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Let' me address this matter of "if I feel it is for me" because I can tell you right now you are not going to like the book. That book is a blunt confrontation of the lies modern futurists have been telling for two centuries and the author is very direct. You, me, Christians, are not supposed to be living our lives based on feelings, either. The reason I recommend the book is because of the author's directness and the plethora of factual information provided about the false teachers of modern futurism. I do not expect any modern futurist to like it. I do hope those seeking the truth have not been so corrupted by modern futurism that they are seared from seeing the truth when exposed to it. I recommend the book because it will take the personal contest between your posts and mine out of the equation. You can throw the book away after reading it but you will not be able to argue with the author as you do with me.What is the book called and who is the author to save you some expense I will buy it on Amazon, if I feel it is for me.
I used to be a modern futurist, @FutureAndAHope.
I remember what it was like to suddenly realize everything I'd been taught about end times was wrong. It's not a good feeling. I'm sure you've had other previous occasions where you realized that something you previously believed turned out not to be correct. If those experiences have happened then you and I both know you can and will survive this occasion, too. God is faithful, even to those who misunderstand. Most of the epistolary is about correcting Christians.
Faithful are the wounds of a friend.
I don't go looking for your posts and I am not following you around from forum to forum, seeking you out, singling you out just so I can be confrontational or mean. I am telling you as a friend, a brother in Christ, someone who, like you, seeks to be obedient to our Lord and Savior, that there is something wrong with your ops.
The book, "Last Days Madness" by Gary Demar is a very direct treatment of those in our era who speculate about end times. It is because I know you may not like the book that I am willing to pay for it on the condition you will read it from cover to cover. You do not have to tell me anything personal other than your name and zip code. I can send the book general delivery to the post office near you, and you can pick it up there. That information can be PMed to me so it's not public, and I will delete it once received. You won't be the first person with whom I have done this, and I doubt you'll be the last. Otherwise, by the book and read it. Try not to let your opposing viewpoint get in the way of understanding the facts he has written about. I'm not asking you to switch over to Demar's eschatology. Just give consideration to what's written about the false teachings of modern futurists and the practices they use to keep their followers.