Israel is the Elect of God

No, He didn't. There was no ethnicity at the time. They were all Adamites. It wasn't until the obedient family of Salah and his son that God began masterminding the eventual Hebrew ethnicity of an obedient people that obeyed His command to "fill the earth" and separate from each other.

The context of Pete's recounting his experience was a Gentile God-Fearer, a Samaritan-like people who were allied with Israel and raised their families in obedience to and in observing the Torah despite the fact they were uncircumcised. Cornelius may have been a citizen of Israel and of the commonwealth of Israel but as half-Jew and half-Gentile the Jews saw these people as Gentile and not as brethren. What God did with Cornelius is the reason why Peter said what he said that God is no respecter of persons. It was in context to a half-Jew and half-Gentile that God gave Him the Holy Spirit of Promise as God did with Peter and the other disciples who were full-blood Jews. If this half-Jew was given the Holy Spirit, then God was no respecter of persons if the Jew was mixed heritage. As long as he was a seed of Abraham - which he was - God was giving definitive answer that any Gentile that had at least one Hebrew parent was seed of Abraham and inheritor of the Promise (given to Abe.)

See above for the context.
No he is not a respecter of persons, God didn't have respect unto Abel because of his ethnicity, that's your racism and confidence in the flesh and wickedness projecting that wicked ideology. What is said there about those brothers has nothing to do with their "jewish ethnicity" Acts 10:34

Then Peter opened his mouth, and said, Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons: The sin of fleshly pride !
Im promoting Gods Sovereign Election in Christ before the foundation of a people selected from all nations and given to Christ Eph 1:4 and who is the Israel of God Gal 6 16

And as many as walk according to this rule, peace be on them, and mercy, and upon the Israel of God. This beats your racism and confidence of the flesh salvation which is the sin of pride.
so when you disagree with someone you call them a racist? Sounds like a play out of the Democratic playbook!
so when you disagree with someone you call them a racist? Sounds like a play out of the Democratic playbook!
Im promoting Gods Sovereign Election in Christ before the foundation of a people selected from all nations and given to Christ Eph 1:4 and who is the Israel of God Gal 6 16

And as many as walk according to this rule, peace be on them, and mercy, and upon the Israel of God. This beats your racism and confidence of the flesh salvation which is the sin of pride.

BTW when someone disagrees with you , you call them anti semitic
BTW for your information the Jews (myself included) are a protected class of Americans, which means you can earn
a felony if you harm or injure a Jew. It's called a Hate Crime. Be careful with your antisemitism, I would hate to see
you in an orange jump suit picking up cans along the interstate highway.

BTW for your information the Jews (myself included) are a protected class of Americans, which means you can earn
a felony if you harm or injure a Jew. It's called a Hate Crime. Be careful with your antisemitism, I would hate to see
you in an orange jump suit picking up cans along the interstate highway.

Question: would you have to prove you are Jewish, rather than just look like one?
I'm Jewish, but I do not identify so. I have a cross in my front yard. If someone throws a rock through my window, I could pull a dna test out, but I don't look Jewish. So, I just wondered.
My late father was Jewish and my mother a Gentile. According to Orthodox Judaism ✡️ I am not a Jew because my mother is not Jewish. But according to Reform Judaism I am a Jew, because my father is Jewish.
My late father used to wear a fedora hat and his twin sister told him not to wear it because she said it made him look like a New York Jew. LOL

My late father was a closet ✡️ Jew. I really didn't know I was Jewish until right before my father died. I looked at his financial ledger and records and noticed he only did business with Jewish people.
I was raised in a Baptist church most of my life so I really didn't know the Jewish side of my ancestry.

My wife is a Gentile Christian, but I don’t force my Jewishness upon her. In fact I lead her to the Lord when we were dating. We have been married 25 years.

Some people can't help learn with facts and truth because it doesn't fit their false narrative.
Sounds like the Left-wing Democrats in this country.
Joshua serves an extended apprenticeship to Moses (Exodus 24:13) before God singles him
out to be his successor (Numbers 27:18). He is anointed Israel's leader in time to bring the
Israelites into the promise land, where he leads them into battle and conquers much of Canaan.
Joshua is assigned to carry out God's disturbing command to WIPE OUT those Canaanite nations
that refuse to leave Israel: "You shall utterly destroy them [the Canaanites] the Lord your God
commanded you,
lest they lead you into doing all the abhorrent things that they have done for their
gods and you stand guilty before the Lord your God" (Deuteronomy 20:17-18).
Oh, yeah. On another forum years ago, people were outraged when I submitted to them what God commanded Joshua especially to kill children and babies in the womb. It's always something to see when the Word of God contradicts a persons' beliefs. But it does help me see who's true born of God and who isn't.
Not surprising, the Book of Joshua, filled as it is with bloody, ruthless battles, does not make for particularly
pleasant reading. Here is the description of the conquest of Jericho: "They [the Israelites] EXTERMINATED
everything in the city with the sword: man and woman, young and old, ox and sheep and ***" (6:21)
Shortly thereafter, when the Israelites captured Ai, we are told that they struck down some 12,000 people
in one day, "the entire population of that no one escaped or got away" (8:25 and 22). For good measure,
Joshua lets Ai's king survive until the battles end, whereupon he has him hanged (8:29).

The bloody fighting continues. When Joshua conquers Hazor, he "put to the sword every person in it. Not a soul
survived, and hazor itself was burned down" (11:11). Such a fate befell Canaanite city after city until "Joshua
conquered the whole country...[and] assigned it to Israel to share according to their tribal divisions. And the
land had rest from war" (11:23)

If this isn't ethnic cleansing I don't know what is. The Palestinians lineage can be traced back to Esau and the Edomites
in the Book of Obadiah. These are not good people. I believe Gaza and the West Bank covenantly belong to Israel.
Benjamin Netanyahu has every right to systematically and ethnically cleanse the land of Israel to protect their citizenry
both physically and spiritually. I believe currently 40,000 Palestinians have been killed out of nearly a million Palestinians
living there. My question is why has Israel so far been so merciful to the Palestinians?
When Bibby finishes the ethnic cleansing job on the Palestinians I will nominate him for sainthood.

I remember when Bibi first became PM in '96. From that day on it was encouraging to know and see he doesn't take crap from others who are their enemy. And I've been following Israel since the war in '73. I wasn't a Christ-follower yet but already I loved that people.
It's the nations that are watching. That's why some restraint. If Bibi was alive during David's reign there'd be no problem cleansing the land of all their enemies. There's no TV, radio, Internet.
Sainthood. Good one. Right up there with Golda Meir and Rabin.
No he is not a respecter of persons, God didn't have respect unto Abel because of his ethnicity, that's your racism and confidence in the flesh and wickedness projecting that wicked ideology. What is said there about those brothers has nothing to do with their "jewish ethnicity" Acts 10:34

Then Peter opened his mouth, and said, Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons: The sin of fleshly pride !
God having respect towards Abel the person had nothing to do with his ethnicity. There was no ethnicity at the time.
But it says clearly God had respect towards Abel (the person) and no respect for Cain (the person.)
Or don't you believe the bible?
Hmmm...maybe not.

Peter was saying God paid no mind to Cornelius who was half-Jew and half-Gentile for as you can see God saved him because he was elect and because he was Abraham's seed. And for a Judaizer like brother Pete that's saying something.
It is the same when Jesus was talking to the Samaritan woman at the well. She was Abraham's seed, too, and Jesus saved both her and a few other Samaritan-folk.
Samaritans taught me one thing in the exchange between the Samaritan woman in John 4. She was of mixed heritage and did her best to live as a Jew but when one people of twelve tribes prevented the half-Jew/half-Gentile Samaritans from their own Scripture let's see how much stuff you're likely to get right without a bible.

If the husband was Jew and the wife Gentile, I think the children born to that couple will fare better than if the husband was Gentile married to a Jewish woman. Timothy and Luke could very well have at least one Jewish parent in their ancestry. Same with Titus.
This is an extremely important topic. I am very surprised that OT killings have not been properly dealt with by Christian Leaders. You are correct in that God instructed Joshua to kill all Canaanites in Canaan. Although I don't know of any living Canaanites, this OT event must be dealt with rationally and intelligently by all concerned. It must be dealt properly so that we do not misuse it to cause unwarranted events.

An extremely important event occured with these passages:

38 “You have heard that it was said, ‘Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.’
39 But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also.

An abrogation occurred. Something that had long standing OT support was suddenly torn down. Let that sink in. Parts and pieces of the OT were no longer in effect and were in fact replaced or abrogated. The key is to know which parts are obrogated. Who better to illustrate that than Christ and the life he led. Did Christ go around slaughtering people? Ummmm no. Did Christ ever pick up a literal sword? Ummmmm no. Did Christ ever tell anyone to pick up a literal sword to dismember anyone? You get the picture.

At this point, you might say hey wait a minute, are we to just allow our loved ones to be killed without defending them? Of course not. That's why God has established governments, police authorities, and judges to protect the innocent. The Law is there to protect the law abiding innocent people like you and me.

The Quran is very much in tune with Cut Throat Slaughter mentality. Those like @jeremiah1five are stuck in Ethnic Cleansing mentality because they're stuck in OT thinking. Only Christians have evolved past that by abrogating Ethnic Cleansing and Cut Throat Slaughter commands.
synergy is WOKE!

Eye for eye and tooth for tooth is the Law of Retribution and a grace of God to His covenant people.
Jesus upheld the Old Covenant Law of life for life. It is, after all, the Golden Rule.

Would anyone seek to take out my eye if the God of Abraham gave me explicit permission to take out his eye?
Having that Law given by God ensures the preservation of eyes throughout the land.

And in that day there shall be no more the Canaanite in the house of the LORD of hosts.
Zech. 14:21.

No more non-Hebrew Gentiles in the house of the Lord! All the non-Hebrew Gentiles will be cleansed from out of the Promised Land. The Jews will finally occupy and inhabit the land promised them from God and there will be no Gentiles! None.
Well I tried to enlighten you with the verses of Deuteronomy that we the Jewish ✡️ people are the chosen of Adonai. I'm against antisemitic Replacement Theology which is what you are promoting, which makes Adonai out put to be a liar. Hashem has special favor and love ❤️ for the Jewish people.
YES. Elohim loves the Jewish nation for thru this nation Elohim established for us the following:

"who are Israelites, to whom pertain the adoption, the glory, the covenants, the giving of the law, the service of God, and the promises; of whom are the fathers and from whom, according to the flesh, Christ came, who is over all, the eternally blessed God. Amen." - Romans 9:4-6

"Hashem" is the name used by the Jewish people who do not know Ha-Mashiach.

Before Elohim, there is no replacement theology = but there is judgment upon the Jewish people = SEE Matthew 23:13-37

After you read Matthew 23:37-39

Please let me know your thoughts on this -
Thank You Mishpocha
Sounds like the Left-wing Democrats in this country.

Oh, yeah. On another forum years ago, people were outraged when I submitted to them what God commanded Joshua especially to kill children and babies in the womb. It's always something to see when the Word of God contradicts a persons' beliefs. But it does help me see who's true born of God and who isn't.

I remember when Bibi first became PM in '96. From that day on it was encouraging to know and see he doesn't take crap from others who are their enemy. And I've been following Israel since the war in '73. I wasn't a Christ-follower yet but already I loved that people.
It's the nations that are watching. That's why some restraint. If Bibi was alive during David's reign there'd be no problem cleansing the land of all their enemies. There's no TV, radio, Internet.
Sainthood. Good one. Right up there with Golda Meir and Rabin.
Christians tend to emphasize the New Testament and gloss over the Old Testament. Both Covenants are super important. Genealogies, covenants, and people groups in the Old Covenant are very important. They are not there to take up space on a scroll.
They are for our benefit and gives us revelation about Adonai and His character.

synergy is WOKE!

Eye for eye and tooth for tooth is the Law of Retribution and a grace of God to His covenant people.
Jesus upheld the Old Covenant Law of life for life. It is, after all, the Golden Rule.
You just spat on Matthew 5:38-39, the words of Christ Himself! 😲

38 “You have heard that it was said, ‘An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.’
39 But I tell you not to resist an evil person. But whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other to him also.
Would anyone seek to take out my eye if the God of Abraham gave me explicit permission to take out his eye?
Having that Law given by God ensures the preservation of eyes throughout the land.

And in that day there shall be no more the Canaanite in the house of the LORD of hosts.
Zech. 14:21.
Guess what? Have you seen any Canaanites recently anywhere? I haven't. Case accomplished.
No more non-Hebrew Gentiles in the house of the Lord! All the non-Hebrew Gentiles will be cleansed from out of the Promised Land. The Jews will finally occupy and inhabit the land promised them from God and there will be no Gentiles! None.
Carry on with your abrogated Judaizing Ethnic-Cleansing Delirium and Insanity. 🤪
Christians tend to emphasize the New Testament and gloss over the Old Testament. Both Covenants are super important. Genealogies, covenants, and people groups in the Old Covenant are very important. They are not there to take up space on a scroll.
They are for our benefit and gives us revelation about Adonai and His character.

AGREE, for you cannot have a New Covenant unless you had first established the Old Covenant!!!
My late father was Jewish and my mother a Gentile. According to Orthodox Judaism ✡️ I am not a Jew because my mother is not Jewish. But according to Reform Judaism I am a Jew, because my father is Jewish.
My late father used to wear a fedora hat and his twin sister told him not to wear it because she said it made him look like a New York Jew. LOL

My late father was a closet ✡️ Jew. I really didn't know I was Jewish until right before my father died. I looked at his financial ledger and records and noticed he only did business with Jewish people.
I was raised in a Baptist church most of my life so I really didn't know the Jewish side of my ancestry.

My wife is a Gentile Christian, but I don’t force my Jewishness upon her. In fact I lead her to the Lord when we were dating. We have been married 25 years.

My wife is a Gentile Christian, but I don’t force my Jewishness upon her. In fact I lead her to the Lord when we were dating.

What is the difference between your wife believing in Adonai Yeshua HaMashiach and "your jewishness" that you "do not force upon her"???
YES. Elohim loves the Jewish nation for thru this nation Elohim established for us the following:

"who are Israelites, to whom pertain the adoption, the glory, the covenants, the giving of the law, the service of God, and the promises; of whom are the fathers and from whom, according to the flesh, Christ came, who is over all, the eternally blessed God. Amen." - Romans 9:4-6

"Hashem" is the name used by the Jewish people who do not know Ha-Mashiach.

Before Elohim, there is no replacement theology = but there is judgment upon the Jewish people = SEE Matthew 23:13-37

After you read Matthew 23:37-39

Please let me know your thoughts on this -
Thank You Mishpocha
There has always been judgement on the Israelites due to their disobedience in the Tanakh, but Adonai never forsaken His first born and never will.

Matthew 23:37-39 Messianic Commentary
"God is abandoning your house to you, leaving it desolate," It is clear from the use of the word house in Jer. 22:5, which Yeshua alludes to here, that he is speaking about the Temple. It was the seat of their power and authority and what they feared would be taken from them (John 11:48-49)

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