Is Calvinism Gnosticism?


Active member
It most certainly is. On major doctrinal issues, Calvinism evolved from Paganism, Gnosticism, and Roman Catholicism. Calvinists and all others holding the doctrines of unconditional salvation are major enemies of the cross. Although their position is supported rational explanation, it is paraded as orthodoxy demanding uncritical acceptance. Calvinism is thus an assaulting force, fighting against righteousness in this life. Accordingly, Five Points are used to pillage the gospel.

Calvinism teaches that Christ did not die for all; that many are called, but cannot respond; that people are predestinated to damnation by God…even infants. They claim that the Five Points are “the very gospel itself,” that “the gospel preached by the Reformers is the very one taught in the pages of scripture.”

Calvinism is an evolving, sinister system in opposition to the gospel of Christ. Calvinistic teachings on sin, election, etc., have no parent type in scripture, but the evident relationship to Paganism and Gnosticism, etc., cannot be denied by fact.

Here is a nice on video that explains it in layman's terms.


Calvinists and all others holding the doctrines of unconditional salvation are major enemies of the cross.
I think you have to define what you mean. Are Calvinists as people major enemies of the cross? I think everyone has their own perimeters on where they choose to land on such a position. Some take into consideration that they believe that Jesus died for the sins of the world or they say certain people which is nonsense for it is the word, world. Yeah that alone can be argued as being a different gospel. Some wouldn't hold that for they say they believe Jesus died as a substitute .

They say salvation is not by keeping the works of the law but by grace.....true but the whole thing they mix into that just basically makes their whole belief just a mess. All clarity of the scriptures' are turned upside down. Is Calvinism an enemy of the cross? I'd say it guts out all of God hls passion and longing he has for every human being on the earth. Does that mean we can say it would mean their whole message is an enemy to him?

Are parts of it correct, as I say they claim they believe in substation. It's hard not to imagine God doesn't look upon it as an enemy to him but maybe it's like water being pumped into your house. There's some good in it (the substitution part and not saved by the keeping of the law and the precious blood blotting out sins) but their whole message needs to go through like a water filter to take out TULIP. The water is good the TULIP isn't. One might say well if it's that bad then it must be opposition to Christ even with the good things in purple above)

I can see how people can decide that. I wouldn't go so far to say though that every Calvinist is an enemy to the cross. To me that would have to mean that no Calvinists would even be saved but others would say no it wouldn't have to actually mean that. I guess people will always wonder to what degree God considers someone or their message his enemy. He may show mercy to someone considerably deluded for he's looking for ways to get or keep people in a state of going to heaven and he's not looking for ways to keep them out but I believe the Lord is greatly opposed to the basic thoughts of Calvinism.

It most certainly is. On major doctrinal issues, Calvinism evolved from Paganism, Gnosticism, and Roman Catholicism. Calvinists and all others holding the doctrines of unconditional salvation are major enemies of the cross. Although their position is supported rational explanation, it is paraded as orthodoxy demanding uncritical acceptance. Calvinism is thus an assaulting force, fighting against righteousness in this life. Accordingly, Five Points are used to pillage the gospel.

Calvinism teaches that Christ did not die for all; that many are called, but cannot respond; that people are predestinated to damnation by God…even infants. They claim that the Five Points are “the very gospel itself,” that “the gospel preached by the Reformers is the very one taught in the pages of scripture.”

Calvinism is an evolving, sinister system in opposition to the gospel of Christ. Calvinistic teachings on sin, election, etc., have no parent type in scripture, but the evident relationship to Paganism and Gnosticism, etc., cannot be denied by fact.

Here is a nice on video that explains it in layman's terms.
Roman Catholicism? Richard, I dare say Provisionism has much more in common with the RC than Calvinism ever will.
Hardly as both Roman Catholicism and Calvinism both spring from Augustine

Hardly, as Luther's "Bondage of the Will" was written as a response to the RC diatribe on free will by Erasmus. Erasmus represented the RC Church's opinion on free will, and Luther ripped the Erasmus diatribe to shreds.
Hardly, as Luther's "Bondage of the Will" was written as a response to the RC diatribe on free will by Erasmus. Erasmus represented the RC Church's opinion on free will, and Luther ripped the Erasmus diatribe to shreds.
That may be but Augustine is the father of Roman Catholicism

Who was Saint Augustine of Hippo in church history?

WebJul 25, 2022 · Paradoxically, Roman Catholicism has also gleaned much from Augustine’s writings, so much so that he is sometimes called “the Father of Roman Catholicism.”. His contributions to Catholic doctrine include the necessity of infant baptism, the perpetual …
  • Estimated Reading Time: 4 mins
Paradoxically, Roman Catholicism has also gleaned much from Augustine’s writings, so much so that he is sometimes called “the Father of Roman Catholicism.” His contributions to Catholic doctrine include the necessity of infant baptism, the perpetual virginity of Mary, and the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist. He was never officially canonized but was accepted as a saint early on by consensus. He is considered the patron saint of brewers, printers, theologians, and those with sore eyes. Catholics observe August 28 as his feast day.
That may be but Augustine is the father of Roman Catholicism

Who was Saint Augustine of Hippo in church history?

WebJul 25, 2022 · Paradoxically, Roman Catholicism has also gleaned much from Augustine’s writings, so much so that he is sometimes called “the Father of Roman Catholicism.”. His contributions to Catholic doctrine include the necessity of infant baptism, the perpetual …
  • Estimated Reading Time: 4 mins
Paradoxically, Roman Catholicism has also gleaned much from Augustine’s writings, so much so that he is sometimes called “the Father of Roman Catholicism.” His contributions to Catholic doctrine include the necessity of infant baptism, the perpetual virginity of Mary, and the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist. He was never officially canonized but was accepted as a saint early on by consensus. He is considered the patron saint of brewers, printers, theologians, and those with sore eyes. Catholics observe August 28 as his feast day.
Yes he is for sure 👍

Yet another history lesson proving it
That may be but Augustine is the father of Roman Catholicism

Who was Saint Augustine of Hippo in church history?

WebJul 25, 2022 · Paradoxically, Roman Catholicism has also gleaned much from Augustine’s writings, so much so that he is sometimes called “the Father of Roman Catholicism.”. His contributions to Catholic doctrine include the necessity of infant baptism, the perpetual …
  • Estimated Reading Time: 4 mins
Paradoxically, Roman Catholicism has also gleaned much from Augustine’s writings, so much so that he is sometimes called “the Father of Roman Catholicism.” His contributions to Catholic doctrine include the necessity of infant baptism, the perpetual virginity of Mary, and the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist. He was never officially canonized but was accepted as a saint early on by consensus. He is considered the patron saint of brewers, printers, theologians, and those with sore eyes. Catholics observe August 28 as his feast day.

Read Roman Catholic Erasmus diatribe on free will. He makes the exact same arguments as the free-willers on here.
Read Roman Catholic Erasmus diatribe on free will. He makes the exact same arguments as the free-willers on here.
You ignored this

That may be but Augustine is the father of Roman Catholicism

Who was Saint Augustine of Hippo in church history?

WebJul 25, 2022 · Paradoxically, Roman Catholicism has also gleaned much from Augustine’s writings, so much so that he is sometimes called “the Father of Roman Catholicism.”. His contributions to Catholic doctrine include the necessity of infant baptism, the perpetual …
  • Estimated Reading Time: 4 mins
Paradoxically, Roman Catholicism has also gleaned much from Augustine’s writings, so much so that he is sometimes called “the Father of Roman Catholicism.” His contributions to Catholic doctrine include the necessity of infant baptism, the perpetual virginity of Mary, and the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist. He was never officially canonized but was accepted as a saint early on by consensus. He is considered the patron saint of brewers, printers, theologians, and those with sore eyes. Catholics observe August 28 as his feast day.
You ignored this

That may be but Augustine is the father of Roman Catholicism

Who was Saint Augustine of Hippo in church history?

WebJul 25, 2022 · Paradoxically, Roman Catholicism has also gleaned much from Augustine’s writings, so much so that he is sometimes called “the Father of Roman Catholicism.”. His contributions to Catholic doctrine include the necessity of infant baptism, the perpetual …
  • Estimated Reading Time: 4 mins
Paradoxically, Roman Catholicism has also gleaned much from Augustine’s writings, so much so that he is sometimes called “the Father of Roman Catholicism.” His contributions to Catholic doctrine include the necessity of infant baptism, the perpetual virginity of Mary, and the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist. He was never officially canonized but was accepted as a saint early on by consensus. He is considered the patron saint of brewers, printers, theologians, and those with sore eyes. Catholics observe August 28 as his feast day.
And you ignored his point.
And you ignored his point.
facts is Augustianism has more points in common with roman Catholicism

His contributions to Catholic doctrine include the necessity of infant baptism, the perpetual virginity of Mary, and the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist. Add to that baptismal regeneration and original guilt

and Calvinism in common with Gnosticism

Further the fact is the church held to free will for 400 year before Augustine brought in determinism from his gnostic background
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It was a result of a belief in the need to baptize infants that Augustine developed his Calvinistic doctrines.
I’m working on a new project connecting PSA with Nestorian heresy . There are many things in common I believe and set out to prove.
I’m working on a new project connecting PSA with Nestorian heresy . There are many things in common I believe and set out to prove.


Nestorius disliked the Chalcedon statement describing Mary as “mother of God.” Although the statement also affirmed “as to his humanity,” Nestorius resisted this statement that led to the worship of Mary. Instead of acknowledging two natures in one Person concerning Christ, Nestorius “denied the real union between the divine and the human natures in Christ … (and) virtually held to two natures and two persons.” Nestorius taught that while Christ suffered in His humanity, His deity was uninvolved (which was also the view of John of Damascus). The teaching was a denial of a real incarnation; instead of affirming Christ as God-man, He was viewed as two persons, God and man, with no union between them. Nestorius believed that because Mary was only the source of Jesus’ humanity, He must be two distinct persons.
Nestorius sought to defend Christ’s deity against Arianism and to resist Mariolatry. But he ultimately denied the unity of Christ. He was condemned at the Council of Ephesus in A.D. 431.
facts is Augustianism has more points in common with roman Catholicism

His contributions to Catholic doctrine include the necessity of infant baptism, the perpetual virginity of Mary, and the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist. Add to that baptismal regeneration and original guilt

and Calvinism in common with Gnosticism

Further the fact is the church held to free will for 400 year before Augustine brought in determinism from his gnostic background
And your theology is semi Pelagian at best. And that's being kind.

As I said, your theology is much close the Roman Catholicism than Reformed theology. Your both synergistic for starters.
Calvinists believe that all flesh is evil, and that only an elect few can be saved. It makes their form of Christianity come closest to Gnosticism, particularly in the doctrines of Total Hereditary Depravity, Limited Atonement and Efficacious Grace.
And your theology is semi Pelagian at best. And that's being kind.

As I said, your theology is much close the Roman Catholicism than Reformed theology. Your both synergistic for starters.
synergism was the default position in the early church until Augustine came on the scene. :)
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