God's Nature is Truth


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God's eternal nature is truth and sin is what is against His eternal nature. God's law divides between what is in accordance with or contrary to God's nature, which is why God's law is truth (Psalms 119:142) and why it is by God's law that we have knowledge of sin (Romans 3:20). The Son is the exact image of God's nature (Hebrews 1:3), so he is the embodiment of the truth (John 14:6) and he came into the world to testify about the truth (John 18:37), which he did by teaching how to experience God's nature in obedience to His law by word and by example (Matthew 4:15-23, 1 Peter 2:21-22). The Spirit has the role of leading us in truth (John 16:13) because the fruits of the Spirit are aspects of God's nature, which is why the Spirit has the role of leading us to obey God's law (Ezekiel 36:26-27) and the role of convicting us of sin (John 16:8), which is the transgression of God's law (1 John 3:4). Our salvation is from the experience of sin (Matthew 1:21), which is God our Savior desires all people to be saved and experience truth (1 Timothy 2:3-4), which is the gift of experiencing God's nature through obeying His law. The extent to which people are in opposition to obeying God's law is the extent to which they have minds set on the flesh and are enemies of God in opposition to walking in the Spirit of truth (Romans 8:4-7).
May I offer the truth that
GOD’s plan, purpose of love and marriage denies our inherited sinfulness without our free will choice to sin.

I have come to realize that the fact that the full story of GOD's interaction with man on this earth ends with a heavenly marriage implies that the heavenly marriage was HIS purpose for our creation. It is in the heavenly marriage that HIS GLORY shines forth the strongest and most perfect in relationship with us, NOT in justice nor redemption which are merely aids to bring the marriage to fruition after to our moral stumbles.

HIS plan for all creation was the heavenly marriage.
HIS plan for each of us is the heavenly marriage.
Everything HE has ever done or will ever do conformed to this purpose, this plan, and He has never done anything that would slow this plan down or put it off or side track it in the least!

It implies that ALL of HIS being, all of HIS Sovereignty, all of HIS love, HIS righteousness and HIS nature as just have one perfect focus, to culminate HIS relationship with HIS creation in the heavenly marriage: one plan, one focus.

Our free will is an absolute necessity.
Aside from the fact that GOD cannot create any evil so all sinfulness proves the free will of the sinner, it is also a fact that true love and true marriage can be arrived at only by the free will acceptance of the lover and acceptance of the proposal of marriage by the Bride. GOD is not a Borg willing to have a Stepford wife...

This implies that GOD would never not save anyone who could be saved to become HIS Bride, not for any reason. No one is in hell who can be saved by any IF in reality... This also implies that only those who chose to eternally reject HIM as GOD and husband by a deep desire not to be involved in HIS plan would ever be passed over for entry into the marriage because they have a right to their free will decisions to choose such a path.

It implies that everyone ever created in HIS image, ie, able to be a proper Bride for HIM, was created perfectly capable and able to become HIS bride, not held back by any imperfection or lack of acceptance by HIM.
Isaiah 43:7, 21
7 "whom I created for my glory"
21 the people I formed for myself that they may proclaim my praise.

Ecc 7:29 Only this have I found: I have discovered that God made man upright, but they have sought out many schemes.
Upright: S3477, yashar, straightforward, just, upright:... GOD created no one disgustingly corrupt, enslaved to sin and unable to be HIS Bride.

By their coming into being everyone must have been within HIS plan, not separated from HIM by anything until they decide by their informed free will to reject HIM and HIS plan. HE cannot marry an evil person so why would HE create evil people by any means, by any system at all such as inheriting evil from our creation? It is impossible.
May I offer the truth that
GOD’s plan, purpose of love and marriage denies our inherited sinfulness without our free will choice to sin.

I have come to realize that the fact that the full story of GOD's interaction with man on this earth ends with a heavenly marriage implies that the heavenly marriage was HIS purpose for our creation. It is in the heavenly marriage that HIS GLORY shines forth the strongest and most perfect in relationship with us, NOT in justice nor redemption which are merely aids to bring the marriage to fruition after to our moral stumbles.

HIS plan for all creation was the heavenly marriage.
HIS plan for each of us is the heavenly marriage.
Everything HE has ever done or will ever do conformed to this purpose, this plan, and He has never done anything that would slow this plan down or put it off or side track it in the least!

It implies that ALL of HIS being, all of HIS Sovereignty, all of HIS love, HIS righteousness and HIS nature as just have one perfect focus, to culminate HIS relationship with HIS creation in the heavenly marriage: one plan, one focus.

Our free will is an absolute necessity.
Aside from the fact that GOD cannot create any evil so all sinfulness proves the free will of the sinner, it is also a fact that true love and true marriage can be arrived at only by the free will acceptance of the lover and acceptance of the proposal of marriage by the Bride. GOD is not a Borg willing to have a Stepford wife...

This implies that GOD would never not save anyone who could be saved to become HIS Bride, not for any reason. No one is in hell who can be saved by any IF in reality... This also implies that only those who chose to eternally reject HIM as GOD and husband by a deep desire not to be involved in HIS plan would ever be passed over for entry into the marriage because they have a right to their free will decisions to choose such a path.

It implies that everyone ever created in HIS image, ie, able to be a proper Bride for HIM, was created perfectly capable and able to become HIS bride, not held back by any imperfection or lack of acceptance by HIM.
Isaiah 43:7, 21
7 "whom I created for my glory"
21 the people I formed for myself that they may proclaim my praise.

Ecc 7:29 Only this have I found: I have discovered that God made man upright, but they have sought out many schemes.
Upright: S3477, yashar, straightforward, just, upright:... GOD created no one disgustingly corrupt, enslaved to sin and unable to be HIS Bride.

By their coming into being everyone must have been within HIS plan, not separated from HIM by anything until they decide by their informed free will to reject HIM and HIS plan. HE cannot marry an evil person so why would HE create evil people by any means, by any system at all such as inheriting evil from our creation? It is impossible.
I agree that it is about a relationship with God and the purpose of God being gracious to us by teaching us truth is to teach us how to experience having a relationship with Him. The Hebrew word "yada" refers to intimate or relational knowledge gained through experience, such as in Genesis 4:1, Adam knew (yada) Eve, she conceived, and gave birth to Cain. In Exodus 33:13, Moses wanted God to be gracious to him by teaching him to walk in His way that he might know (yada) Him and Israel too. God's way is the way in which He expresses aspects of His nature, such as righteousness and justice (Genesis 18:19) and God made His way known to Moses through His law (1 Kings 2:1-3). The Mosaic Covenant is often described in terms of being a marriage between God and Israel, so the Mosaic Law was given as a gift to teach how to experience having an intimate marriage relationship with Him through experiencing the truth of His nature.
“I am the way and the truth and the life” is one of the seven “I Am” statements of Jesus.

The truth – Again Jesus used the definite article to emphasize Himself as “the only truth.” Psalm 119:142 says, “Your law is the truth.” In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus reminded His listeners of several points of the Law, then said, “But I say unto you . . .” (Matthew 5:22, 28, 32, 34, 39, 44), thereby equating Himself with the Law of God as the authoritative standard of righteousness. In fact, Jesus said that He came to fulfill the Law and the prophets (Matthew 5:17). Jesus, as the incarnate Word of God (John 1:1) is the source of all truth. Got?
May I offer the truth that
GOD’s plan, purpose of love and marriage denies our inherited sinfulness without our free will choice to sin.

I have come to realize that the fact that the full story of GOD's interaction with man on this earth ends with a heavenly marriage implies that the heavenly marriage was HIS purpose for our creation. It is in the heavenly marriage that HIS GLORY shines forth the strongest and most perfect in relationship with us, NOT in justice nor redemption which are merely aids to bring the marriage to fruition after to our moral stumbles.

HIS plan for all creation was the heavenly marriage.
HIS plan for each of us is the heavenly marriage.
Everything HE has ever done or will ever do conformed to this purpose, this plan, and He has never done anything that would slow this plan down or put it off or side track it in the least!

It implies that ALL of HIS being, all of HIS Sovereignty, all of HIS love, HIS righteousness and HIS nature as just have one perfect focus, to culminate HIS relationship with HIS creation in the heavenly marriage: one plan, one focus.

Our free will is an absolute necessity.
Aside from the fact that GOD cannot create any evil so all sinfulness proves the free will of the sinner, it is also a fact that true love and true marriage can be arrived at only by the free will acceptance of the lover and acceptance of the proposal of marriage by the Bride. GOD is not a Borg willing to have a Stepford wife...

This implies that GOD would never not save anyone who could be saved to become HIS Bride, not for any reason. No one is in hell who can be saved by any IF in reality... This also implies that only those who chose to eternally reject HIM as GOD and husband by a deep desire not to be involved in HIS plan would ever be passed over for entry into the marriage because they have a right to their free will decisions to choose such a path.

It implies that everyone ever created in HIS image, ie, able to be a proper Bride for HIM, was created perfectly capable and able to become HIS bride, not held back by any imperfection or lack of acceptance by HIM.
Isaiah 43:7, 21
7 "whom I created for my glory"
21 the people I formed for myself that they may proclaim my praise.

Ecc 7:29 Only this have I found: I have discovered that God made man upright, but they have sought out many schemes.
Upright: S3477, yashar, straightforward, just, upright:... GOD created no one disgustingly corrupt, enslaved to sin and unable to be HIS Bride.

By their coming into being everyone must have been within HIS plan, not separated from HIM by anything until they decide by their informed free will to reject HIM and HIS plan. HE cannot marry an evil person so why would HE create evil people by any means, by any system at all such as inheriting evil from our creation? It is impossible.
Thanks Ted this was a very insightful post
“I am the way and the truth and the life” is one of the seven “I Am” statements of Jesus.

The truth – Again Jesus used the definite article to emphasize Himself as “the only truth.” Psalm 119:142 says, “Your law is the truth.” In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus reminded His listeners of several points of the Law, then said, “But I say unto you . . .” (Matthew 5:22, 28, 32, 34, 39, 44), thereby equating Himself with the Law of God as the authoritative standard of righteousness. In fact, Jesus said that He came to fulfill the Law and the prophets (Matthew 5:17). Jesus, as the incarnate Word of God (John 1:1) is the source of all truth. Got?
When Jesus directly quoted from what was written in Matthew 4, he preceded it by saying "it is written...", but when he was quoting from what the people had heard being said in Matthew 5, he preceded it by saying "you have heard that it was said...", so his emphasis on the different form of communication is important. Jesus was not sinning in violation of Deuteronomy 4:2 by making changes to what was written, but rather he was fulfilling the law by teaching how to correctly obey it. Jesus is the truth because he is the embodiment of the truth expressed through living in sinless obedience to God's law.
When Jesus directly quoted from what was written in Matthew 4, he preceded it by saying "it is written...", but when he was quoting from what the people had heard being said in Matthew 5, he preceded it by saying "you have heard that it was said...", so his emphasis on the different form of communication is important. Jesus was not sinning in violation of Deuteronomy 4:2 by making changes to what was written, but rather he was fulfilling the law by teaching how to correctly obey it. Jesus is the truth because he is the embodiment of the truth expressed through living in sinless obedience to God's law.
Keen inside, thanks for sharing.
May I offer the truth that
GOD’s plan, purpose of love and marriage denies our inherited sinfulness without our free will choice to sin.

I have come to realize that the fact that the full story of GOD's interaction with man on this earth ends with a heavenly marriage implies that the heavenly marriage was HIS purpose for our creation. It is in the heavenly marriage that HIS GLORY shines forth the strongest and most perfect in relationship with us, NOT in justice nor redemption which are merely aids to bring the marriage to fruition after to our moral stumbles.

HIS plan for all creation was the heavenly marriage.
HIS plan for each of us is the heavenly marriage.
Everything HE has ever done or will ever do conformed to this purpose, this plan, and He has never done anything that would slow this plan down or put it off or side track it in the least!

It implies that ALL of HIS being, all of HIS Sovereignty, all of HIS love, HIS righteousness and HIS nature as just have one perfect focus, to culminate HIS relationship with HIS creation in the heavenly marriage: one plan, one focus.

Our free will is an absolute necessity.
Aside from the fact that GOD cannot create any evil so all sinfulness proves the free will of the sinner, it is also a fact that true love and true marriage can be arrived at only by the free will acceptance of the lover and acceptance of the proposal of marriage by the Bride. GOD is not a Borg willing to have a Stepford wife...

This implies that GOD would never not save anyone who could be saved to become HIS Bride, not for any reason. No one is in hell who can be saved by any IF in reality... This also implies that only those who chose to eternally reject HIM as GOD and husband by a deep desire not to be involved in HIS plan would ever be passed over for entry into the marriage because they have a right to their free will decisions to choose such a path.

It implies that everyone ever created in HIS image, ie, able to be a proper Bride for HIM, was created perfectly capable and able to become HIS bride, not held back by any imperfection or lack of acceptance by HIM.
Isaiah 43:7, 21
7 "whom I created for my glory"
21 the people I formed for myself that they may proclaim my praise.

Ecc 7:29 Only this have I found: I have discovered that God made man upright, but they have sought out many schemes.
Upright: S3477, yashar, straightforward, just, upright:... GOD created no one disgustingly corrupt, enslaved to sin and unable to be HIS Bride.

By their coming into being everyone must have been within HIS plan, not separated from HIM by anything until they decide by their informed free will to reject HIM and HIS plan. HE cannot marry an evil person so why would HE create evil people by any means, by any system at all such as inheriting evil from our creation? It is impossible.
Sounds good to me
God's eternal nature is truth and sin is what is against His eternal nature. God's law divides between what is in accordance with or contrary to God's nature, which is why God's law is truth (Psalms 119:142) and why it is by God's law that we have knowledge of sin (Romans 3:20). The Son is the exact image of God's nature (Hebrews 1:3), so he is the embodiment of the truth (John 14:6) and he came into the world to testify about the truth (John 18:37), which he did by teaching how to experience God's nature in obedience to His law by word and by example (Matthew 4:15-23, 1 Peter 2:21-22). The Spirit has the role of leading us in truth (John 16:13) because the fruits of the Spirit are aspects of God's nature, which is why the Spirit has the role of leading us to obey God's law (Ezekiel 36:26-27) and the role of convicting us of sin (John 16:8), which is the transgression of God's law (1 John 3:4). Our salvation is from the experience of sin (Matthew 1:21), which is God our Savior desires all people to be saved and experience truth (1 Timothy 2:3-4), which is the gift of experiencing God's nature through obeying His law. The extent to which people are in opposition to obeying God's law is the extent to which they have minds set on the flesh and are enemies of God in opposition to walking in the Spirit of truth (Romans 8:4-7).
Reading God's Word declared the way it is in your post is so uplifting. God's word is so true and is such good instruction for living our lives the correct way... the way He intended us to. Exactly what Jesus said "I am the way the truth and the life" He's The Word. And I believe His word draws Us close to the Father.
Reading God's Word declared the way it is in your post is so uplifting. God's word is so true and is such good instruction for living our lives the correct way... the way He intended us to. Exactly what Jesus said "I am the way the truth and the life" He's The Word. And I believe His word draws Us close to the Father.
Uplifting is always good.:)
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