Do you require a road map
I show you Isa 40:22 is true of all that is God
God refers to Father, son and Holy Spirit
The Father is the creative head
The Son the workman
The Spirit's work not so clearly defined but the spirit gives life
Job 33:4 (LEB) — 4 The Spirit of God has made me, and the breath of Shaddai gives life to me.
All are involved in creation and all are above the circle of the earth which is not a specific reference to hovering over the water as per Gen 1:2
You want to take one verse and ignore all other which show God is above the earth
Yes, okay, I need a road map, I don't care how you word it, I just need you to explain it like you are explaining it to a seventh grader hearing it for the first time. I am expecting for you to post that passage, and verses (at the very least Isa 40:18-22 for now, then Gen 1:26-27) commenting carefully on each verse (well verses 19 and 20 of Isa 40 may not be needed to be explain, so only three verses minimum), showing your understanding of those verses, and show in them how you arrived at your understanding.
Why? Because I do not see your opinion, philosophy, interpretation, in those verses (not anymore, though, I understand why you believe the way you do). Hence, why you think you need to correct me. And therefore, seeing as you wish to correct me, you need to show this elder you are able to teach what is written, and justify yourself as a teacher of correction. So are you going to dissect those verses, so I can see what you see, instead of you telling me I am in error, and throwing verses at me that make no difference whatsoever to this doctrine which I teach?
Show me you are qualified to teach these and correct me! That is why!
So, why should I listen, if your are not able to clearly follow the directions of the Bible, or if I see your reading comprehension is seriously lacking. - there is normal comprehension, and there is very abnormal comprehension skills (that some love to use at times).
If you want me to answer the rest of your posts, dissect and teach me this "Isa 40:18-22 and in the beginning of Genesis!" Otherwise, what right do you have to correct me on these passages, verses, if you will not explain them yourself?!
Where is Isa 40:21-22 sending you?
I literally have Gen 1:27 stating God's image of Himself, and explaining it in Gen 2:22-24, and Isa 40:18-22 telling me that is where His image is, and that is where it is explained. And when I look there what do I find, God's image is there, and it is explained, but that is not good enough for you?! So, you will have to find within these verses why I should not believe all that I just stated! On top of that, I do not believe you can. That's why!
This is not a full commentary, but it should be good enough to show what you mean. Comment on the verse below, something like the comments below. But all we need for now is Isa 40:18, 21-22. Just so I can see how you interpret them.
Isa 40:18
To whom then will ye
liken God?
or what likeness will ye
compare unto him?
[I know what this verse is asking, do you?
Isa 40:21 Have ye not known? have ye not heard?
hath it not been told you from the beginning?
have ye not understood from the foundations of the earth?
[There is one place this found! One place it is told! And one place where it should be understood! I clearly see this verse sends me to the beginning of Genesis. If not, why not?
Isa 40:22
It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth,
[And one place in the Genesis story that something like this is mentioned! All I can find is Gen 1:2. What did you find?
Gen 1:26 "And
God said, Let
us make man in
our image, after
our likeness.."
[so there should be an image of more than one
Gen 1:27 "So
God created man in
his own image, in the
image of God created
he him;
male and female created
he them."
[This states the image of God! I find the only thing God made in His image here, is one male, and one female. What did you find?
These next verses explain the image of God.
Gen 2:22 "And
the rib, which the LORD God had taken
from man,
made he a
woman, and brought her unto the man."
[The word/rib always exited in the Father, the rib/word taken from God, He made His Son, equal to God, who retuned to God! What did you find?
Gen 2:23 "And Adam said, This is now
bone of my bones, and
flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was
taken out of Man."
[The word taken from God became flesh equal to God, because the son came out of God, and was made from God's spirit/breath!
Gen 2:24 "Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and
they shall be one flesh."
[Jesus said that He and the Father are one!