Intimacy with Christ in Calvinism


Well-known member
When conversing with Calvinists, I usually try to get them to become "self aware". I believe there is a common trait to be found in those that actively search to learn Calvinism. Calvinism appeals to certain aspects of our human existence. I'm not going to get into to all the details of this at the moment. I would like to ask every Calvinist here a sincerely meaningful question.

How do you define "intimacy" in a relationship with God?

I know what I believe. I've lived it. Not to the degree that I should. I'm a failure in many ways but I know what it mean. It find an intimate relationship with God. I know from experience and I know it from the Scriptures. It is one of the reasons I have long argued there is no such thing as a practical application of Sola Scriptura to be found among men. At best, it will always be Scriptura Suprema. There is a reason for this.
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