.”!

- It can’t be clearer even if human beings don’t want to listen!

- Thus everyone will be weighed in the balances!

- Let’s also remember how Daniel reacted!

- He didn’t care about privileges!

- He just wanted to serve God faithfully!
28) Looking for Daniel

Daniel 6

Darius appoints 120 satraps over the whole kingdom and among them three officials, one of whom is Daniel. And Daniel is distinguishing himself over the other high officials and the satraps, for there is an extraordinary spirit in him and the king intends to elevate him over the entire kingdom.

- Thus Kings change but Daniel stays and keeps his position!

- God keeps blessing him!

- Daniel is definitely a special one or as we will see later “a precious man”!

- There is no one like him because God is with him!

- And also because he is humble, he doesn’t look for honors!

- Humility is one of the best qualities for God, if not the best one!
29) Looking for Daniel

Daniel 6

As a consequence, high officials and satraps are jealous of Daniel but they can’t find any accusation respecting matters of state because he is trustworthy, he isn’t negligent and he isn’t corrupted. So they know it can only be with Daniel’s religion. So they tell Darius to establish a royal decree and to enforce a ban for 30 days so nobody can make a petition to any god or man except to the king. And if he does, he should be thrown into the lions’ pit.

- So here again we are told about Daniel’s attitude: trustworthy, not negligent and not corrupted!

- He was really different from the other important people!

- Today it would be the same!

- Corruption is everywhere!

- So here again we can see the types of men God looks for!

- Something to remember and think about if we can do it!
30) Looking for Daniel

Daniel 6

As soon as the decree is signed, he prays to God and everybody can see him. Then men arrive and take hold of him and bring him to the king. He doesn’t want Daniel to be thrown into the pit of lions but it is the law he has signed. He hopes that Daniel’s God will save him. Then he is thrown into the pit of lions. The king couldn’t sleep at night. Early in the morning he goes to the lions’ pit and he calls for Daniel who answers him. So he gives orders to free Daniel and to put his accusers into the pit. When they reach the bottom of the pit, they are eaten by the lions. And Daniel keeps prospering in the kingdom of Darius.

- Nothing is more important for Daniel than his relationship to God!

- So as soon as he is told about the decree, he prays God!

- What an example of faith!

- Here we have another opportunity to see the nature of his relationship with God!

- Completely different from the one the Israelites have with God!

- Let the one having ears and eyes listen and read carefully!

- God is looking for such people, not for those who are spiritually deaf and blind!
31) Looking for Daniel

Daniel 7

Daniel has a vision about the future and the end and he writes it down. And he is afraid of what he sees. His thoughts alarm him greatly, so that he turns pale.

- Daniel has a vision!

- But it is like a nightmare!

- Thus he is afraid!

- And more than that!

- Should we be afraid?
32) Looking for Daniel

Daniel 8

Daniel has another vision about the future and the end. He is terrified. Then he feels exhausted and he is sick for some days.

- Do you see the evolution?

- First he is afraid and greatly alarmed and he turns pale!

- Then he is terrified and sick for some days!

- What about us?
33) Looking for Daniel

Daniel 9

Daniel speaks about the 70 years for Jerusalem to stay desolated and to be reconstructed. Then he prays to God so that Jerusalem can be reconstructed. In his prayer, he speaks about Israel: the country has sinned and done wrong and acted wickedly and rebelled and has deviated from God’s commandments and judgments and has not listened to God’s servants and prophets. And shame belongs to Israel: the country has acted unfaithfully and has rebelled and not obeyed the voice of God. And Israel has paid a high price for its attitude. And Daniel asks for forgiveness. And because DANIEL IS A PRECIOUS MAN, he is told that Jerusalem will be rebuilt and Messiah will come and will be put to death and a foreign nation will destroy Jerusalem. And after that there will be wars. And it is spoken about extermination.

- Yes, Daniel is called PRECIOUS MAN!

- And in his prayer he speaks about every sin Israel has committed!

- And he is told about the reconstruction of Jerusalem!

- And about the coming of the Messiah and his death!

- And the destruction of Jerusalem!

- And Israel will keep acting badly!

- And turning away from God!

- And the same for humanity!

- They will never listen because they don’t care!

- And God will cleanse this world!

- No need to cry for it because it deserves it just like Israel!
34) Looking for Daniel

Daniel 10

Daniel is given a revelation about a great conflict. He has been mourning for three full weeks. When he sees the vision, the men with him don’t see it but a great trembling seizes them and they run away and hide. And because of what he sees, there is no power left in him and his dignified appearance leaves him and he loses all strength. Once again he is called PRECIOUS MAN. Daniel is trembling. His prayer has been heard because of his attitude and his humility. So Daniel is told about the final part of the days. But Daniel says he has no strength and no breath is left in him.

- Through all the Bible men have been warned!

- And here it is the same story!

- And when Daniel has a new vision, it is so powerful that he can’t stand it!

- Do you have an idea of what is going to happen when Jesus comes back as a warrior to cleanse the earth under the orders of his father?

- Think about the destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans!

- But it will be nothing compared to what will happen to the world!

- But humanity keeps acting as if everything is normal!

- Of course, they are a bit afraid because the situation is degrading!

- Even when we know, it will be a surprise!

- Because at the present time we see things we could have never imagined at all!

- And we will see a lot more!

- But it will be nothing compared to the coming of Jesus as a king and warrior!
35) Looking for Daniel

Daniel 11

Here we are told about a refining work and a cleansing and a whitening until the time of the end.

- Refining work and cleansing and whitening!

- It requires a lot of work!

- It requires you to be 100% active!

- It requires personal implication!

- Action is necessary!

- Read the Bible carefully to understand it!

- Nobody can stand quietly!

- Daniel couldn’t do it in his visions!

- Everybody must prepare oneself and encourage others to do the same!

- First you need to save yourself!

- Second, help others to save themselves!

- But if you wait for others to save you it won’t work!

- Personal implication is required from everybody!

- being lukewarm doesn’t work!

- it has never worked!

- And people keep thinking it will work for them!

- Bad choice!
36) Looking for Daniel

Daniel 12

In Daniel’s vision we are told about a time of distress such as has not occurred since there came to be a nation until that time. And during that time your people will escape, everyone who is found written down in the book. And many of those asleep in the dust of the earth will wake up, some to everlasting life and others to reproach and to everlasting contempt. “And those having insight will shine as brightly as the expanse of heaven, and those bringing the many to righteousness like the stars, forever and ever… Many will cleanse themselves and whiten themselves and will be refined. And the wicked ones will act wickedly, and none of the wicked will understand; but those having insight will understand.

- yes, DISTRESS!

- The possibility of waking up!

- The possibility to cleanse and whiten oneself and be refined!

- But it is necessary to make an effort!


- And the wicked one won’t understand!

- He will keep doing his business!
37) God and Daniel / Daniel and God

Daniel 1:

- Daniel is brought to Babylon because he is young without any defect, of good appearance, endowed with wisdom, knowledge, and discernment, and capable of serving in the king’s palace!

- And the more we read the book of Daniel, the more it appears that all this is connected to Daniel’s relationship with God!

- Every aspect of his life has something to do with this relationship!

- No God, No Daniel!

- And the more he learns the more he gets closer to God!

- There is only another way that is getting away from God!

- This relationship evolves perpetually!

- It has to be built up continually!

- Otherwise it goes away!

- There isn’t a third option!

- One way or the other!

- And it is a personal choice!

- Something you have to work at personally or not!

- You can’t take a break otherwise you go the other way!

38) God and Daniel / Daniel and God

Daniel 1:

- But Daniel resolves in his heart that he won’t defile himself with the king’s delicacies or with the wine He drinks!

- So he asks the principal court official for permission not to defile himself in this way!

- And the true God causes the principal court official to show Daniel favor and mercy!

- God first!

- In any aspect of Daniel’s life!

- In particular food and beverages!

- So Daniel doesn’t wait, he acts straight away!

- He doesn’t let the others act for him!

- And God is always present!

- That’s what we can call a deep and straight relationship!
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