looking for Daniel

39) God and Daniel / Daniel and God

Daniel 1:

- But the principal court official says to Daniel: “I am afraid of my lord the king, who has assigned your food and drink!

- What if he should see you looking worse in appearance than the other youths of your age?

- You would make me guilty before the king!

- But Daniel says to the guardian whom the principal court official has appointed over Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah: “Please, test your servants for ten days, and let us be given some vegetables to eat and water to drink; then compare our appearance with the appearance of the youths who are eating the king’s delicacies, and deal with your servants according to what you see.”

- At the end of ten days their appearance is better and healthier than all the youths who are eating the king’s delicacies!

- And the true God gives these four youths knowledge and insight into every kind of writing and wisdom; and Daniel is given understanding in all sorts of visions and dreams!

- Daniel is always ready to defend his relationship with God so he doesn’t lose time but acts all at once!

- And he knows what to do and what to say!

- Of course, he may receive God’s help and spirit!

- Because both Daniel and God are part of the deal and each one play his part!

- We are only told about Daniel and his three companions!

- But Daniel is above!

- He gets more because his relationship with God is stronger!

- Of course, his three companions have a strong relationship with God!

- And Daniel’s companions are not jealous about Daniel’s relationship with God!

- They can also benefit too!
40) God and Daniel / Daniel and God

Daniel 1:

- When the king speaks with them, no one in the entire group is found to be like Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah; and they continue to serve before the king.

- Imagine the quantity of people!

There are many!

- And among so many people only four get out of the mass!

- Can you visualize the scene?

- It is unbelievable!

- Four against a multitude!

- They definitely have God’s spirit!

- And among the four, Daniel gets out of them!

- So first Daniel, second his three companions and the rest!
41) God and Daniel / Daniel and God

Daniel 1:

- In every matter requiring wisdom and understanding that the king may ask them about, he finds them ten times better than all the magic-practicing priests and the conjurers in his entire realm!

- Right, they are better!

- But no, they are ten times better!

- Can you imagine the gap?

- Yes, building a deep relationship with God requires a lot of efforts and a strong will!

- It is not a game!

- It is not something you think about from time to time!

- No way!

- And all the Bible is about that!

- Why do you think there is such a minority of exceptionally faithful servants of God?

- Yes, having a straight relationship with God requires many efforts and the majority is not ready for that!
42) God and Daniel / Daniel and God

Daniel 2:

At this the king flies into a violent rage and gives the order to destroy all the wise men of Babylon. When the order is issued and the wise men are about to be killed, they also look for Daniel and his companions to put them to death. At that time Daniel discreetly and cautiously speaks to Arioch the chief of the king’s bodyguard, who has gone out to kill the wise men of Babylon. He asked Arioch, the officer of the king: “Why is there such a harsh order from the king?” Then Arioch informs Daniel about the matter. So goes in and asks the king to grant him time to tell the interpretation to the king.

- All the wise men of Babylon are going to be killed!

- And Daniel and his companions!

- When Daniel hears about that, he acts discreetly and cautiously!

- That’s interesting!

- Daniel has a special relationship with God but we can be sure that he acts discreetly and cautiously with God!

- Thus if he is used to communicating with God, he is used to communicating with important human beings who are nothing compared to God!

- So this special relationship is very helpful!

- He is ready to communicate in any situation!

- We must remember that!

- And he does everything in the right order!

- And he stays calm!

- We need to follow his example!
43) God and Daniel / Daniel and God

Daniel 2:

Daniel then goes to his house and informs his companions Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah of the matter. He asks them to pray for mercy from the God of heaven concerning this secret, so that Daniel and his companions won’t be destroyed along with the rest of the wise men of Babylon.

- That’s another extraordinary situation!

- Daniel has a special relationship with God but he asks his companions to pray to God too!

- He could have thought: I don’t need their help!

- I just need to pray to God alone and he will tell me the vision!

- No: he has such humility!

- Moreover, the situation is dangerous!

- He needs the information as soon as possible!

- He knows what to do and gets the best results!

- When dealing with God we learn ORDER because God is a God of Order!

- So we need to think like him, not like the people in this old world who are overwhelmed!

- And today the situation is also dangerous: if we don’t react properly we may die and we won’t have a second chance!

- And when we think of all the possibilities we will get to work for God in the new society, it would be a shame to miss them!
44) God and Daniel / Daniel and God

Daniel 2:

Then the secret is revealed to Daniel in a vision at night. So Daniel praises the God of heaven. Daniel declares:

“Let the name of God be praised for all eternity,

For wisdom and mightiness are his alone.

He changes times and seasons,

Removes kings and sets up kings,

Gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those with discernment.

He reveals the deep things and the hidden things,

He knows what is in the darkness,

And with him the light dwells.

To you, O God of my forefathers, I offer thanks and praise,

Because you have given me wisdom and power.

And now you have made known to me what we requested of you;

You have made known to us the concern of the king.”

- Daniel never forgets to thank God for everything he receives from him!

- He tells everybody who is God!

- That there is no one like him!

- And it isn’t a small thing that Daniel has received from God!

- It is a present which will save many people!

- It has an incredible value!

- We should never forget to thank God for his creation!

- Even if we can’t get the best of it because of human stupidity and waste!

- But we must get ready to get the best of it in the near future if we understand its value!

- There is so much to learn from God!

- And so many incredible actions to see in the future!

- We can’t even imagine what God will do!
45) God and Daniel / Daniel and God

Daniel 2:

Daniel replies to the king: “None of the wise men, conjurers, magic-practicing priests, or astrologers are able to tell the king the secret that he is asking. But there is a God in the heavens who is a Revealer of secrets, and he has made known to King Nebuchadnezzar what is to happen in the final part of the days.

- Daniel will tell the king what he wants!

- Because he has been told by God!

- God is the only one who knows!

- It is not because of Daniel!

- Daniel always tells the truth about God!

- And he will always have the same attitude toward God!

- God doesn’t change!

- We must show him the same respect!

- He respects the relationship he has with an individual!

- We must do the same!

- There is no other way if we want to build up a strong relationship with God!

- Stability is essential!

- In a deep relationship both parts need to know exactly where the other part stands!
46) God and Daniel / Daniel and God

Daniel 2:

The king then elevated Daniel and gave him many fine gifts, and he made him the ruler over all the province of Babylon and the chief prefect over all the wise men of Babylon. And at Daniel’s request, the king appointed Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego over the administration of the province of Babylon, but Daniel served in the king’s court.

- God blesses Daniel who becomes more important each time !

- But whatever happens, Daniel never forgets his companions !

- A cement necessary for a top relationship to God is humility, humility and humility !-

- No humility, no strong relationship to God !

- There is no better quality !

- A rare one in this world !
47) God and Daniel / Daniel and God

Daniel 5:

- This time Daniel must help King Belshazzar.

- He does as usual!

- He is told by God!

- Then he tells the interpretation!

- He doesn’t care about the king’s gifts!

- He works for God!

- And he always tells the message from God!

- Good or bad!

- The king is killed by Darius the Mede!

- But Daniel will keep his position!

- God keeps blessing him!

- And his qualities and abilities are appreciated!
48) God and Daniel / Daniel and God

Daniel 6:

- Daniel is chosen to be part of the three high officials of Darius’ administration.

- Thanks to his special relationship with God, he distinguishes himself over the administration!

- As a consequence, the king intends to elevate him over the entire kingdom!

- Because of that, some high officials and satraps are jealous of him and try to find an accusation!

- But Daniel is not corrupted!

- As a matter of fact, the conclusion is clear: they must find something in the law of his God!

- They tell the king to establish a royal decree and to enforce a ban to prevent people from making a petition to any god or man except to the king for 30 days!

- There is no law!

- They make the king have a law especially against Daniel!

- And it attacks the relationship Daniel has with his God!

- And what does Daniel do as soon as he hears about the law?

- He openly prays to his God!

- He won’t change anything about his relationship to his God because of men!

- His relationship to God is his top priority!

- And he does everything to keep it!

- The men who accuse him can’t prevent God from saving him!

- On the contrary, the king has them thrown into the lions’ pit!
49) God and Daniel / Daniel and God

Daniel 7:

- First, Daniel has a dream and visions!

- Then he writes down the dream!

- He records a complete account of the matters!

- He is a civil servant!

- He is used to doing things according to a particular procedure!

- Thus he gives all the details!

- Moreover, it comes from God!

- And what he sees is not usual!

- And it is certainly not pleasant!

- His spirit is distressed because the visions frighten him!

- He is the only one who receives such visions!

- Even his three companions don’t receive such visions!

- It means Daniel is really precious to God!

- It is a privilege!
50) God and Daniel / Daniel and God

Daniel 8:

- Daniel has a vision!

- He tries to understand it!

- He hears the voice of a man!

- This man talks to him!

- Daniel is so terrified that he falls facedown!

- He falls asleep!

- The man wakes him up!

- Daniel is exhausted and is sick for a few days!

- Each time Daniel has a vision it is as if the scene occurs before him!

- As if it was real!

- Daniel is at the same time inside and outside the vision!

Thus we get more information about the depth of his relationship with God!

- It is really deep, really close!

- Daniel is able to visualize scenes very few people have the opportunity to see!- it is not given to everybody!

- When we think about Daniel’s life, we understand why!

- It questions oneself about the depth of our relationship to God and about where it is going!

- Do we build it up or not?
51) God and Daniel / Daniel and God

Daniel 9:

- Here Daniel is not making the usual daily prayer!

- It is about the rebuilding of Jerusalem!

- Thus for Daniel it is really important!

- Thus he prepares himself by fasting and sackcloth and ashes!

- It appears like a ceremony!

- He starts by magnifying God: “the true God, the great and awe-inspiring One, who keeps his covenant and shows loyal love to those who love him and keep his commandments!

- And as usual Israel hasn’t been playing its part of the relationship!

- Thus many don’t do anything and then they think that God is going to listen to them!

- Once again, man’s way is far away from God’s way!

- And we just have to open the bible and read it carefully again and again!

- It doesn’t work if we open the Bible from time to time saying I don’t understand anything!

- When we take all the faithful servants of God in the Bible, their relationship with God is a strong connection based on mutual efforts!

- And when Daniel prays to God about Israel’s sins which are countless, he always says “we” even if he has a special relationship with God!

- He speaks about the responsibility of Israel as a people!

- And he feels guilty because of what Israel did against God!

- Here he doesn’t take into account the fact that he has a privileged position!

- And he is clear about the shame of all the Israelites because of their countless sins!

- And they did everything wrong!

- And Daniel doesn’t have to wait long for getting an answer!

- He is called “very precious”!

- And he is told that Jerusalem will be rebuilt but also destroyed again as the Messiah will be cut off!

- And we know why!
52) God and Daniel / Daniel and God

Daniel 10:

- As usual before a special event, here is a vision, Daniel prepares himself!

- He has been mourning for three full weeks!

- No rich food, no meat or wine, no oil on himself!

- Then he gets the vision!

- he is with other men but he is the only one to see the vision!

- The others have a great tremor and run away and hide!

- He has no power left in him!

- His dignified appearance leaves him!

- He loses all his strength!

- It is not something usual but extraordinary!

- And the man in the vision speaks to him!

- And once again he is called a very precious man!

- And he keeps trembling!
53) God and Daniel / Daniel and God

Daniel 11- 12

- Daniel tells us all the details of the vision!

- Then he talks about a dialogue!

- And finally he is told about a cleansing and a whitening and a refinement and about understanding!

- And the wicked will keep acting wickedly and won’t understand!

- Another warning to be taken seriously by those who want to be refined!

- And not seriously by those who don’t want to be refined!

- Only two options!

- And one personal choice!

- Which includes a personal relationship to God or not!

- Then everything is clear for those who understand and for those who don’t want to understand!
54) A very precious man and a top official

Daniel 1: But Daniel resolves in his heart that he doesn’t want to defile himself with the king’s delicacies or with the wine he drinks.

- Resolute: admirably purposeful, determined and unwavering!

- Daniel is definitely resolute or determined!

- He wants to keep his traditions, his faith, he doesn’t want to contaminate himself mentally and physically!

- Thus he always knows where he goes!

- He will keep his direction whatever may happen!

- Thus he can stay strong!

- He has deep roots!

- He won’t be destabilized by a big storm or a tsunami!
55) A very precious man and a top official

Daniel 1: And the true God caused the principal court official to show Daniel favor and mercy!

- Faithful: remaining loyal and steadfast!

- Daniel is faithful to God who blesses him!

- He always walks with God!

- God is present in all his life!

- Communicating with God is a necessity!

- Being faithful to God helps him stay a rock!

- Resolute and faithful are deeply connected!
56) A very precious man and a top official

Daniel 1: But the principal court official says to Daniel: “I am afraid of my lord the king, who has assigned your food and drink. What if he should see you looking worse in appearance than the other youths of your age? You would make me guilty before the king.”

- Daniel is a good listener !

- He takes into account what the principal court official says and his fears !

- Moreover, he listens carefully to God !

- As a consequence, he is the only one to receive visions !

- And he tells these visions with all the details !

- When someone listens carefully to what people say, he shows he cares about their opinions and their feelings !

- So Daniel cares about God and men !

57) A very precious man and a top official

Daniel 1: But Daniel says to the guardian whom the principal court official has appointed over Daniel, Han·a·niʹah, Mishʹa·el, and Az·a·riʹah: “Please, test your servants for ten days, and let us be given some vegetables to eat and water to drink; then compare our appearance with the appearance of the youths who are eating the king’s delicacies, and deal with your servants according to what you see.”

- Daniel is proactive!

- First he is a good listener and then he proposes a solution adapted to the situation!

- Proactive Attitude (PA) is a personality characteristic which has implications for motivation and action. It is a belief in the rich potential of changes that can be made to improve oneself and one's environment. This includes various facets such as resourcefulness, responsibility, values, and vision !

- Being a good listener and being proactive are connected !

- It’s a combination !

- you have to follow the two steps !

58) A very precious man and a top official

Daniel 1: So the guardian takes away their delicacies and their wine and gives them vegetables. And the true God gives these four youths knowledge and insight into every kind of writing and wisdom; and Daniel is given understanding in all sorts of visions and dreams.

- Once again, Daniel shows how Faithful he is !

- As a consequence, he receives knowledge and insight and wisdom and understanding !

- We can see it is a process !

- Qualities are to be developed !

- It must grow and grow !

- And there is no limit !

- God’s creation keeps growing !

- The universe keeps growing !

- The brain keeps growing if you don’t listen to human society !

- Getting older is a fake !

- We shouldn’t get older !

- There is no limit to the capacities of the brain !

- There is if we stop using it !

- There is no limit to the capacity of creating and developping ideas !

- So if we want to follow God’s example, we need to keep using our brains and being creative !

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