My advice: Don’t let anyone do your thinking for you. Read as much as you can about the subject and then decide for yourself.
Read widely. Read deeply. Read thoughtfully. Read critically.
If some day you don’t remember me for anything else, remember me for this.
And if you don’t remember at all, I hope you’ll remember my admonition on reading.
A cult will limit what and who you read and listen to. A cult will tell you what to think, what to believe, what to do.
While I’ve got your attention. lists over 41 million books. (On a wide variety of topics.)
They have another site, which I’ve only used a couple of times, which has many titles published after 1927. The name of that website is Open Library. Here is a link to Open Library
I just checked Open Library. They have the 1984 edition of Dr. Brown’s book, but it’s currently only available to borrow in audio. The original title of his book is
Heresies: The Image of Christ in the Mirror of Heresy and Orthodoxy from the Apostles to the Present.