Is Jesus the Christ a human Person?

The teaching of trinitarianism isn’t worth spit. It’s a false doctrine.
Actually it's just a "Doctrine" some aspects are false, and some aspects are true - like almost ANY "Doctrine"
The question is, where does the 3 model come from? Certainly not Scripture for there is no trinity verse in Scripture.
Are you REALLY THAT UNFAMILIAR with Scripture???? Mat 28:19 for one.
Christ is deity, a gorgeous Being
and God's son

He took a huge step down, incarnating
in this fallen reality

He did this for us...

God, His feminine spirit and the Son
are three Beings and each of them are of the nature of deity. They are not one Being but they do have the same type of nature

His Spirit and His Son are God's hands
...they are one

they are three sweet utterly loving beings in one God

They are God.
Christianity began as a sect of, and within, Judaism.

judaism existed in some form since before adam,
as the group of ammon sons , esau, that made eden to fall (in the other reality)

every hebrew soul comes from God,
who loves Him, is a christian and has been since before time..

the sons of ammon are literally
of a different father...
thus God hates esau..
for esau and these sons of ammon
do everything to hurt us as souls
by altering what God says,
just as they did to eve.
they are demons.

a hebrew soul of God's house
is not the same as judaism which is a belief
- these two are not synonyms

judaism is a belief which hates and rejects Christ..

A hebrew soul is a soul of God

...many of God's souls
satan confuses by
judaism teachings....
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And there's absolutely NO REAL REASON to claim that Jesus can't be completely HUMAN, and be the FULLNESS of the Godhead Bodily.
Sure - if contradictions existed in reality, there would be no reason at all.

There is no "Godhead" in Scripture. The only true God in Scripture is Jesus' God, YHWH.
Throw away HOT
Every claim that "Jesus is God" is throwing away historical orthodox trinitarianism.

Because trinitarianism necessarily rejects logic - especially its axiomatic foundation of the Law of Identity - and embraces dualism, their dogma reads like a Dr. Seuss book for kids, embracing the word play in Alice in Wonderland. Therefore, they will not do what you aspire them to do.

No they were all Trinitarians who confessed Christ as their God.
Fine revisionist history there. If there was any truth to it, there would be a trinity verse* in Scripture but they only wrote of their unitarianism.

* like The nature of God is a trinity - consisting of the Father, Son & Holy Spirit who are co-equal, co-substantial and co-eternal - and if you do not believe this, you cannot be saved but are damned to hell forever.
Here are some references, allusions to the Plurality of God in the O.T.
It's contemptible how trinitarians ignore explicit Scripture of the unitarian nature of God written 1,000's of times and instead rely on Eisegesis, aka allusions.

Plurality ≠ 3
John 1:1. John 1:14- God became man.
Got put his words into the mouth of a man per Deut 18:15-18. Nowhere does Scripture say that God became man as your eisegesis shows.

The very reason you must reference multiple Scriptures is to employ artificial synthesis. Any doctrine can be "supported" by using this technique. Why do you suppose God did not simply come right out and say something like The nature of God is a trinity - consisting of the Father, Son & Holy Spirit who are co-equal, co-substantial and co-eternal - and if you do not believe this, you cannot be saved but are damned to hell forever? Could it be it is because it is NOT true doctrine?
No in Orthodox Trinitarianism person and nature are not the same.

I just spelled out your logic. Perhaps you typed incorrectly. Man and person may be synonymous but person and nature are not. What are you trying to say here?
No in Orthodox Trinitarianism ... Christ, there is one “person” (Gk: hypostasis; Latin: persona), the Son, who is the subject of two “natures” that subsists in both natures and acts through them.
And you call yourself a Biblical trinitarian; where is this in Scripture?

I can see you have not engaged in this argument before Wrangler.

As a prisoner of the Lord, I beg you to live in a way that is worthy of the people God has chosen to be his own. With all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love
Ephesians 4:1-2
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sorry cherry picking a terrible bible translation tells us how weak your argument really is lol.
Projecting. The son of god has only one name, Yeshua. Calling a title his name is weak - and abandoning the field and retreating to a foreign language will not save you but only edited
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