Heresy In High Places

There are numerous striking similarities between President Trump and King David.
Both had assassination attempts made on their lives. Both had severe moral failures. Both of them were wealthy. Both of them presided over the greatest age of prosperity for their perspective nations.
Both of them had predecessors that were weak and disobedient to Adonai's commands and principals. Both of them were good to the Jewish ✡️ people.
Well, a lot will not want me to say this, but I was on the train back in 2016 and I still am.

But I fear those who work their way into his good graces , for I fear all of his political life of only 9 years he has been far too trusting.

Those videos of hers she should not be anyway in charge of anything in the Fed Govt. He said he believed God saved his life and I do believe that to be so... but she is trouble.

Yes... @TOTHALORDBEALLGLORY ... I am well aware of his Jesuit Education as well as how many of Scotus have been also. And of the number of RCC members in congress.

We are in for the ride of our lives, and maybe it will be our last one. The hour is late.


Well, a lot will not want me to say this, but I was on the train back in 2016 and I still am.

But I fear those who work their way into his good graces , for I fear all of his political life of only 9 years he has been far too trusting.

Those videos of hers she should not be anyway in charge of anything in the Fed Govt. He said he believed God saved his life and I do believe that to be so... but she is trouble.

Yes... @TOTHALORDBEALLGLORY ... I am well aware of his Jesuit Education as well as how many of Scotus have been also. And of the number of RCC members in congress.

We are in for the ride of our lives, and maybe it will be our last one. The hour is late.


Well, a lot will not want me to say this, but I was on the train back in 2016 and I still am.

But I fear those who work their way into his good graces , for I fear all of his political life of only 9 years he has been far too trusting.

Those videos of hers she should not be anyway in charge of anything in the Fed Govt. He said he believed God saved his life and I do believe that to be so... but she is trouble.

Yes... @TOTHALORDBEALLGLORY ... I am well aware of his Jesuit Education as well as how many of Scotus have been also. And of the number of RCC members in congress.

We are in for the ride of our lives, and maybe it will be our last one. The hour is late.


I voted for Donald Trump in both of his elections. I am a free market capitalist.
I also look at the 40,000 ft view and knew our nation was off the rails and heading to a crash and burn moment. No nation can thumb their nose at Adonai and not feel his wrath.
It was his training as a Jesuit. They really have an agenda.

But Frankie just brought to light a lot of what has been a problem with the RCC.

He should be thrilled if his time is coming to an end. He should be looking for his reward. Unless he has moments of doubt on his teachings now?

His people should be glad for him. I mean is that not all of our goals once out of this wretched world?

Now, I am not suggesting anything about his eternity. I have read so much of what he declared in his Encyclicals. And I shall keep my thoughts on those to myself.

But it is true that the troubles in the church started long before him. That is the shame of things
Yes. He's a communist through and through.
The problems with the CC started in about 325AD when it got involved with governments...the Roman Empire at the time.
It was just fine before that and we have the CC to thank for keeping all the heresies out of Christianity.

I went to a Catholic Bible Study last evening and the Deacon told us to pray for the Pope.
I asked him what we were praying for....
He said to just pray.
Like I said,,,,he's 88 and it's time for him to go where he belongs.

I'll just say this:
When he became Pope he took a pledge,,maybe an oath since it was with God...
to never change any doctrine of the church.

He's changed quite a few doctrine and some cannot wait for him to be gone.
However, he's assigned so many new Bishops and Cardinals that I fear another one like him will follow.

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Yes. He's a communist through and through.
The problems with the CC started in about 325AD when it got involved with governments...the Roman Empire at the time.
It was just fine before that and we have the CC to thank for keeping all the heresies out of Christianity.

I went to a Catholic Bible Study last evening and the Deacon told us to pray for the Pope.
I asked him what we were praying for....
He said to just pray.
Like I said,,,,he's 88 and it's time for him to go where he belongs.

I'll just say this:
When he became Pope he took a pledge,,maybe an oath since it was with God...
to never change any doctrine of the church.

He's changed quite a few doctrine and some cannot wait for him to be gone.
However, he's assigned so many new Bishops and Cardinals that I fear another one like him will follow.
I didn't know Catholics had Bible study. My brother goes to a more progressive CC where they have Bible study and are taught how to witness and evangelize.
There are numerous striking similarities between President Trump and King David.
Both had assassination attempts made on their lives. Both had severe moral failures. Both of them were wealthy. Both of them presided over the greatest age of prosperity for their perspective nations.
Both of them had predecessors that were weak and disobedient to Adonai's commands and principals. Both of them were good to the Jewish ✡️ people.
King David .
You made mention of King David .
His heart was after God .
If King David were allowed to reign today as a man
Christendom would be shocked to its core at how strikeling different King David would have truly been .
Sure King David erred a few major times , but in no way was he about COMPROMISING the words of GOD .
You can rest assured king david would not have sat at the table of intefaith trying to find common ground .
He would have run it outta of Jersualem with a strong reminder THERE BE ONLY ONE TRUE GOD
and all them other versions of what the other peoples think is God , AINT GOD .
King david danced to a whole nother tune my friends .
And HE who came according to the FLESH of the lineage of David , THOUGH HE WAS BEFORE EVEN DAVID was
Would have entered the temple of this HARLOT who preached and who has led this lie into and upon Christendom , with whips
and overturning tables . Just a friendly reminder to us all .
In fact the image of what many within christendom believe to be is JESUS
and HIS LOVE . That again is just a general reminder , no accusastions , just a dire reminder that
it is truly time for us all to make an exodus outta mainstream flow and an entrodus into our bible for our own selves .
While there still be time left for one to do so . The delusion has come
and it has come in its own name , in the name of another god who has long desired the worship of humanity
as well as ITS DEATH . Do be encouraged my friend .
King David .
You made mention of King David .
His heart was after God .
If King David were allowed to reign today as a man
Christendom would be shocked to its core at how strikeling different King David would have truly been .
Sure King David erred a few major times , but in no way was he about COMPROMISING the words of GOD .
You can rest assured king david would not have sat at the table of intefaith trying to find common ground .
He would have run it outta of Jersualem with a strong reminder THERE BE ONLY ONE TRUE GOD
and all them other versions of what the other peoples think is God , AINT GOD .
King david danced to a whole nother tune my friends .
And HE who came according to the FLESH of the lineage of David , THOUGH HE WAS BEFORE EVEN DAVID was
Would have entered the temple of this HARLOT who preached and who has led this lie into and upon Christendom , with whips
and overturning tables . Just a friendly reminder to us all .
In fact the image of what many within christendom believe to be is JESUS
and HIS LOVE . That again is just a general reminder , no accusastions , just a dire reminder that
it is truly time for us all to make an exodus outta mainstream flow and an entrodus into our bible for our own selves .
While there still be time left for one to do so . The delusion has come
and it has come in its own name , in the name of another god who has long desired the worship of humanity
as well as ITS DEATH . Do be encouraged my friend .
One of King David's error was murder to cover up an adulterous affair.
I didn't know Catholics had Bible study. My brother goes to a more progressive CC where they have Bible study and are taught how to witness and evangelize.
Did you know that for years the realm of Christendom has been being taught how to witness and to evangelize
and yet its all been a progressive liberal version .
And it sure has silenced something . THE ACTUAL PREACHING of the GOSPEL to the lost
and rather led to the idea of lets just find come common ground .
OH yes a very false version of how to witness , how to evangelize sure has been being taught .
And you can bet it will have some striking similiarities and yet , ITS simple led and is leading them
to another jesus , another god . You ever heard the phrase we just gotta love them to God
and that words can divide , that to say certain truths will offend .
IT has now silenced the actual preaching of the DIRE need to repent and believe ON JESUS the CHRIST .
and for more info on this so called loving them to GOD .
Allow me to remind us
about their own version of what interfaith interreligious dialgoue says and shows is loving them To GOD .
Not only did key leaders NOT preach to the lost religons of the dire need TO BELEIVE JESUS IS CHRIST
Oh no , cause that would offend .
They said this to all the so called false religoins that are so called loving to THEIR IMAGE of what they THINIK IS GOD and is LOVE .
WE all coming to GOD , no religoin is better than any other . Muslims hindus , buddists
are all coming to GOD . SOUNDS LIKE ANTI CHRIST to me . CAUSE Only satan
would ever LIE like that . SO much for YE gotta love em to GOD . THEY DUPED US all along .
One of King David's error was murder to cover up an adulterous affair.
Oh i know . He sure repented of that didnt he .
Notice HE never purposefully tried to lead the people into
error . And i sure didnt see them
going into the temples of baal and of other gods and groves
YE SHALL MAKE NO COVENANT with the peoples of the land or their gods .
INTERFAITH HAS DONE THAT . and not only will it not PREACH or teach them false religoins
TO repent to beleive JESUS THE CHRIST ,
IT Lies to christendom and to the false religoins , implying there is no need for them to repent
THEY ALL FOLLOWING the same GOD we do differently .
One of King David's error was murder to cover up an adulterous affair.
marvel not that the chameleon can blend in to appear to be the same color as any leaf , bark or etc .
And while the chameleon sure can appear so harmless , Ask the critters that get suddenly HIT by its tongue
how loving THEY THINK it is as they are quickly swallowed down into the pit of their death .
Now why o why would i bring this up .
Cause did you know that even the minsitirs of satan , according to paul , can appear to be AS MEN of rightesousenss
and yet .....................BINGO they aint they simply decieve . OH they sure can have striking similiarties
and yet WOW they so different indeed .
WE are being decieved my friend .
Had the dangerous harris been allowed to sit the throne
SHE IN NO way could have decieved the evangelical realm . I mean if she says something , THEY WONT HEED IT .
But what if one cometh in who is cloaked as though HE is of that evangelical conservative realm
and behaves as though HE is for their cause , the cause of even GOD
and yet is doing the one thing that the progressive jesuit inclusive leaders
could not do to the one side that opposed them .
What if i told you that often times even men within christendom itself
can stand up in a pulpit , lead a people , have similiarities of righteous men , and yet BE SO FALSE
OH they can and they do .
WHAT was the number one thing JESUS warned about
later paul and others also would warn about .
DECEPTOIN . and WHO was the number one type person they warned about as being a deciever
THOSE IN WOOL . We better all watch out .
my friends if one wants to decieve a pen of sheep into convincing the sheep to open the door
to allow it in , believe you me it dont appear as a wolf , OH it appears as a wool covered sheep , as though it be a sheep .
And as it whispers to them it convinces the sheep , GO on and open the door and let me in and let us all graze together .
YOU dont decieve from OUTSIDE , YA DECIEVE from within . YA come CLAOKED .
I didn't know Catholics had Bible study. My brother goes to a more progressive CC where they have Bible study and are taught how to witness and evangelize.
Not every CC h as bible study.
It also depends on the priest.
In this case the teacher is a Deacon, which means that the Bishop for our area told him to do this.
OR he suggested it and the Deacon said OK.
I'm just happy someone is doing something.

Personally, I think it's too late for the CC to change anything....
plus they're becoming a bit like we Protestants....different ideas are emerging...
(and I don't mean the laity).

This Deacon is doing the gospel of Luke.
Not every CC h as bible study.
It also depends on the priest.
In this case the teacher is a Deacon, which means that the Bishop for our area told him to do this.
OR he suggested it and the Deacon said OK.
I'm just happy someone is doing something.

Personally, I think it's too late for the CC to change anything....
plus they're becoming a bit like we Protestants....different ideas are emerging...
(and I don't mean the laity).

This Deacon is doing the gospel of Luke.
You have to remember that religion is a 400 billion dollar a year business. If church attendance is down the revenues are probably down as well. So churches are like other businesses they will try to lure people back with whatever they can, upto and including things they have never tried before like imitating Protestants.
One of King David's error was murder to cover up an adulterous affair.
For which he was sent the prophet that warned king david
In other words
why are these so called HOLY SPIRIT leaders within churches
not only not correcting and not warning against sin , heck they telling the church its judging to even warn and correct brethren in sin .
WEBINS DUPED . or in english , WE HAVE BEEN DUPED bud .
for more info on the pattern we need to follow . I SUGGEST FOLKS OPEN SOME BIBLE and learn how
the apostels saw sin within the church . HOW they even warned churches about NOT overlooking sin .
HOW They warned what would come upon those in sin who had not yet repentened of said sins .
IN other words , BIBLE TIME cause men been fleecing us for decades now with a false seeker friendly
led judge not correct not .
BE SURE and test my approach concering sins within the church ,
against what the real apostels said and not rather what men say .
Now i must be honest . Its gonna shock and amaze you my friend .
And the more and more you just read those lovely letters meant to help keep THE CHURCH safe
Heck in time you might even come and say to me , DUDE YOU AINT BEEN NEAR GRAVE ENOUGH
ONE can pray and one can hope RIGHT . WE HAVE BEEN DECIEVED
You have to remember that religion is a 400 billion dollar a year business. If church attendance is down the revenues are probably down as well. So churches are like other businesses they will try to lure people back with whatever they can, upto and including things they have never tried before like imitating Protestants.
ON this you have rightly spoken .
And yet even men that can write such a lovely truth
cannot see that was WHY the church leaders so quickly sold out TO SEEKER FRIENDLY
that did not correct that did not expose sins . HEY we gotta keep the seats filled and bring more in to keep the money growing .
SEEKER FREINDLY was not about the welfare of souls FRIEND .
IT was a means to GROW THE MONEY , OOOPS i mean in their words THE PEOPLES coming in WHO GIVE THAT MONEY .
WHY you think the road has become so sin overlooking and even accepting .
WE HAVE BEEN DUPED . Not this sheep . NOT ANYMORE thanks to GOD .
You see its about THE SOULS , not about the money FOR THIS SHEEP . SO ITS GONNA WARN
ITS GONNA CORRECT and i highly suggest we all start doing THE SAME .
She bought a place in trumps housing long ago my friend .
Trump never fooled me . while no man could have had me to vote for the progressive liberal
I myself , by grace was NOT fooled by trump .
I watched his own lips praise his spiritual deceased father , NORMAN vincent peal . I KNEW THEN
we was in trouble .
Now speaking of jesuit . ITs free for all to examine
for themselves , what school trump went too . Jesuit my friend .
IS it then no marvel that he do the interfaith bidding of The vatican
My advice is to FLEE politics and never look back .
ITs time in these last hours for the sheep to simply TRUST IN GOD
OPEN BIBLES and learn for themselves . FOR MANY WILL PERISH
MANY :WILL be judged on the day of the LORD .
And it wont be calivin , luther , sda , a pope , WE STANDING BEFORE .
sound biblical doctrine .

Fred and Donald Trump’s Jewish connection –

Fred and Donald Trump's Jewish connection

Over the past few days, a story has spread in Jewish American circles about the roots of the Trump family's ties to New York city's religious Jews. According to the story, Rabbi Israel Wagner, a Holocaust survivor, began organizing prayer minyans (quora) in the underground parking garage in the apartment building he lived in Brooklyn, which was built in 1950 and mostly housed fellow survivors. As the years passed, these minyans expanded "exponentially."

"Having only heard about their landlord, Mr. Fred Trump, by name, Rabbi Wagner set out to meet him in the hopes that Mr. Trump would assist them in establishing a new facility as a Jewish community center," said the message being disseminated on Jewish WhatsApp groups in the US, parts of which were originally posted on the Beach Haven Jewish Center's website.

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"From the first meeting, a deep friendship sparked between Mr. Trump, a Lutheran land developer, and Rabbi Wagner, a Polish Jew. Their mutual love, respect, and friendship only deepened over the next 48 years. Mr. Fred Trump donated the plot of land where the synagogue was built and contributed towards the construction. He then attended the dinner every year and generously donated to the Beach Haven Jewish Center. He affectionately referred to Rabbi Wagner as 'My Rabbi' at their yearly meetings," the website said.

The message goes on: "The apartment owner continued giving financial assistance to the synagogue over the years. He was a Christian person who instilled his respect for Jews in his 14-year-old son, a wild and adventurous boy. Today, the rabbi's son clearly remembers seeing the boy at the laundromat, while he and his friends were praying the shacharit (morning prayer). The building owner taught his son the importance of responsibility. His name was Fred Trump and the boy's name was Donald Trump. As we all know, the son learned from his father how to be a faithful supporter of Israel and a generous friend of the Jews."
Precious friends, I was once RCC, have a brother who still is, stating for him, personally, it is about relationship with Jesus Christ (sounds 'good'), but I keep wondering how he can stay, considering:

Due to (heresy?) NO "salvation outside the RC church"...

... I can never return to the Confusing religion there, or protestingism either, because 1) my salvation Is:

Inside Of The LORD Jesus Christ! And, because of Much Confusion about 2):​

"God Is not the author of confusion..." (1 Corinthians 14:33 AV)​

Amen... and 3)?...
I voted for Donald Trump in both of his elections. I am a free market capitalist.
I also look at the 40,000 ft view and knew our nation was off the rails and heading to a crash and burn moment. No nation can thumb their nose at Adonai and not feel his wrath.
When congregants enter the Beach Haven Jewish Center in Gravesend, Brooklyn, they pass a small plaque hanging just outside the main sanctuary.

“Fred Trump. Humanitarian,” declare the gold embossed, all-caps letters. “Let this plaque be a token of our sincerest appreciation, never to be forgotten, always to be a shining light to all men who have faith.”

The plaque, inscribed Dec. 15, 1956, is the most visible reminder of an unlikely and mostly unknown friendship between the Lutheran real estate developer — and father of President Trump — and this enclave of Orthodox Jews in Brooklyn.

“I would say that the Beach Haven Jewish Center would not be what it is today, if not for Mr. Fred Trump,” Rabbi Shimmy Silver told The Post. “We are grateful for his kindness and forever indebted to him for what he has done for our community.

In 1955, he set out to meet the landlord.
Wagner, a native of Poland, wasn’t sure what to expect when he met Fred Trump. They had never spoken and the rabbi only knew the real estate magnate by his tough reputation.

The two hit it off immediately. Trump donated the land on Brooklyn’s Avenue Z, to Wagner’s congregation. A deed of sale from October 1955 shows the land officially transferring from Fred to the new Jewish center for $10. The elder Trump also financed much of the construction costs, as the new house of worship was born a year later.
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