Active member
Now if you are really serious or are still capable in learning something meaningful on this topic and not so quick to add in a deliberate fly into the ointment, we might get somewhere in this discussion.no one worshipped moses all Jesus followers worshipped Him as God. Otherwise these Jews were guilty of idolatry and Jesus would of been sinning by allowing them to worship Him
I prefer not to follow shadows or new shiny objects you want me to look at, as obvious distractions.
And worshipping Moses or Jesus or not, is not the subject here the last time I looked. That's for another discussion. Melding these two ideas as one not only creates confusion, it is another great example of (compound) oversimplification done by one that does understand scriptural context or does not care about, only to serve your needs, whatever they may be.
Let me know if you want to continue here or I will bow out now before it gets more confusing.