I guess you are replying to my recent post here. There's no need to rehash the differences of the use of the OT term El - Elohim, and theos of the NT, with or w/o a definite article affront. What does need to be rehashed time and time again however is how they are used in the OT and NT in their contextual environments. This part always seems to be lacking on these types of sites, and not just here. It's great to pull off the shelves the books of law and quote it even without reading the words from the actual page, although these words have no life in themselves without a spirit and application.
So to simply answer your ? to Matthias, yes, the human Messiah is Elohim/theos and no, he is not. It's not a riddle. It depends on the context and the common context it is used throughout scripture. You know there are basically 3 ways that one is called Elohim/theos 1. as a false god, 2., as the true one God and 3., then the rest and the many, those in the service of the one true God, as was Moses and Jesus.
Moses was made Elohim for Pharaoh at the will of YHWH the only true (pl.) Elohim. The same for Yahshua. He was made into Elohim or theos for all peoples at the will of his Father Elohim. And it should be quite obvious then why it is the case.
That awkward word 'agency' pops up again and it applies here as well. The agents and elohim(s) of the one true Elohim, YHWH