Jesus denied being God

Only a fool would say I can't say 2 plus 2 is 4 because someone else already said it and so I really don't know it because I got it from someone else. You post what you have learned from others and for some reason it's okay when you do it, but not okay when I do it. That is talking like a fool. I call it like it is. You attack me personally by saying I'm not the man I think I am and I can't think for myself. But when I tell you that you are talking like a fool. Well, then only I'm the bad guy. Not you. You attack me personally because you can't win on the topic.
Well the thing is God is not a math problem and since God is Unique- nothing like Him to compare then math doesn't work when it comes to who God is as Father, Son, Holt Spirit ( who are all called God in Scripture ) yet the Three are One. :) 1 John 5:7.

hoe this helps !!!
And you don't see you are attacking me personally?

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It is impossible to attack a belief that someone holds and them not take it personally. You need serious reconsider most everything you've learned. You're making rudimentary mistakes. Anytime you see a rudimentary mistake being made without recognition, you'll find someone that cares more about appearances than change. We change our entire lives or we are not seeking God.

So stop parroting others.

I haven't called you a fool or even implied you acted like a fool. Just admit your mistake. Change your methods. Do you own work. Be your own man. Hear your own voice.

Most people have the voice of other to such a great degree they have no voice themselves.
Sure. I have learned things from others. However, I have learned things myself. Much more so than I have ever learned from others.

It is the duty of man to seek God. There comes a time when you can't live of the work of others. You haven't gotten there. You're parroting word for word.
True I think since I left Calvinism a few years ago it opened me up to doing a self seeking search about God, His nature, attributes and character. I learned new things about God that I didn't know in my previous 40 years. It was very freeing to not have God inside my little preconceived box.

The reality is every religion and faith does this with God. They box Him in within their own manmade belief system.

Pride and ego will not allow one to question their beliefs. It was very humbling to admit I was wrong about God in many areas of my beliefs.
Sure. I have learned things from others. However, I have learned things myself. Much more so than I have ever learned from others.

It is the duty of man to seek God. There comes a time when you can't live of the work of others. You haven't gotten there. You're parroting word for word.
It's hard to say I have not become an advanced Biblical writer when I have my own book on the Internet...
Well the thing is God is not a math problem and since God is Unique- nothing like Him to compare then math doesn't work when it comes to who God is as Father, Son, Holt Spirit ( who are all called God in Scripture ) yet the Three are One. :) 1 John 5:7.

hoe this helps !!!

He quoted the commentary "word for word" of another as his own. He isn't being honest about what he did and how he is "parroting" a source without recognition as such. He wouldn't even have admitted it if I hadn't spent two seconds to google the exact statement.

I mean it was the 2nd return........What else can you call it but "parroting".
It is impossible to attack a belief that someone holds and them not take it personally. You need serious reconsider most everything you've learned. You're making rudimentary mistakes. Anytime you see a rudimentary mistake being made without recognition, you'll find someone that cares more about appearances than change. We change our entire lives or we are not seeking God.

So stop parroting others.

I haven't called you a fool or even implied you acted like a fool. Just admit your mistake. Change your methods. Do you own work. Be your own man. Hear your own voice.

Most people have the voice of other to such a great degree they have no voice themselves.
I am one of the most knowledgeable guys in the world on the subject of the resurrected Christ Jesus. And I wrote it all down and you can see it here. So once again you talk like a fool when you say I am not my own man. Just little digs from you because you cannot win on the debate with me on the Scriptures or John. My own writing about the resurrected Christ...
It's hard to say I have not become an advanced Biblical writer when I have my own book on the Internet...

Yeah. Calling yourself and "advanced biblical writer" based upon the content of that webpage reminds me of....

2Co 10:12 For we dare not make ourselves of the number, or compare ourselves with some that commend themselves: but they measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise.

I briefly checked your references. Do you know who Kittel was??????

It is mistakes like this that "Drive me crazy".....
I am one of the most knowledgeable guys in the world on the subject of the resurrected Christ Jesus. And I wrote it all down and you can see it here. So once again you talk like a fool when you say I am not my own man. Just little digs from you because you cannot win on the debate with me on the Scriptures or John. My own writing about the resurrected Christ...

Sounds like a challenge. I'll take it. Public debate? Be glad to.

I haven't seen a single thing from you but ego and an hatred of Jesus Christ.
True I think since I left Calvinism a few years ago it opened me up to doing a self seeking search about God, His nature, attributes and character. I learned new things about God that I didn't know in my previous 40 years. It was very freeing to not have God inside my little preconceived box.

The reality is every religion and faith does this with God. They box Him in within their own manmade belief system.

Pride and ego will not allow one to question their beliefs. It was very humbling to admit I was wrong about God in many areas of my beliefs.

Why anyone would reference Gerhard Kittel is beyond me....

Birds of a feather "flock together".
Yeah. Calling yourself and "advanced biblical writer" based upon the content of that webpage reminds me of....

2Co 10:12 For we dare not make ourselves of the number, or compare ourselves with some that commend themselves: but they measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise.

I briefly checked your references. Do you know who Kittel was??????

It is mistakes like this that "Drive me crazy".....
So now you're telling me I quote another writer who used a dictionary and that makes me what? Not a good biblical writer?
So now you're telling me I quote another writer who used a dictionary and that makes me what? Not a good biblical writer?

You used his material conclusions. Don't downplay what you did. You didn't even know Kittle was a raging anti-Semite. You did what most every modern "author" does. Repeat the work of others without vetting it yourself.
The "form" of God in this context would be Jesus in the outward appearance of God. You have correctly noted elsewhere that God does not have an outward appearance, but God's invisible attributes can be seen by the things that people do without them visually or physically being God. For example, people can be like God in true righteousness and holiness (Eph. 4:24) and possess the divine nature of God (2 Peter 1:4) without themselves being God. In turn, their form of God would not being God, but rather doing godly things. Thus, Jesus being in the form of God refers to his righteous and holy behavior.
maybe you realize that your interpretation would mean that Jesus gave up appearing righteous and became like a slave, as if a slave could not be righteous as well. He would have done this before being born. If you cannot make it convincing, you cannot persuade anyone of your view.
There is no mention or context concerning other gods and even if there was, it would still be saying that the Father is the only true God. That means the Son is not the only true God, or anyone else for that matter. Taking into account the others verses that refer to the True God, such as Jeremiah 10:10, John 17:3, 1 Thessalonians 1:9,10, and 1 John 5:20 as the Father then the evidence is that Jesus Christ is not God. This is also highly suggested by the semantics. For example, the "the" definite article before "true God" refers to exclusivity and, therefore, it's inferred that any other would not be a true god and is therefore a false god.

So your argument reads like you are saying it's possible to infer the Father is not the only true God but rather that Jesus is also God. So we would have to throw out the word "only" for your interpretation to make sense. There is a red hot contradiction in your interpretation.
You wish.

What is it about 1.... ONE...... that you do not understand.

What is it about the Godhead you dont understand

Introduction. All Biblical studies relative to God are profitable. A study of the Godhead is a study concerning the essence of being God.

The meaning of Godhead. The term "Godhead" is found three times in the King James version: Acts 17: 29, Rom 1: 20, Col. 2: 9. Three "different" Greek words are used. Vine comments that "in Acts 17: 29, theios is used with the definite article (the, dm), to denote...the Deity". In Romans 1: 20 (theiotes) Paul is declaring how much of God (deity) may be known through nature, and in Colossians 2: 9 (theotes) "Paul is teaching that in the Son there dwells all the fullness of absolute Godhead..." (Vines Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words, under "divine"). Hence, Godhead pertains to the state or reality of God (Rom. 1: 7, Heb. 1: 8, Acts 5: 3-4, all three are deity).

There are three separate beings comprising the Godhead. There are a number of single verses in which three separate beings are mentioned, all in the context of being God or deity. Paul mentioned the grace of Jesus, the love of God (Father), and the communion of the Holy Spirit (2 Cor. 13: 14). When Jesus was baptized to fulfill all righteousness, a voice cried "this is my beloved Son..." (Father), and the Spirit of God (Holy Spirit) descended "like" a drove (Matt. 3: 15-17). While the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit are three separate beings, they are one in purpose and will. Thus, to see Jesus was to see the Father, Jesus explained when Philip asked to see the Father (John 14: 8-11).

Conclusion. There are aspects relative to the Godhead or state of being God which have not been revealed (cp. Deut. 29: 29). We know there is a Creator in view of the fact of creation, but we only know the will of the Creator through his revelation, the Bible (Acts 17: 22-31). Still, not a few ignorantly worship God (cf. Acts 17: 23).
So you do reject Jesus' words on the only true God. He was pretty clear about that only word there in John 17:3.

To believe otherwise would be to simply reject what he said.

Had to cut this short...(size) see link to see what you miss

From the series: Basics of Christian Faith PREVIOUS PAGE | NEXT PAGE

Lesson 2: The Godhead​

What is God like? Is He the Man upstairs? Is He a harsh Judge waiting for us to do something wrong so He can zap us? Did he create the world and set it in motion and then retreat from involvement with it? Or is He whatever a person wants him to be? Is it really possible to know God?
It would be impossible to find God or know Him unless He revealed Himself, and He has. We learned last week that He has revealed His deity and power in the created universe. We call that Generalrevelation. But we needed more, and He revealed more. In what we call Specialrevelation He gave us His written Word, which He has protected and preserved through the millennia of human history. Then in further special revelation He sent His Son to show us tangibly and visibly what God is like.

God The Trinity​

Read Deuteronomy 6:4
Read Isaiah 45:5
There is only one God. This is monotheism.The theme reverberates throughout Scripture. Yet we see other facts that can be confusing unless they are harmonized. There is only one true God. But the Bible also says clearly that there was a man, Jesus Christ who claimed equality with God and there is Someone called the Holy Spirit who is also equal with God.
Read John 6:27; 20:28; and Acts 5:3-4.
The Father is God; Jesus Christ is God; the Holy Spirit is God.
How can those facts be harmonized? This can’t mean that we have three Gods, because God is One. That is why we believe in God as Trinity or Triunity. The word Trinity is not found in the Bible, but the concept is clearly there. For want of a better word, we believe that there are three Persons in the Godhead.
Read Matthew 3:16-17.
Jesus was being baptized, the Spirit descended like a dove, and the Father spoke from heaven. All three persons of the Godhead were present.
Read Matthew 28:19.
This is the Great Commission. Notice that believers are to be baptized in the name (singular) of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit (Triunity).
Read 2 Corinthians 13:14.
This benediction is clearly Trinitarian.
It’s important to understand this from the beginning, because whatever is true of God the Father is true of Jesus Christ the Son and is true of the Holy Spirit. We mustn’t assign lesser positions or attributes to the members of the Godhead. Even though there is order in the Trinity: the Son submits to the Father and the Spirit submits to the Son and the Father, they each are co-equally, co-eternally God. However, the New Testament reveals that they have different functions. The Father is presented as electing, loving and bestowing. The Son is presented as suffering, redeeming and upholding the universe. The Holy Spirit is presented as regenerating, indwelling, baptizing, energizing, and sanctifying.
There’s communion, love and companionship within the Godhead. God is not lonely so that He created man for companionship. God is totally independent of His creation. Any relationship we can have with Him is initiated by Him. Let’s look at the ways God is the Father.

God The Father​

Read Acts 17:28-29.
God is the Father over creation.
Read Ephesians 1:3
God is the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Read Ephesians 3:14-15, Romans 8:15
God is the Father of all who believe in Christ.
The first thing then that we learn about our God is that He is one God in three persons--a Trinity.
What are some of the other things the Bible teaches us about God?

Attributes Of God​

God is Spirit​

Read John 4:24.
God cannot be confined to one place or be imagined with a physical body of any kind. That is one reason making images to represent Him or worship were forbidden. He cannot be seen by human eyes nor discovered by human research. The only perfect picture we have of God is in Jesus Christ.
Read John 1:18, John 14:9b.
When you wonder what God is like, look at Jesus. What Jesus did the Father was doing. What Jesus said, the Father was saying. What Jesus felt--His compassion, His sympathy, His anger at the cold-hearted and the hypocrites, His love for children, His love for His disciples--these are the feelings God has. If you have had a poor human model of fatherhood and envision your heavenly Father to be the same, you can correct your faulty concepts by looking at Jesus and seeing God.

God is Light​

Read 1 John 1:5.
Light refers to what is good, holy, pure and true. Darkness represents evil. The absolute purity of God is not shadowed in any way by evil and sin. That’s why Jesus could say, “I am the Light of the world”(John 8:12). Light reveals. It makes it possible for us to see what is right. Since God is light, He also exposes our sin so we can deal with it and be forgiven. Light purifies. Light also gives warmth and power. It makes things grow. It’s only as we read God’s Word, believe it and obey it that we will walk in the light and grow more and more like Jesus. His light guides us and makes us grow to maturity.

God is Love​

Read 1 John 4:8.
Love is God’s intrinsic character. He doesn’t have to drum it up like we sometimes do. The Greek word for love is agape,that unconditional love that we will find nowhere else. This love wants only what’s best for the one who is loved. Jesus said, “As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you” (John 15:9).When we believe and rest in His love we will feel safe no matter what He permits in our lives. Our sense of worth will not be dependent on what people think of us. Rejection by a friend, husband, or child will not devastate us. We are loved by God. We are precious to Him. Nothing we can do will diminish that love. His love gives us significance.

God is Holy​

Read Isaiah 6:3.
This is probably the most important attribute of God. Holiness means the total absence of evil. But it’s more than that. It includes a positive righteousness. Let me give you an analogy. What does it mean to be healthy? It means much more than just not being sick. It means being in a vigorous, robust, physical, mental and spiritual condition. God is holy and can do nothing that is inconsistent with his holy nature. Peter said to Jesus, “We believe and know that you are the Holy One of God” (John 6:69).
This Holy One, who died for us and rose from the dead, lives within us to make us holy. “Just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do” (1Peter 1:15). The Greek word for holy is the word that is often translated saint. To be holy or a saint is to be set apart for God’s exclusive use. God calls us saints when we trust the Lord Jesus, then the rest of our lives here on earth should be spent becoming more and more holy. Can you even begin to suppose that God who has not even a spot of evil in Him would have any plan for our lives which was not for our ultimate good? His holiness gives us confidence.

God is Omniscient (All-Knowing)​

God is Omnipotent (All-Powerful)​

God is Omnipresent​

God is Infinite and Eternal​

God is Immutable​

God is Sovereign​

God is Good​

Study Questions​

See link to finish
There are three separate beings comprising the Godhead.
if this is true, Isaiah 44:24 "Thus saith the LORD, thy redeemer, and he that formed thee from the womb, I am the LORD that maketh all things; that stretcheth forth the heavens alone; that spreadeth abroad the earth by myself;"

now this, John 1:1 "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." John 1:2 "The same was in the beginning with God." John 1:3 "All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made."

is this the same one Person who, "MADE ALL THINGS?" yes or no.

Well the thing is God is not a math problem and since God is Unique- nothing like Him to compare then math doesn't work when it comes to who God is as Father, Son, Holt Spirit ( who are all called God in Scripture ) yet the Three are One. :) 1 John 5:7.

hoe this helps !!!
And he and his wife are one flesh. The bible says so.
if this is true, Isaiah 44:24 "Thus saith the LORD, thy redeemer, and he that formed thee from the womb, I am the LORD that maketh all things; that stretcheth forth the heavens alone; that spreadeth abroad the earth by myself;"

now this, John 1:1 "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." John 1:2 "The same was in the beginning with God." John 1:3 "All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made."

is this the same one Person who, "MADE ALL THINGS?" yes or no.

Of course
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